The risks and technical difficulties at the cesarean delivery for extremely premature infant under 1,000g are as follows (1) a premature infant is very weak for pressure of uterine wall or human hands, (2) skin of infant is really premature and weak, (3) uterine wall is thick and difficult to incise at lower segment of uterus, (4) classical vertical incision or reverse T-shape incision are at risk for future uterine rupture, and (5) at the timing of rupture of membrane, uterine wall may contract drastically and the infant is trapped the uterine wall, so called "hug-me-tight-uterus". To resolve the problems, we use the technique of "En Caul" cesarean delivery with nitroglycerin. Intravenous injection of nitroglycerin just before uterine incision made the rapid and sufficient relaxation of uterine muscle. After getting adequate uterine relaxation, U- or J-shaped incision is made to lower segment of the uterus; however, we never incise the membrane before the infant was delivered. The baby is delivered with wrapped amniotic fluid and the membrane, which protect the infant against the pressure of uterine wall or surgeon's hands. The infant is gently handled to neonatologist by "En Caul" with the placenta. Neonatologist can make the membrane ruptured and resuscitation. Own blood transfusion can be made through the umbilical cord and placenta, if the infant was anemic or hypovolemic.Cesarean section is the most common surgery in obstetrics. Several techniques are proposed according to the indication and the degree of urgency. Usually laparotomy followed by hysterotomy with a low transverse incision is preferable. However, in cases in which it is difficult to access the lower uterine segment, such as that in preterm labor, dense adhesion, placenta previa/accrete a vertical hysterotomy (classical cesarean section) may be needed. Although a smooth and gentle delivery of the fetus is possible through the vertical i