Bacterioplankton are main drivers of biogeochemical cycles and important components of aquatic food webs. While sequencing-based studies have revealed how bacterioplankton communities are structured in time and space, relatively little is known about intraspecies diversity patterns and their ecological relevance. Here, we use the newly developed software POGENOM (POpulation GENomics from Metagenomes) to investigate genomic diversity and differentiation in metagenome-assembled genomes from the Baltic Sea, and investigate their genomic variation using metagenome data spanning a 1700 km transect and covering seasonal variation at one station. The majority of the investigated species, representing several major bacterioplankton clades, displayed population structures correlating significantly with environmental factors such as salinity and temperature. Population differentiation was more pronounced over spatial than temporal scales. We discovered genes that have undergone adaptation to different salinity regimes, potentially responsible for the populations' existence along with the salinity range. This in turn implies the broad existence of ecotypes that may remain undetected by rRNA gene sequencing. Our findings emphasize the importance of physiological barriers, and highlight the role of adaptive divergence as a structuring mechanism of bacterioplankton species.Carbon fixation by chemoautotrophic microbes such as homoacetogens had a major impact on the transition from the inorganic to the organic world. Recent reports have shown the presence of genes for key enzymes associated with the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway (WLP) in the phylum Actinobacteria, which adds to the diversity of potential autotrophs. Here, we compiled 42 actinobacterial metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from new and existing metagenomic datasets and propose three novel classes, Ca. Aquicultoria, Ca. Geothermincolia and Ca. Humimicrobiia. Most members of these classes contain genes coding for acetogenesis through the WLP, as well as a variety of hydrogenases (NiFe groups 1a and 3b-3d; FeFe group C; NiFe group 4-related hydrogenases). We show that the three classes acquired the hydrogenases independently, yet the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase complex (CODH/ACS) was apparently present in their last common ancestor and was inherited vertically. Furthermore, the Actinobacteria likely donated genes for CODH/ACS to multiple lineages within Nitrospirae, Deltaproteobacteria (Desulfobacterota), and Thermodesulfobacteria through multiple horizontal gene transfer events. Finally, we show the apparent growth of Ca. Geothermincolia and H2-dependent acetate production in hot spring enrichment cultures with or without the methanogenesis inhibitor 2-bromoethanesulfonate, which is consistent with the proposed homoacetogenic metabolism. There is increased risk of cardiovascular, metabolic, and hypertensive disorders in later life in the preterm population. We studied school-age children who had been born extremely premature who had undergone endocrine, cardiovascular, and anthropometric evaluations. School age measurements of salivary cortisol, adrenal androgens, blood pressure, and anthropometric markers were correlated with DNA methylation of 11-betahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11BHSD2), leptin, and the LINE1 repetitive DNA element. We observed a modest correlation between log AUC for salivary cortisol and methylation of leptin in preterm infants and a negative correlation between methylation of region 1 of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR in term-born infants. There was an association between LINE1 methylation and cortisol response to awakening and a negative correlation between LINE1 and systolic blood pressure at 6-7 years. Methylation of the GR promoter region showed a positive association with systolic blood pressure at 6mpact on later function. Alterations in hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) function have been associated with these exposures. We examined the associated changes in DNA methylation of important genes involved in HPA function, metabolism, and global DNA methylation. The changes we saw in DNA methylation may help to explain associated cardiovascular, metabolic, and growth disturbance in these children in later life. Preterm infants are at risk of neurodevelopmental impairments. At present, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( H-MRS) is used to evaluate brain metabolites in asphyxiated term infants. The aim of this review is to assess associations between cerebral H-MRS and neurodevelopment after preterm birth. PubMed and Embase were searched to identify studies using H-MRS and preterm birth. Eligible studies for this review included H-MRS of the brain, gestational age ≤32 weeks, and neurodevelopment assessed at a corrected age (CA) of at least 12 months up to the age of 18 years. Twenty papers evaluated H-MRS in preterm infants at an age between near-term and 18 years and neurodevelopment. H-MRS was performed in both white (WM) and gray matter (GM) in 12 of 20 studies. The main regions were frontal and parietal lobe for WM and basal ganglia for GM. N-acetylaspartate/choline (NAA/Cho) measured in WM and/or GM is the most common metabolite ratio associated with motor, language, and cognitive outcome at 18-24 months CA. NAA/Cho in WM assessed at term-equivalent age was associated with motor, cognitive, and language outcome, and NAA/Cho in deep GM was associated with language outcome at 18-24 months CA. In preterm born infants, brain metabolism assessed using H-MRS at term-equivalent age is associated with motor, cognitive, and language outcomes at 18-24 months. H-MRS at term-equivalent age in preterm born infants may be used as an early indication of brain development. Specific findings relating to NAA were most predictive of outcome. In preterm born infants, brain metabolism assessed using 1H-MRS at term-equivalent age is associated with motor, cognitive, and language outcomes at 18-24 months. 1H-MRS at term-equivalent age in preterm born infants may be used as an early indication of brain development. Specific findings relating to NAA were most predictive of outcome.