gold(I)-catalyzed heterocyclization/cycloaddition cascades of yne-enones and their variants were achieved by the application of bisphosphines (e.g., Cn-TunePhos), monophosphines, and our developed "Ming-Phos" as chiral ligands. Importantly, Ming-Phos ligands exhibited excellent performance in gold-catalyzed mechanistically distinct [3 + n]-cycloaddition reactions, in which the chiral sulfinamide moiety is possibly responsible for the interaction with the substrate to control enantioselectivity. Subsequently, we demonstrated that the easily prepared polymer-supported Ming-Phos ligand could be applied for heterogeneously gold(I)-catalyzed asymmetric cycloaddition with good stereocontrol. With metal-free catalysis, the divergent functionalization of yne-enones provides numerous synthetic outlets for structure diversification. For example, yne-enones are particularly attractive for use as precursors of various chiral and achiral heterocycles, such as pyrazoles, isoxazoles, pyrroles, and pyrans, etc. Implantasjon av hjertestarter (implantable cardioverter defibrillator, ICD) er etablert behandling hos pasienter med høy risiko for plutselig hjertedød. Studiens formål var å kartlegge pasientkarakteristika, indikasjoner, hyppigheten av ICD-støt, komplikasjoner, reoperasjoner samt endringer over tid i ICD-behandlingen ved St. Olavs hospital. Alle pasienter som fikk implantert hjertestarter ved St. Olavs hospital i perioden 2006-15 ble inkludert. Pasientene ble identifisert i pacemakerregisteret. Data ble hentet fra pacemakerregisteret og elektronisk pasientjournal. Studien inkluderte 598pasienter (82% menn, medianalder 65 år). Tidligere hjertestans eller alvorlig arytmi forelå hos 401 (67%) av dem som fikk implantert hjertestarter. Koronarsykdom (n = 383) var vanligste underliggende årsak. I oppfølgingstiden (median 3,6 år) fikk 203 (34%) av pasientene ICD-støt, 154 (26%) fikk berettigede og 65 (11%) fikk uberettigede støt. Hos 139 (23%) pasienter oppstod komplikasjoner. 101 (17%) pasienter døde i oppfølgingsperioden. Studien gir et godt grunnlag for kvalitetssikring av implantasjonsvirksomheten ved St. Olavs hospital. Kjønns- og aldersfordeling, indikasjon og underliggende årsaker for implantasjon samt hyppighet av støt og komplikasjoner samsvarer godt med tidligere publiserte data. Studien gir et godt grunnlag for kvalitetssikring av implantasjonsvirksomheten ved St. Olavs hospital. Kjønns- og aldersfordeling, indikasjon og underliggende årsaker for implantasjon samt hyppighet av støt og komplikasjoner samsvarer godt med tidligere publiserte data. Acute epiglottitis in adults is a rare, potentially life-threatening condition caused by a bacterial infection in the epiglottis. Typical symptoms are fever, sore throat, and respiratory distress caused by upper airway obstruction. Proper treatment is needed for a good outcome. We here present a 54-year-old female patient with acute epiglottitis. Her airway was secured by endotracheal intubation and she received antimicrobial therapy. She developed an abscess around the epiglottis that needed surgical drainage and tracheotomy. However, she fully recovered after nine days in hospital. Acute epiglottitis in adults is a potentially life-threatening condition. The prognosis is good with proper treatment including selective airway intervention, antimicrobial therapy, and close monitoring. Acute epiglottitis in adults is a potentially life-threatening condition. The prognosis is good with proper treatment including selective airway intervention, antimicrobial therapy, and close monitoring.Antimicrobial resistance constitutes one of the most serious threats to public health. Few new antimicrobial drugs are being developed, and the problems of resistance are increasing. Rational use of existing antimicrobials is therefore of growing importance. Basing the use of antimicrobial drugs on their pharmokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties will most often provide a better therapeutic effect and may also help reduce resistance and adverse effects. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, type-2 diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were initially noted as the most common diseases among individuals who were hospitalised for COVID-19. However, the evidence base is weak. The objective of this study is to describe how selected diseases were distributed among adults with confirmed COVID-19 (COVID-19positive tests) and among those hospitalised for COVID-19 compared to the general population. We used data from the Norwegian Patient Registry, the Norwegian Registry for Primary Health Care and the Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases for adults from the age of 20 and older for the period 1 March 2020-13 May 2020. Of all those who tested positive for COVID-19, 7 632 (94%) were aged 20 years or older, and 1 025 (13.4%) of these had been hospitalised. Among those hospitalised with COVID-19, there was a higher proportion of individuals with cardiovascular diseases (18.3% versus 15.6%), cancer (6.9% versus 5.4%), type-2 diabetes roportion of patients with underlying illnesses than in the general population. This may indicate that these patients tend to have a more severe course of disease or that they are more likely to be hospitalised compared to healthy individuals. The results must be interpreted with caution, since the sample of COVID-19 individuals is non-random. The summary care record receives a copy of all electronic prescriptions and their dispensing by Norwegian pharmacies. Some electronic prescriptions expire without being dispensed, in whole or in part. The purpose of the study was to ascertain how many electronic prescriptions passed their expiry date without being dispensed, and what type of prescriptions these were. All electronic prescriptions and dispensations for the period 1 March 2016-1 March 2018 were extracted anonymously from the summary care record. The number of prescriptions that expired without being dispensed was added up and classified according to the drug prescribed. The percentage of uncollected prescriptions was calculated for each drug. Of 47 771 233 registered electronic prescriptions in the period, 5 934 589 (12%) expired without having been dispensed. The proportion of non-dispensed electronic prescriptions varied within the individual drug groups from 4% for Z-hypnotics to 49% for glucagon. The study indicates that several reasons exist for the non-dispensing of prescriptions.