Serotypes e (8%), k (3%), and f (2%) were also detected. Serotype c was detected in carious and caries-free subjects, while the remaining serotypes were only found in subjects with caries.Low birth weight (LBW) is a global problem that annually affects nearly 20 million children, 96% of these in developing countries. According to the WHO, the poorest and the ethnic minorities are the groups most affected by this indicator. A cross-sectional study of the database of all newborns officially registered in Colombia in 2008-2014 was done. While dichotomizing the mestizo population and ethnic minorities (Afro-descendants, indigenous, ROM), normal and low birth weight was used as the dependent variable and ethnicity as the explanatory variable. Other variables of the parents and the newborns were used as covariates. To assess associations, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. The incidence of LBW among newborns registered in Colombia fluctuated at around 9%. Among the ethnic minorities, the probability of LBW, adjusted for other variables, was significantly higher (OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.05-1.08) than among mestizos. A significantly higher risk of LBW to newborns in the ethnic minorities' group, and those with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, was found.Hydatid disease is not endemic in Malaysia; however, its migrant workers originate from neighboring countries where the disease is prevalent. Thus, this study was aimed at investigating the seroprevalence of hydatid disease among the workers. A total of 479 migrant workers were screened for hydatid disease. The sociodemographic information was collected, and serum samples were tested with a rapid dipstick test for hydatid disease called Hyd Rapid™. The present study showed that 13.6% of the migrant workers were found to be seropositive for hydatid disease. The highest seroprevalence was seen among Indian workers (29.41%), followed by Myanmarese (21.43%), Bangladeshis (14.92%), Nepalese (10.68%), and Indonesian (10.66%). This is the first study that highlights the likely presence of hydatid disease among the migrant workers in Malaysia, which may be of interest to the health authorities.Female fertility in domestic animals in India has exhaustively suffered owing to indiscriminate breeding with single objective of increasing milk production. First lactation data on 7782 Mehsana buffaloes sired by 184 bulls maintained under field progeny testing programme at Dudhsagar Research and Development Association, Dudhsagar Dairy, Mehsana, over a period of 24 years were used for study of fertility traits viz. days open, first to successful service period (FTSS) and daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) and production traits viz. first lactation milk yield (FLMY), first lactation fat yield (FLFY) and average fat percentage (AFP). The voluntary waiting period (VWP) was standardised based on the higher estimates for FLMY and FLMY per unit first calving interval. VWP for Mehsana buffaloes was standardised as 63 days after first calving and consequently DPR of Mehsana buffalo was also estimated as 31%. Fertility traits were further evaluated in terms of production traits. Regression analysis revealed that the increase in 1 kg FLFY and 100 kg FLMY led to the increase of First Service Period by 0.013 days and decrease in the DPR by 1.89%, respectively. Increase in milk yield led to increase in FTSS. However, for each 100 kg increase in fat yield and 1% increase in AFP, there is increase in DPR by 0.08% and 0.051%, respectively. Based on the present findings, it may be recommended to have a breeding programme which give due weightage to both production and fertility traits.New postpartum strategies have been developed in dairy cows to ameliorate uterine health and reproductive performance, especially the first service conception rates. This study aimed to assess the effect of intrauterine therapy with ozone (IUTO) in early postpartum on subclinical endometritis prevalence and reproductive parameters in dairy cows under commercial farm conditions. For this purpose, eighty clinically healthy cows with a body condition score between 3.0 and 3.5, from four dairy farms, were randomly allocated into two groups ozone therapy group (OG, n = 40), which were subjected to IUTO, and control group (CG, n = 40). Content of uterine polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes and subclinical endometritis (SE) percentage were assessed at 35 days after calving by uterine cytology. A second cytology was performed 72 h after IUTO. Reproductive parameters such as interval calving to first service (IFS), number of services per conception (nSC), interval calving to conception (ICC) and first service conception rate (FSCR) were analysed. The second endometrial cytology demonstrated that IUTO reduced (P less then 0.01) both PMN (3.7 ± 1.4 vs. 7.6 ± 1.1%) and SE (5.0 vs. 50.0%) percentages compared with CG. Likewise, after ozone treatment, both nSC (2.1 ± 0.3 vs. 3.1 ± 0.2; P less then 0.01) and ICC (126.2 ± 9.7 vs. 149.0 ± 9.0; P = 0.0672) decreased, and FSCR increased (50.0 vs. 16.2%; P less then 0.01) compared with CG. In conclusion, intrauterine ozone therapy applied at 35 days after calving reduced subclinical endometritis prevalence and improved reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows managed in a pasture-based system.In mammals, many melatonin biological functions are mediated through its interaction with the membrane receptors MT1 and MT2. We have previously reported their presence in ram spermatozoa from males located in temperate climates, but there is no information on their presence in spermatozoa from rams in areas with an equatorial photoperiod (12L12D). Thus, we have investigated the existence and cellular distribution of melatonin receptors in spermatozoa from three sheep breeds in Colombia (Colombian Creole, Hampshire, and Romney Marsh) during dry and rainy seasons, using indirect immunofluorescence and western blot. Our results indicated the presence of melatonin receptors in spermatozoa from these rams, and that their distribution differs from that previously found in spermatozoa from rams in temperate climates. Moreover, two new immunotypes of MT2 were identified type N, with staining only in the neck, and type E with a band of immunofluorescence in the upper part of the post-acrosome and the apical edge. Likewise, differences between breeds and climate seasons were detected for both receptors.