Phytoremediation is an essential technique for mines' ecological restoration. Modifiers addition can alleviate the stress of heavy metals to plants and enhanced remediation efficiency. Herein, spent mushroom compost (SMC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) were added to lead-zinc mine tailings to reveal the mechanism of Macleaya cordata adaptive to heavy metals stress. Pot experiments were conducted in 100% tailing (T), 90% tailing + 5% SMC + 5% CaCO3 (T+), and 100% natural soil (NS). The results indicate that SMC and CaCO3 amendments could improve the structure and fertility of tailings, and promote the growth of M. cordata, increase the content of heavy metals accumulated in plants, enhance the synthesis of chlorophyll and increas the content of soluble protein in leaves; enhance the activities of antioxidase, that can protectcelluar components from oxidative damage. Moreover, most of Pb, Zn, and Cd existed in the cell wall and soluble components, adding SMC and CaCO3 could promote the conversion of Pb, Zn, and Cd to chemical forms with less toxicity and migratory capability. The results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) showed that SMC and CaCO3 could protect the structural integrity of cells and increase the contents of -OH, -COOH functional groups that can bind to heavy metals in cells. The addition of SMC and CaCO3 can alleviate the stress of heavy metals on M. cordata, enhancing its adaptability to heavy metals and phytoremediation capacity.Anaerobic digestion of decabromodiphenyl ether was carried out and compared in two continuously stirred anaerobic bioreactors for 210 days under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions. Results show that the degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether followed the first-order reaction kinetics, which exhibited a higher removal rate in the thermophilic reactor when compared to the mesophilic one, reaching its maximum of 1.1 μg·day-1. The anaerobic digestion of decabromodiphenyl ether was found to involve the replacement of bromines from polybrominated diphenyl ether by hydrogen atoms, gradually forming nona-, octa- and hepta-brominated diphenyl ether, respectively. Under the thermophilic condition, the reactors were dominated by Bacillus sp. and Methanosarcina sp. with high bioactivity and high concentrations of debromination microorganisms.Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is viewed as one of the most chemically active organic substances on earth. It plays vital roles in the fate, bioavailability and toxicity of aquatic exogenous chemical species (e.g., heavy metals, organic pollutants, and nanomaterials). The characteristics of DOM such low concentrations, salt interference and complexity in aquatic environments and limitations of pretreatment for sample preparation and application of characterization techniques severely limit understanding of its nature and environmental roles. This review provides a characterization continuum of aquatic DOM, and demonstrate its biogeochemical implications, enabling in-depth insight into its nature and environmental roles. A synthesis of the effective DOM pretreatment strategies, comprising extraction and fractionation methods, and characterization techniques is presented. Additionally, the biogeochemical dynamics of aquatic DOM and its environmental implications are discussed. The findings indicate the collectiexogenous chemical species.Decreasing nitrate concentrations is one of the most relevant Water Framework Directive (WFD) goals, which today is still unreached in several European countries. Vegetated canals have been recognized as effective filters to mitigate nitrate pollution, although rarely included in restoration programs aimed at improving water quality in agricultural watersheds. The Po di Volano basin (713 km2, Northern Italy) is a deltaic territory crossed by an extensive network of agricultural canals (~1300 km). The effectiveness in buffering nitrate loads via denitrification was assessed for different levels of in-stream emergent vegetation maintenance by employing an upscale model based on extensive datasets of field measurements. The scenarios differed for the canal network length (5%, 20%, 40%, and 60%) where conservative management practices were adopted by postponing the mowing operations from the middle of summer, as nowadays, to the early autumn, i.e., the vegetative season end. The scenario simulations demonstrated that the capacity to mitigate diffuse nitrate pollution would increase up to four times, compared to the current condition (5% scenario), by postponing the vegetation mowing to the end of the vegetative season in 60% of the canal network length. By preserving the in-stream vegetation in 20% of the canal network, its denitrification capacity would equal the nitrate load reduction target required for achieving, from May to September, the good ecological status according to the WFD in waters delivered to the coastal areas. Changing the timing of vegetation mowing may create a large potential for permanent nitrate removal via denitrification in agricultural landscapes, thus protecting the coastal areas when the eutrophication risk is higher. Conservative management practices of in-stream vegetation might be promoted as an effective low-cost tool to be included in the WFD implementation strategies.Urban household solid waste recycling and management are complex adaptive systems with multiple agents, stages, and elements. Previous studies neglected the impact of municipal residents' behavioral decisions on recycling sectors. In this study, the degree of regret-joy and personality characteristics were introduced into a multi-agent-based model to simulate the action decision-making of agents under different strategies. The results demonstrate that, without the government's role, nearly 60% of municipal residents preferred the informal recycling sector (IFRS). Meanwhile, the formal recycling sectors (FRS) find it difficult to attract urban residents because of their low income levels. Regarding a single policy, the subsidy policy is more beneficial than the regulation policy for increasing the income of the FRS from 20 to 250 Yuan. However, neither of the two single policies can weaken the market competitiveness of the IFRS. Moreover, a comprehensive policy combining both subsidies and regulations has enabled more than 60% of urban residents to choose the FRS, thereby increasing its profit and market share to 270 yuan and 500 kg, respectively.