Retention and transfer tests were both completed 1 and 7 days later. MRCPs measured training-related neural adaptations during the first visit and motor performance was assessed as time and trajectory to the target. The EXE group had better performance than CON at retention (significant 7 days post-training). MRCP amplitudes increased from early to late motor training and this amplitude change was correlated with motor performance at retention. Results suggest that moderate-intensity exercise post-motor training helps motor skill retention and that there may be a relationship with motor training-related cortical adaptations that is enhanced with post-motor training exercise. In the era of datafication, it is important that medical data are accurate and structured for multiple applications. Especially data for oncological staging need to be accurate to stage and treat a patient, as well as population-level surveillance and outcome assessment. To support data extraction from free-text radiological reports, Dutch natural language processing (NLP) algorithm was built to quantify T-stage of pulmonary tumors according to the tumor node metastasis (TNM) classification. This structuring tool was translated and validated on English radiological free-text reports. A rule-based algorithm to classify T-stage was trained and validated on, respectively, 200 and 225 English free-text radiological reports from diagnostic computed tomography (CT) obtained for staging of patients with lung cancer. The automated T-stage extracted by the algorithm from the report was compared to manual staging. A graphical user interface was built for training purposes to visualize the results of the algorithm by highlighting the extracted concepts and its modifying context. Accuracy of the T-stage classifier was 0.89 in the validation set, 0.84 when considering the T-substages, and 0.76 when only considering tumor size. Results were comparable with the Dutch results (respectively, 0.88, 0.89 and 0.79). Most errors were made due to ambiguity issues that could not be solved by the rule-based nature of the algorithm. NLP can be successfully applied for staging lung cancer from free-text radiological reports in different languages. Focused introduction of machine learning should be introduced in a hybrid approach to improve performance. NLP can be successfully applied for staging lung cancer from free-text radiological reports in different languages. Focused introduction of machine learning should be introduced in a hybrid approach to improve performance. Outcomes of gender-affirming chest surgery can be variable. Placement of nipple-areolar complexes and orientation of scars can drastically affect the aesthetic outcomes of these procedures, as may observer gender identity. Here, we compared attention and perception of outcomes following gender-affirming chest surgery between laypersons, based on gender identity. Transgender and cisgender participants were enrolled and shown images of surgery naïve chests and postoperative masculinized and feminized chests, blinded to the gender identity of the photographed subject. Gaze data were captured using the Tobii X2 60 eye-tracking device. Participants scored the perceived gender and aesthetic appearance of each image. Eighteen cisgender and 14 transgender participants were enrolled. When viewing male chests, transgender participants spent significantly longer fixated on the nipples (naïve 802 vs. 395ms; p = 0.02, masculinized 940 vs. 692ms, p = 0.002). For masculinized chests, cisgender participants spent signirnal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine Ratings, please refer to Table of Contents or online Instructions to Authors . Based on international randomized controlled trials (RCT) the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (DGPPN) recommends acute treatment in the domestic environment (AHU) and intensive outreach treatment (IAB) with the highest level of evidence; however, due to large differences in national healthcare systems the transference of results from international studies to the healthcare systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland could be limited. Evaluation of studies on outreach psychiatric treatment forms in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and discussion of the results in the light of international evidence. Asystematic literature search for clinical trials on outreach community treatment from Germany, Austria and Switzerland was conducted in the PubMed database. A total of 19publications were identified which could be assigned to 5publications on 4 studies with 2857 patients on AHU and 14publications on 10 studies with 3207 patients on IAB. The studies on AHU showed this trecountries. Additionally, with one RCT for AHU and one for IAB the requirements for an evidence level of 1b for outreach community treatment in the healthcare systems in question are fulfilled. Secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) closure leads to electrical and mechanical remodeling that occurs early after shunt disappearance. The relationship between electromechanical remodeling using electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) after percutaneous and surgical closure has not yet been recorded in prospective studies. We thought to study right atrium (RA) and right ventricle (RV) changes by CMR 3 months after transcatheter and surgical closure and their comparison with electrical remodeling by ECG. We prospectively evaluated 30 consecutive adult patients with isolated secundum ASD who were referred for (transcatheter and surgical) ASD closure. There was significant reduction in all of the electrical parameters within the same group as compared to the baseline values, except P wave dispersion (Pd). (P max was 97.33 ± 16.67 (pre closure) to 76 ± 15.49 (post closure) in the device group and 97.33 ± 12.79 (preclosure) to 73.33 ± 16.32 (post closure) in the surgical group, QRS complwas not statistically significant when compared with the surgical arm (P value = 0.5).RVEDV decreased significantly in both groups as compared to the baseline values (P value < 0.001). Transcatheter closure resulted in more significant reduction in the RVEDV than the surgical closure (P value = 0.03). Our study showed early significant electromechanical reverse remodeling in most of the study parameters from the baseline values after ASD closure. We found no significant differences in all of the electrical and RA mechanical remodeling parameters with significantly better mechanical remodeling of RV in the device group. Our study showed early significant electromechanical reverse remodeling in most of the study parameters from the baseline values after ASD closure. We found no significant differences in all of the electrical and RA mechanical remodeling parameters with significantly better mechanical remodeling of RV in the device group.