aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Serratia odorifera, Raoultela ornithiaolytica and Pseudomonas aeroguinosa. Conclusion The actual results indicate that the high levels of bacterial counts on kitchen surfaces, presents an evident need to improve the hygienic process and adopt an HACCP system in this facility. Copyright© 2019 Iranian Neuroscience Society.Background and Objectives Recent reports indicate high prevalence of fungal infections due to non-albicans Candida spp. which are present in various environments such as raw milk. The quality of milk for fungal normal flora was investigated in this study. Materials and Methods A total of 262 milk samples were collected directly from milk collection tanks indesignated dairy farms and cultured in SDA media. By further analysis of grown yeasts, 69 non-albicans Candida strains were identified. Antifungal susceptibility of the isolated species, were evaluated against amphotericin B, itraconazole, fluconazole and flucytosine. Fifty two non-albicans clinical samples isolated from human blood have been evaluated along. Results Antifungal susceptibility evaluation in non-albicans strains isolated from milk revealed Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis to be 100% sensitive to flucytosine and fluconazole. Candida krusei showed 94% and 80% sensitivity to flucytosine and fluconazole respectively. Candida parapsilosis indicated 72.72% sensitivity to fluconazole. Conclusion Evaluation of non-albicans Candida species in raw milk and antifungal susceptibility patterns of these isolates-compare with non-albicansisolates from human blood, may help physicians to choose an appropriate medication for diseases needing long-term treatment, especially for diseases caused by local strains. Copyright© 2019 Iranian Neuroscience Society.Background and Objectives Black Aspergillus strains including, Aspergillus niger and A. tubingensis, are the most cause of otomycosis with worldwide distribution. Although, amphotericin B was a Gold standard for the treatment of invasive fungal infection for several decades, it gradually replaced by fluconazole and /or voriconazole. Moreover, luliconazole, appears to offer the best potential for in vitro activity against black Aspergillus strains. The aim of the present study was to compare the in vitro activity luliconazole, with commonly used antifungals against clinical and environmental strains of black Aspergillus. Materials and Methods Sixty seven (37 clinical and 30 environmental) strains of black Aspergillus were identified using morphological and molecular technique (β-Tubulin gene). In addition, antifungal susceptibility test was applied according to CLSI M38 A2. The results were reported as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) or minimum effective concentration (MEC) range, MIC50 or MEC50, MIC90 or MEC90 and MIC geometric (GM) or MECGM. Results Aspergillus niger was the common isolate followed by, A. tubingensis in both clinical and environmental strains. The lowest MIC range, MIC50, MIC90, and MICGM was attributed to luliconazole in clinical strains. The highest resistant rate was found in amphotericin B for both clinical (86.5%) and environmental (96.7%) strains whereas 54.1% of clinical and 30% of environmental isolates were resistant to caspofungin. Clinical strains of Aspergillus were more sensitive to voriconazole (86.7%) than environmental strains (70.3%). On the other hand, 83.8% of clinical and 70% of environmental isolates were resistant to posaconazole. Conclusion Luliconazole versus amphotericin B, voriconazole, posaconazole and caspofungin is a potent antifungal for Aspergillus Nigri complex. The in vitro extremely antifungal efficacy against black Aspergillus strains of luliconazole, is different from those of other used antifungals. Copyright© 2019 Iranian Neuroscience Society.Background and Objectives Notwithstanding the increased prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii drug-resistant isolates, treatment options are progressively limiting. This study aims to provide a recent report on antibiotic susceptibility in burn wound isolates of A. baumannii, and the importance of OXA beta-lactamases in carbapenem resistance. Materials and Methods The susceptibility levels to different antimicrobial categories were determined among 84 A. baumannii isolates from burn wound infection between 2016 and 2018. Multiplex PCR was used to detect OXA beta-lactamases genes, including bla OXA-51, bla OXA-23, bla OXA-24 and bla OXA-58. ISAba-1 association with bla OXA-51, bla OXA-23 and bla OXA-58 was detected by PCR mapping. Results All the isolates were determined as multidrug-resistant (MDR) and 69% as extensively drug-resistant (XDR). Different carbapenems MIC ranges (MIC50 and MIC90) were observed among the isolates harboring bla OXA-like genes and isolates with the OXA-24-like enzyme showed higher carbapenems MIC ranges. The prevalence of bla OXA-51-like, bla OXA-23-like, bla OXA-24-like and bla OXA-58-like were 100%, 53.57%, 41.66% and 30.95%, respectively. ISAba-1 insertion sequence was found to be upstream to bla OXA-23-like and bla OXA-58-like genes in 23 out of 45 (71.1%) bla OXA-23-like-positive and 4 out of 23 (15.3) bla OXA-58-like-positive isolates, respectively. Conclusion Resistance to carbapenems as the last resort for treatment of A. baumannii infections is growing. This study, for the first time in Iran, has observed the increased frequency of bla OXA-24-like and bla OXA-58-like genes and found an association between ISAba-1 and bla OXA-58-like gene, which signifies the possible risk of increased diversity in OXA beta-lactamases and growth in carbapenem resistance. Copyright© 2019 Iranian Neuroscience Society.Background and Objectives Shigella is an etiological agent of shigellosis. Antibiotic therapy has a critical role in decreasing serious complications of shigellosis. The present study aimed to determine the multi-drug resistance strains and to detect fluoroquinolone related mutations. Materials and Methods In this descriptive, cross sectional study, a total of 113 Shigella isolates were collected from 1280 patients admitted to Bu-Ali hospital in Ardabil province during 2015-17. Antibiotic resistance pattern of isolates was evaluated using Kirby Bauer method and finally, the MICs of ciprofloxacin were determined. In order to determine any mutations in QRDR region, parC and gyrA genes of resistant strains were amplified and sequenced. Results Shigella spp. isolates were identified using ipaH amplification and rfc and wbgz genes were used for molecular detection of S. flexneri and S. soneii, respectively. Our results showed that the predominant species in Ardabil province was S. sonnei (69.91%). Most of isolates (82%) were resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX); 51% were nalidixic acid resistant and 4.