The left frontal signature appears to have a crucial role in recollection. Theta- and gamma-specific connectivity patterns between temporal, parietal, and frontal cortex may disclose the retrieval mechanism. Old/new comparison resulted in different patterns of network connection. These results and other evidence emphasize the role of frequency-specific causal network interactions in the memory retrieval process. Graphical abstract a Schematic of processing workflow which is consists of pre-processing, sliding-window AMVAR modeling, connectivity estimation, and validation and group network analysis. b Co-registration between Geodesic Sensor Net. and 10-20 system, the arrows mention eight regions of interest (Left, Anterior, Inferior (LAI) and Right, Anterior, Inferior (RAI) and Left, Anterior, Superior (LAS) and Right, Anterior, Superior (RAS) and Left, Posterior, Inferior (LPI) and Right, Posterior, Inferior (RPI) and Left, Posterior, Superior (LPS) and Right, Posterior, Superior (RPS)).Accurate segmentation of the right ventricle (RV) from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is an essential step in estimating clinical indices such as stroke volume and ejection fraction. Recently, image segmentation methods based on fully convolutional neural networks (FCN) have drawn much attention and shown promising results. In this paper, a new fully automatic RV segmentation method combining the FC-DenseNet and the level set method (FCDL) is proposed. The FC-DenseNet is efficiently trained end-to-end, using RV images and ground truth masks to make a per-pixel semantic inference. As a result, probability images are produced, followed by the level set method responsible for smoothing and converging contours to improve accuracy. It is noted that the iteration times of the level set method is only 4 times, which is due to the semantic segmentation of the FC-DenseNet for RV. Finally, multi-object detection algorithm is applied to loc