An embedded qualitative study will explore the participants' experiences of the trial interventions. Funded by NIHR HTA (16/167/56), 1 June 2018; National Research Ethic Committee approved (18/WA/0236), 26 July 2018. First site opened 5 November 2018 and final results will be updated on trial registries and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal and will inform rehabilitation strategies after a TASD. Study Within A Trial (SWAT) funded by MRC (MR/R013748/1), 1 May 2019; registered on the MRC-HTMR All-Ireland Hub (reference number SWAT 121). ISRCTN63184243. (Trial stage Pre-results). ISRCTN63184243. (Trial stage Pre-results). A number of studies have explored delayed help-seeking practices for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and have indentified multiple intersecting factors which may play a role, for example, attributing symptoms, age, gender, ethnicity and contextual influences. However, the pathway to diagnosis for suspected coronary heart disease (CHD) symptoms in a rapid access chest pain clinic (RACPC) context is underexplored. The objective of this study was to examine patients' help-seeking experiences of accessing RACPC services, from the point at which they notice and interpret symptoms, to their decision to seek help from their general practitioner. Qualitative study. Interviews were conducted in the RACPC at Queen Mary's Roehampton Hospital, London, UK. Maximum variation sampling was used to recruit 30 participants (15 men and 15 women) referred to a RACPC, using sampling dimensions of age, ethnicity and occupation. Semi-structured interviews focussed on the patient experience of their pathway to the RACPC. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. Participant interpretation of symptoms was shaped by multiple influences; reluctance to seek help contributed to delay; various factors acted as drivers as well as barriers to help-seeking; and GP referrals to RACPC were based on symptoms as well as pat