The construction of efficient and low toxic non-viral gene delivery vectors is of great significance for gene therapy. Herein, two novel polycations were constructed via Michael addition from low molecular weight polyethylenimine (PEI) 600 Da and amino acid-containing linkages. Lysine and histidine were introduced for the purpose of improved DNA binding and pH buffering capacity, respectively. The ester bonds afforded the polymer biodegradability, which was confirmed by the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) measurement. The polymers could well condense DNA into nanoparticles and protect DNA from degradation by nuclease. Compared with PEI 25 kDa, these polymers showed higher transfection efficiency, lower toxicity, and better serum tolerance. Study of this mechanism revealed that the polyplexes enter the cells mainly through caveolae-mediated endocytosis pathway; this, together with their biodegradability, facilitates the internalization of polyplexes and the release of DNA. The results reveal that the amino acid-linked low molecular weight PEI polymers could serve as promising candidates for non-viral gene delivery.Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) are long, linear polysaccharides that display a wide range of relevant biological roles. Particularly, in the extracellular matrix (ECM) GAG specifically interact with other biological molecules, such as growth factors, protecting them from proteolysis or inhibiting factors. Additionally, ECM GAG are partially responsible for the mechanical stability of tissues due to their capacity to retain high amounts of water, enabling hydration of the ECM and rendering it resistant to compressive forces. In this review, the use of GAG for developing hydrogel networks with improved biological activity and/or mechanical properties is discussed. Greater focus is given to strategies involving the production of hydrogels that are composed of GAG alone or in combination with other materials. Additionally, approaches used to introduce GAG-inspired features in biomaterials of different sources will also be presented.Ironically, population aging which is considered a public health success has been accompanied by a myriad of new health challenges, which include neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs), the incidence of which increases proportionally to age. Among them, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the most common, with the misfolding and the aggregation of proteins being common and causal in the pathogenesis of both diseases. AD is characterized by the presence of hyperphosphorylated τ protein (tau), which is the main component of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), and senile plaques the main component of which is β-amyloid peptide aggregates (Aβ). The neuropathological hallmark of PD is α-synuclein aggregates (α-syn), which are present as insoluble fibrils, the primary structural component of Lewy body (LB) and neurites (LN). An increasing number of non-invasive PET examinations have been used for AD, to monitor the pathological progress (hallmarks) of disease. Notwithstanding, still the need for the development of novel detection tools for other proteinopathies still remains. This review, although not exhaustively, looks at the timeline of the development of existing tracers used in the imaging of Aβ and important moments that led to the development of these tracers.Horseradish degradation products, mainly isothiocyanates (ITC) and nitriles, along with their precursors glucosinolates, were characterized by GC-MS and UHPLC-MS/MS, respectively. Volatiles from horseradish leaves and roots were isolated using microwave assisted-distillation (MAD), microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) and hydrodistillation (HD). Allyl ITC was predominant in the leaves regardless of the isolation method while MAD, MHG, and HD of the roots resulted in different yields of allyl ITC, 2-phenylethyl ITC, and their nitriles. The antimicrobial potential of roots volatiles and their main compounds was assessed against sixteen emerging food spoilage and opportunistic pathogens. The MHG isolate was the most active, inhibiting bacteria at minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) from only 3.75 to 30 µg/mL, and fungi at MIC50 between less then 0.12 and 0.47 µg/mL. Cytotoxic activity of volatile isolates and their main compounds were tested against two human cancer cell lines using MTT assay after 72 h. The roots volatiles showed best cytotoxic activity (HD; IC50 = 2.62 μg/mL) against human lung A549 and human bladder T24 cancer cell lines (HD; IC50 = 0.57 μg/mL). Generally, 2-phenylethyl ITC, which was tested for its antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities along with two other major components allyl ITC and 3-phenylpropanenitrile, showed the best biological activities.It is still a question of debate whether neutrophils, often found in the tumor microenvironment, mediate tumor-promoting or rather tumor-inhibiting activities. The present study focuses on the involvement of neutrophils in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC). Macroscopic features classify two types of peritoneal tumor spread in HGSOC. Widespread and millet sized lesions characterize the miliary type, while non-miliary metastases are larger and associated with better prognosis. Multi-omics and FACS data were generated from ascites samples. Integrated data analysis demonstrates a significant increase of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-associated molecules in non-miliary ascites samples. A co-association network analysis performed with the ascites data further revealed a striking correlation between NETosis-associated metabolites and several eicosanoids. The congruence of data generated from primary neutrophils with ascites analyses indicates the predominance of NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX)-independent NETosis. NETosis is associated with protein S100A8/A9 release. An increase of the S100A8/CRP abundance ratio was found to correlate with favorable survival of HGSOC patients. The analysis of additional five independent proteome studies with regard to S100A8/CRP ratios confirmed this observation. In conclusion, NET formation seems to relate with better cancer patient outcome.