Fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) are proposed to be used as free radical biosensors, as they function as magnetic sensors, changing their optical properties depending on their magnetic surroundings. Free radicals are produced during natural cell metabolism, but when the natural balance is disturbed, they are also associated with diseases and aging. Sensitive methods to detect free radicals are challenging, due to their high reactivity and transiency, providing the need for new biosensors such as FNDs. Here we have studied in detail the stress response of an aging model system, yeast cells, upon FND internalization to assess whether one can safely use this biosensor in the desired model. This was done by measuring metabolic activity, the activity of genes involved in different steps and the locations of the oxidative stress defense systems and general free radical activity. Only minimal, transient FND-related stress effects were observed, highlighting excellent biocompatibility in the long term. This is a crucial milestone towards the applicability of FNDs as biosensors in free radical research.A locally restricted human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) reactivation in the mammary gland commonly occurs in nearly every IgG-seropositive breastfeeding mother. This unique phenomenon can therefore be used to study the reactivation process in an immunocompetent healthy host. Breast milk contains a variety of immunoactive compounds, including immune cells, antibodies, growth factors, and cytokines supporting the newborn's immature immune system. To characterize the impact of HCMV reactivation on breast milk cytokines, we analyzed longitudinal breast milk samples of four IgG-seropositive and three IgG-seronegative mothers of preterm infants using Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology (Olink Proteomics, Uppsala, Sweden). Cytokine profiling revealed elevated cytokine levels in IgG-seropositive mothers' milk whey. React