As a result more than twenty phenolic acids and flavonoids were identified in the extract and fractions by HPLC-DAD and/or HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. The total extract was later subjected to fractionation by centrifugal partition chromatography using the Arizona system composed of hexane/ethyl acetate/methanol/water (0.7  4  0.8  4 v/v/v/v) to produce fractions enriched in flavonoids that are of high pharmacological significance.Marine intertidal sediments fluctuate in redox conditions and nutrient availability, and they are also known as an important sink of nitrogen mainly through denitrification, yet how denitrifying bacteria adapt to this dynamic habitat remains largely untapped. Here, we investigated novel intertidal benthic ecotypes of the model pelagic marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 with a population genomic approach. While differing by only 1.3% at the 16S rRNA gene level, members of the intertidal benthic ecotypes are complete denitrifiers whereas the pelagic ecotype representative (DSS-3) is a partial denitrifier lacking a nitrate reductase. The intertidal benthic ecotypes are further differentiated by using non-homologous nitrate reductases and a different set of genes that allow alleviating oxidative stress and acquiring organic substrates. In the presence of nitrate, the two ecotypes showed contrasting growth patterns under initial oxygen concentrations at 1 vol% versus 7 vol% and supplemented with different carbon sources abundant in intertidal sediments. Collectively, this combination of evidence indicates that there are cryptic niches in coastal intertidal sediments that support divergent evolution of denitrifying bacteria. This knowledge will in turn help understand how these benthic environments operate to effectively remove nitrogen. Early-postemergence herbicide applications in the USA often include residual herbicides such as S-metolachlor to suppress late late-emerging Amaranthus spp. Although this