This study aimed to describe a novel surgical technique for the management of antenatally suspected placenta accreta spectrum (PAS).  This is a retrospective, case series of patients with suspected PAS undergoing peripartum hysterectomy with a reloadable articulating stapler at a tertiary care center.  Eighteen patients with antenatally suspected PAS were identified and underwent peripartum hysterectomy with the aid of a reloadable stapler. Mean gestational age at delivery was 34  ± 1 weeks. Mean total operative time (skin-to-skin) was 117.3 ± 39.3 minutes, and 79.8 ± 19.8 minutes for the hysterectomy. Mean blood loss for the entire case was 1,809 ± 868 mL. Mean blood loss for the hysterectomy was 431 ± 421 mL. Mean units of intraoperative red blood cells transfused was 3 ± 1 units. Mean units of postoperative red blood cells transfused was 1 ± 0.5 units. Five cases were complicated by urological injury (two intentional cystotomies). Four patients were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for ae maternal morbidity.. · Decreased operative time and blood loss have many clinical benefits.. · Reloadable stapler use for PAS decreases operative time.. · Reloadable stapler use for PAS decreases operative blood loss..  SBAR (situation, background, assessment and recommendation) is a structured format for the effective communication of critically relevant information. This tool was developed as a generic template to provide structure to the communication of clinical information between health care providers. Neonatal transport often presents clinically stressful circumstances where concise and accurate information is required to be shared clearly between multidisciplinary health care providers. A modified SBAR communication tool was designed to facilitate structured communication between nonphysician bedside care providers operating from remote sites and physicians providing decision-making support at receiving care facilities. Prospective interventional study was designed to evaluate the reliability of a "SBAR report to physician tool" in sharing clinically relevant information between multidisciplinary care providers on neonatal transport.  The study was conducted between 2011 and 2014 by a dedicated neonatal transporhe quality of clinical information shared between nonphysician members of the neonatal transport team and neonatal transport physicians. · Long-Accurate and concise information sharing is crucial for decision-making in neonatal transport.. · Information sharing between multidisciplinary teams can be enhanced by using a commonly understood information sharing template.. · The SBAR report to physician tool improves the quality of information shared between multidisciplinary team members in neonatal transport.. · Long-Accurate and concise information sharing is crucial for decision-making in neonatal transport.. · Information sharing between multidisciplinary teams can be enhanced by using a commonly understood information sharing template.. · The SBAR report to physician tool improves the quality of information shared between multidisciplinary team members in neonatal transport..  Short-term morbidity of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is well described, but few data are available regarding long-term outcomes and quality of life. We aimed to evaluate patient-reported outcomes after hysterectomy for PAS.  This is a prospective cohort study of women with risk factors for PAS who were enrolled antenatally. Exposed women were defined as those who underwent cesarean hysterectomy due to PAS. Unexposed women were those with three or more prior cesareans or placenta previa, but no PAS, who underwent cesarean delivery without hysterectomy. Two surveys were sent to patients at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months postpartum (1) a general health questionnaire and (2) the SF-36, a validated quality of life survey. Aggregate scores for each questionnaire were calculated and responses were analyzed.  At 6 months postpartum, women with PAS were more likely to report rehospitalization (odds ratio [OR] 5.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.40-24.3), painful intercourse (OR 2.50, 95% CI 1.04-6.02), and anxietp.. · Women affected by PAS report long-term morbidity.. · Long-term placenta accreta spectrum data to guide peripartum patient education.. · This study addresses a critical knowledge gap.. · Women affected by PAS report long-term morbidity..  This study aimed to evaluate the role of an objective physiologic biomarker, arterial blood pressure variability, for the early identification of adverse short-term electroencephalogram (EEG) outcomes in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).  In this multicenter observational study, we analyzed blood pressure of infants meeting these criteria (1) neonatal encephalopathy determined by modified Sarnat exam, (2) continuous mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) data between 18 and 27 hours after birth, and (3) continuous EEG performed for at least 48 hours. Adverse outcome was defined as moderate-severe grade EEG at 48 hours. Standardized signal preprocessing was used; the power spectral density was computed without interpolation. Multivariate binary logistic regression was used to identify which MABP time and frequency domain metrics provided improved predictive power for adverse outcomes compared with standard clinical predictors (5-minute Apgar score and cord pH) using receiver operator charachort-term outcomes.. · Early time- and frequency-domain measures of blood pressure variability predict short-term EEG outcomes in HIE infants better than perinatal factors alone.. · Early outcome prediction in HIE is suboptimal.. · Patterns in blood pressure physiology may be predictive of short-term outcomes.. · Early time- and frequency-domain measures of blood pressure variability predict short-term EEG outcomes in HIE infants better than perinatal factors alone..Three new depsidones, parmosidones F - G (1 - 2), and 8'-O-methylsalazinic acid (3), and 3 new diphenylethers, parmetherines A - C (4 - 6), together with 2 known congeners were isolated from the whole thalli of Parmotrema dilatatum, a foliose chlorolichen. Their structures were unambiguously determined by extensive spectroscopic analyses and comparison with literature data. The isolated polyphenolics were assayed for their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Newly reported benzylated depsidones 1 and 2 in particular inhibited α-glucosidase with IC50 values of 2.2 and 4.3 µM, respectively, and are thus more potent than the positive control, acarbose.