Clinical Research Informatics (CRI) declares its scope in its name, but its content, both in terms of the clinical research it supports-and sometimes initiates-and the methods it has developed over time, reach much further than the name suggests. The goal of this review is to celebrate the extraordinary diversity of activity and of results, not as a prize-giving pageant, but in recognition of the field, the community that both serves and is sustained by it, and of its interdisciplinarity and its international dimension. Beyond personal awareness of a range of work commensurate with the author's own research, it is clear that, even with a thorough literature search, a comprehensive review is impossible. Moreover, the field has grown and subdivided to an extent that makes it very hard for one individual to be familiar with every branch or with more than a few branches in any depth. A literature survey was conducted that focused on informatics-related terms in the general biomedical and healthcare literaturelay a prominent role in supporting progress in medicine, healthcare, and wellbeing everywhere. We conclude with the observation that CRI and its practitioners would make apt stewards of the new medical knowledge that their methods will bring forward. CRI is thriving, not only in the familiar major centers of research, but more widely, throughout the world. This is not to pretend that the distribution is uniform, but to highlight the potential for this domain to play a prominent role in supporting progress in medicine, healthcare, and wellbeing everywhere. We conclude with the observation that CRI and its practitioners would make apt stewards of the new medical knowledge that their methods will bring forward. Summarize recent research and select the best papers published in 2019 in the field of Bioinformatics and Translational Informatics (BTI) for the corresponding section of the International Medical Informatics Association Yearbook. A literature review was performed for retrieving from PubMed papers indexed with keywords and free terms related to BTI. Independent review allowed the section editors to select a list of 15 candidate best papers which were subsequently peer-reviewed. A final consensus meeting gathering the whole Yearbook editorial committee was organized to finally decide on the selection of the best papers. Among the 931 retrieved papers covering the various subareas of BTI, the review process selected four best papers. The first paper presents a logical modeling of cancer pathways. Using their tools, the authors are able to identify two known behaviours of tumors. The second paper describes a deep-learning approach to predicting resistance to antibiotics in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The authors of the third paper introduce a Genomic Global Positioning System (GPS) enabling comparison of genomic data with other individuals or genomics databases while preserving privacy. The fourth paper presents a multi-omics and temporal sequence-based approach to provide a better understanding of the sequence of events leading to Alzheimer's Disease. Thanks to the normalization of open data and open science practices, research in BTI continues to develop and mature. Noteworthy achievements are sophisticated applications of leading edge machine-learning methods dedicated to personalized medicine. Thanks to the normalization of open data and open science practices, research in BTI continues to develop and mature. Noteworthy achievements are sophisticated applications of leading edge machine-learning methods dedicated to personalized medicine. Any attempt to introduce new data types in the entangled hospital infrastructure should help to unravel old knots without tangling new ones. Health data from a wide range of sources has become increasingly available. We witness an insatiable thirst for data in oncology as treatment paradigms are shifting to targeted molecular therapies. From nineteenth-century medical notes consisting entirely of narrative description to standardised forms recording physical examination and medical notes, we have nowadays moved to electronic health records (EHRs). All our analogue medical records are rendered as sequences of zeros and ones changing how we capture and share data. The challenge we face is to offload the analysis without entrusting a machine (or algorithms) to make major decisions about a diagnosis, a treatment, or a surgery, keeping the human oversight. Computers don't have judgment, they lack context. EHRs have become the latest addition to our toolset to look after patients. Moore's law and general advances in computation have contributed to make EHRs a cornerstone of Molecular Tumour Boards, presenting a detailed and unique description of a tumour and treatment options. Precision oncology, as a systematic approach matching the most accurate and effective treatment to each individual cancer patient, based on a molecular profile, is already expanding to other disease areas. Precision oncology, as a systematic approach matching the most accurate and effective treatment to each individual cancer patient, based on a molecular profile, is already expanding to other disease areas. To summarise the state of the art published in 2019 in consumer health informatics and education, with a special emphasis on "Ethics and Health Informatics". We conducted a systematic search of articles published in PubMed using a predefined set of queries, which identified 368 potential articles for review. These articles were screened according to topic relevance and 15 were selected for consideration of best paper candidates, which were then presented to a panel of international experts for full paper review and scoring. The top five papers according to the external reviewers' ranking were discussed in a consensus meeting. Finally, the paper that received the highest score from four of the five experts was selected as the best paper on social media and ethics for patients and consumers of the year 2019. Despite using the terms "ethics" and "ethical" in the search query, we retrieved very few articles. The bibliometric analysis identified three major clusters centred on "social", "health", and "study".