With ten years of follow-up since the advent of the modern paradigm of combination induction therapy, consolidative autologous stem-cell transplant, and lenalidomide maintenance, median survival for multiple myeloma has increased to almost 50% at 10 years. Given this outlook, the overarching goal of maintenance therapy is to spare patients from the toxicities of aggressive or otherwise intrusive therapies while ideally extending survival or, at the least, extending progression-free survival or time until next treatment. This review will focus on the current landscape of maintenance therapies for multiple myeloma. The historical context and evidence for choice of agent, duration of treatment, and current strategies and ongoing trials will be discussed - as well as a focus on unmet needs. The case for studies investigating cessation of therapy and risk and response-adapted approaches will be underscored given that the current paradigm likely results in overtreatment for some patients. The floating mural thrombus of abdominal aorta is a rare and serious pathology detected as cause of peripheral and visceral embolism. Isolated aortic mural thrombosis is an unusual pathology occurring in an apparently normal aorta. A thorough search of embolic source must be initiated. Therapeutic management is based on systemic anticoagulation with the use of surgical approach in some cases. INTRODUCTION Primary prescribing of antidepressants is common in general practice. The relationship between antidepressant introduction and blood pressure (BP) changes is not well established in the literature. The purpose of our study was to examine the short-term course of AHR with and without the introduction of an antidepressant into a public institution of mental health (EPSM). MATERIALS AND METHODS An exposed/non-exposed single-centre analytical epidemiological study on a retrospective cohort, with a collection of data on stays between 2013 and 2015 at the EPSM in Armentières. The stays were divided into two groups antidepressant treatment (introduced during the stay) and control (without antidepressant). BP measurements were taken over a 30-day period per stay. To assess the evolution of AHR across groups, we used a nested mixed linear regression model with multivariate adjustment. RESULTS Out of 1241 stays analysed, 124 were in the treated group and 1117 in the control group. The average age was 44.6±14.7 years. The two groups were comparable on most of the variables analyzed. The change in systolic BP was associated with systolic BP values at baseline, history of hypertension, presence of an antihypertensive drug and BMI; the change in diastolic BP was associated with diastolic BP values at baseline, presence of an antihypertensive drug, BMI and history of bipolar disorder. We find no significant difference in the evolution of BP over time between the treated group and the control group over the 30 days of measurement per stay, after adjustment (evolution coefficient of +0.12mmHg systolic BP and -0.1mmHg diastolic BP, P=0.45 and 0.38 respectively). CONCLUSION These results are reassuring on the early development of BP after the introduction of antidepressants. They should not overlook the frequent effects of depression and antidepressants on cardiovascular risk (decreased physical activity, dyslipidemia, weight gain, etc.). Breast screening programmes enhance the probability of early breast cancer detection in many countries worldwide; however, the success of these efforts is highly dependent on the ability of breast screen readers to detect abnormalities in the screened population, which has low prevalence. Therefore, this task can be challenging. Clinical audit is a key quality assurance measure that aims to keep the screen reading performance within acceptable standards. Auditing, nonetheless, is a lengthy process, and its accuracy is dependent on available clinical data, which often can be limited. Mammographic standardised test sets are a different screen reading evaluation approach that provides participants with instant feedback based on a simulated environment. Although a test set provides unique evaluative qualities, its ability to represent clinical performance is debated. This article describes the distinctive roles of clinical audit and test sets in measuring and improving the quality of breast screening and highlights the relationship between test sets and clinical performance. Arcobacter butzleri is a zoonotic foodborne pathogen able to cause enteric and extraintestinal diseases. Its occurrence in foodstuff is well recognized worldwide but data on its presence in foods from Southern Italy are scarce. In this study the results on the occurrence and genotyping of Arcobacter spp. in bulk milk samples collected in Southern Italy are reported. Out of 484 samples, 64 (13.2%) resulted positive for the presence of Arcobacter spp. Using Real Time PCR but as few as 31.2% of these samples turned out as positive by using the cultural method, showing an overall prevalence of 4.1%. All isolates were identified as A. cryaerophilus using the biochemical identification whilst the sequencing of the atpA gene revealed that all the isolates were A. butzleri. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/nt157.html Among the confirmed isolates, 16 different Sequence Types (ST) were identified using the Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST), 14 (87.5%) of which were previously unreported. Our survey reveals the presence of A. butzleri in bulk tank milk from Southern Italy and highlights the discrepancy between the two approaches used both for the detection (i.e., real time PCR vs cultural method) and the identification (i.e., biochemical test vs aptA sequencing) of Arcobacter spp In addition, a large genetic diversity among the isolates was detected and this makes the identification of source of the infections very challenging in outbreaks investigation. Monitoring L. helveticus strain dynamics in natural whey starters is of great interest at the industrial level due to the key role that this bacterial population plays in Grana Padano cheese production. In this study, we aimed to develop a PCR-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) assay based on the slpH locus, in parallel with performing culture-dependent analysis of whey samples using optimized media to maximize the number of isolated strains. We designed new primers targeting the slpH locus to amplify a gene region that would be suitable for PCR-DGGE analysis and discriminating strains. Our results confirmed that the developed PCR-DGGE method was rapid and reliable for monitoring the L. helveticus population in whey starter cultures. All sequences of bands detected in the PCR-DGGE profiles from whey samples showed high similarity to S-layer genes of L. helveticus, and perfectly matched with the slpH locus sequences of dominant strains. Overall, our findings indicated that the target region of the slpH locus was sufficiently heterologous to discriminate L.