Recently, deep neural network-powered quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), QSMnet, successfully performed ill-conditioned dipole inversion in QSM and generated high-quality susceptibility maps. In this paper, the network, which was trained by healthy volunteer data, is evaluated for hemorrhagic lesions that have substantially higher susceptibility than healthy tissues in order to test "linearity" of QSMnet for susceptibility. The results show that QSMnet underestimates susceptibility in hemorrhagic lesions, revealing degraded linearity of the network for the untrained susceptibility range. To overcome this limitation, a data augmentation method is proposed to generalize the network for a wider range of susceptibility. The newly trained network, which is referred to as QSMnet+, is assessed in computer-simulated lesions with an extended susceptibility range (-1.4 ​ppm to +1.4 ​ppm) and also in twelve hemorrhagic patients. The simulation results demonstrate improved linearity of QSMnet+ over QSMnet (root mean square error of QSMnet+ 0.04 ​ppm vs. QSMnet 0.36 ​ppm). When applied to patient data, QSMnet+ maps show less noticeable artifacts to those of conventional QSM maps. Moreover, the susceptibility values of QSMnet+ in hemorrhagic lesions are better matched to those of the conventional QSM method than those of QSMnet when analyzed using linear regression (QSMnet+ slope ​= ​1.05, intercept ​= ​-0.03, R2 ​= ​0.93; QSMnet slope ​= ​0.68, intercept ​= ​0.06, R2 ​= ​0.86), consolidating improved linearity in QSMnet+. This study demonstrates the importance of the trained data range in deep neural network-powered parametric mapping and suggests the data augmentation approach for generalization of network. The new network can be applicable for a wide range of susceptibility quantification. The quality of functional MRI (fMRI) data is affected by head motion. It has been shown that fMRI data quality can be improved by prospectively updating the gradients and radio-frequency pulses in response to head motion during image acquisition by using an MR-compatible optical tracking system (prospective motion correction, or PMC). Recent studies showed that PMC improves the temporal Signal to Noise Ratio (tSNR) of resting state fMRI data (rs-fMRI) acquired from subjects not moving intentionally. Besides that, the time courses of Independent Components (ICs), resulting from Independent Component Analysis (ICA), were found to present significant temporal correlation with the motion parameters recorded by the camera. However, the benefits of applying PMC for improving the quality of rs-fMRI acquired under large head movements and its effects on resting state networks (RSN) and connectivity matrices are still unknown. In this study, subjects were instructed to cross their legs at will while rs-fMRI data with ing power at higher frequencies (typically associated with artefacts). PMC partially reversed these alterations of the power spectra. Finally, we showed that PMC provides temporal correlation matrices for data acquired under motion conditions more comparable to those obtained by fMRI sessions where subjects were instructed not to move. Diffusional Kurtosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DKI) quantifies the extent of non-Gaussian water diffusion, which has been shown to be a sensitive biomarker for microstructure in health and disease. However, DKI is not specific to any microstructural property per se since kurtosis may emerge from several different sources. Q-space trajectory encoding schemes have been proposed for decoupling kurtosis arising from the variance of mean diffusivities (isotropic kurtosis) from kurtosis driven by microscopic anisotropy (anisotropic kurtosis). Still, these methods assume that the system is comprised of multiple Gaussian diffusion components with vanishing intra-compartmental kurtosis (associated with restricted diffusion). Here, we develop a more general framework for resolving the underlying kurtosis sources without relying on the multiple Gaussian diffusion approximation. We introduce Correlation Tensor MRI (CTI) - an approach harnessing the versatility of double diffusion encoding (DDE) and its sensitivity to dwere not taken into account in this study. CTI measurements were then extended to in vivo settings and used to map heathy rat brains at 9.4 T. These in vivo CTI results were found to be consistent with our ex vivo findings. Although future studies are still required to assess and mitigate the higher order effects on the intra-compartmental kurtosis index, our results show that CTI's more general estimates of anisotropic and isotropic kurtosis contributions are already ripe for future in vivo studies, which can have significant impact our understanding of the mechanisms underlying diffusion metrics extracted in health and disease. Cortical areas in the ventral visual pathway become selectively tuned towards the processing of faces compared to non-face stimuli beginning around 3 months of age and continuing over the first year. Studies using event-related potentials in the EEG (ERPs) have found an ERP component, the N290, that displays specificity for human faces. Other components, such as the P1, P400, and Nc have been studied to a lesser degree in their responsiveness to human faces. However, little is known about the systematic changes in the neural responses to faces during the first year of life, and the localization of these responses in infants' brain. We examined ERP responses to pictures of faces and objects in infants from 4.5 months through 12 months in a cross-sectional study. We investigated the activity of all the components reported to be involved in infant face processing, with particular interest to their amplitude variation and cortical localization. We identified neural regions responsible for the component through the application of cortical source localization methods. We found larger P1 and N290 responses to faces than objects, and these components were localized in the lingual and middle/posterior fusiform gyri, respectively. The amplitude of the P400 was not differentially sensitive to faces over objects. The Nc component was different for faces and objects, was influenced by the infant's attentional state, and localized in medial-anterior brain areas. The implications of these results are discussed in the identification of developmental ERP precursors to face processing.