97%), stability (RSD  less then  2.52%) and recoveries (96.96%-98.52%, RSD  less then  3.24%), and no significant differences were observed between the external standard method and the new method as determined by calculating standard method difference. Overall, the study suggests that the simultaneous quantitative analysis of main Q-marker in G. uralensis Fisch with one single marker can be considered good quality criteria for performing quality control of G. uralensis Fisch. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.In 2015, New York State enacted new ventilation regulations to protect employees and clients from exposure to chemicals used in nail salons. This study measured common air pollutants found in nail salons and assessed compliance with ventilation requirements. Area sampling was conducted in 12 nail salons located in New York City for three consecutive days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) to measure total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), methyl methacrylate, toluene, and ethyl acetate concentrations and estimate ventilation rates. Salon characteristics were determined through a walkthrough inspection and survey administered to the manager. The average daily concentration of carbon dioxide and TVOCs across all salons was 1070 ppm [standard deviation (SD) = 440 ppm] and 29 ppm (SD = 25 ppm), respectively. Chemical-specific air sampling showed low to non-detectable levels of the three measured chemicals. Seventy-five percent of the nail salons did not meet general minimum outdoor airflow requirements. Little temporal variation was observed in day-to-day average concentrations of contaminants within salons, indicating uniform exposure during high customer count days. Salons that met the outdoor airflow requirements had twice the average daily customers (83 versus 42) and half the TVOC concentrations compared with salons that did not (33 versus 16 ppm). Nail salons not meeting ventilation requirements tended to have fewer customers and managers that did not understand the essential components of the ventilation system. Data from this study can be used as evidence of reduction in exposure due to compliance with the ventilation requirements. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Occupational Hygiene Society.An adrenal incidentaloma is now established as a common endocrine diagnosis that requires a multidisciplinary approach for effective management. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ITF2357(Givinostat).html The majority of patients can be reassured and discharged, but a personalized approach based upon image analysis, endocrine workup and clinical symptoms and signs are required in every case. ACC remains a real concern but is restricted to less then 2% of all cases. Functional AI lesions are commoner (but still probably less then 10% of total) and the greatest challenge remains the diagnosis and optimum management of autonomous cortisol secretion. Modern-day surgery has improved outcomes and novel radiological and urinary biomarkers will improve early detection and patient stratification in future years to come. © Endocrine Society 2020.People with stroke cite mobility deficits as one of the most burdensome limitations. National and international stroke guidelines recommend physical therapy based on task-oriented practice, with high numbers of repetitions to improve mobility. In the outpatient setting in Germany and Austria, these principles have not yet been established. The purpose of this study was to identify an evidence-based intervention that could help reduce this research-practice gap. A stepwise approach proposed by Voigt-Radloff et al and Cochrane Germany was used. First, the specific health service problem in the German and Austrian physical therapy outpatient context was identified. Second, a promising intervention was identified using a systematic search in the Cochrane Library and grading the quality of the evidence using GRADE. Finally, the transferability of the promising intervention into the local context was evaluated using predefined questions from the Cochrane guide and reports from health insurances, professional organizations, and national stroke guidelines. Task-oriented circuit training reviewed by English et al was chosen. The review showed clinically important improvements in walking distance and speed. The quality of the evidence was graded high for these 2 outcomes. We identified contextual challenges for implementation at the setting level (eg, insufficient reimbursement for group therapy by insurance companies), the participant and therapist level (eg, unknown motivation for group therapy due to the established 11 patient-therapist ratio), and the outcome measure level (eg, lack of standardized, cross-culturally translated manuals). While task-oriented circuit training is scientifically well established, barriers to implementation into routine care in Germany and Austria can be expected. In a next step, research using knowledge translation methodology will focus on the detailed evaluation of barriers and facilitators with the relevant stakeholders. © 2020 American Physical Therapy Association.Questions still exist regarding which indicator better estimates worker's exposure to diesel particulate matter (DPM) and, especially for ultrafine particles (UFP), how exposure levels and the characteristics of the particles vary in workplaces with different exposure conditions. This study aimed to quantify and characterize DPM exposures in three workplaces with different exposure levels an underground mine, a subway tunnel, and a truck repair workshop. The same sampling strategy was used and included measurements of the particle number concentration (PNC), mass concentration, size distribution, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the characterization of carbonaceous fractions. The highest geometric means (GMs) of PNC and elemental carbon (EC) were measured in the mine [134 000 (geometric standard deviation, GSD = 1.5) particles cm-3 and 125 (GSD = 2.1) µg m-3], followed by the tunnel [32 800 (GSD = 1.7) particles cm-3 and 24.7 (GSD = 2.4) µg m-3], and the truck workshop [22 700 (GSD = 1.3) particles cm-3 and 2.