The excess mortality due to ATSBs was estimated to be lower (mean 0.09 per mosquito per day, seasonal range 0.07-0.11 per day) than the bait feeding rate obtained from one-day staining tests (mean 0.34 per mosquito per day, seasonal range 0.28-0.38 per day). From epidemiological modelling, it was predicted that ATSBs could result in large reductions (> 30% annually) in prevalence and clinical incidence of malaria, even in regions with an existing high malaria burden. These results suggest that this new tool could provide a promising addition to existing vector control tools and result in significant reductions in malaria burden across a range of malaria-endemic settings.  30% annually) in prevalence and clinical incidence of malaria, even in regions with an existing high malaria burden. These results suggest that this new tool could provide a promising addition to existing vector control tools and result in significant reductions in malaria burden across a range of malaria-endemic settings. Physical activity is a cornerstone for treatment ofwomen with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but there are limited data on their exercise behaviors. A previous study identified PCOS patients of non-White ethnicity to beat higher risk for inadequate physical activity. Further data is needed to identify groups that would benefit from additional counseling in achieving adequate physical activity (APA). Therefore, this study examined correlates of APA within a multiethnic PCOS patient population. Cross-sectional assessment of exercise behaviors within a multiethnic PCOS patient population was performed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare metabolic equivalents from physical activity among racial/ethnic groups. APA was defined as at least 150min of moderate-intensity, or 75min of vigorous-intensity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity per week. Logistic regression analyses were performed to identify corry of APA in our cohort. Differences in frequency of APA across racial/ethnic groups appear to be influenced by anthropometric and sociodemographic factors. Our findings present an opportunity for women's health providers to be cognizant and provide additional counseling regarding physical exercise to at-risk PCOS patients to improve their known higher risk for adverse long-term metabolic outcomes. South Asian patients with PCOS exhibited the lowest metabolic expenditure and frequency of APA in our cohort. Differences in frequency of APA across racial/ethnic groups appear to be influenced by anthropometric and sociodemographic factors. Our findings present an opportunity for women's health providers to be cognizant and provide additional counseling regarding physical exercise to at-risk PCOS patients to improve their known higher risk for adverse long-term metabolic outcomes. Myriocin is a natural product with antifungal activity and is derived from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LZN01. Our previous work demonstrated that myriocin can inhibit the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon) by inducing membrane damage. In this study, the antifungal actions of myriocin against Fon were investigated with a focus on the effects of myriocin on intracellular molecules. Analysis of DNA binding and fluorescence spectra demonstrated that myriocin can interact with dsDNA from Fon cells. The intracellular-targeted mechanism of action was also supported by transcriptomic and proteomic analyses; a total of 2238 common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified. The DEGs were further verified by RT-qPCR. Most of the DEGs were assigned metabolism and genetic information processing functions and were enriched in ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes pathway. The expression of some genes and proteins in ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes pathway was affected by myriocin, primarily the genes controlled by the C6 zinc cluster transcription factor family and the NFYA transcription factor. Myriocin influenced the posttranscriptional processing of gene products by triggering the main RI (retained intron) events of novel alternative splicing; myriocin targeted key genes (FOXG_09470) or proteins (RIOK2) in ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes pathway, resulting in disordered translation. In conclusion, myriocin was determined to exhibit activity against Fon by targeting intracellular molecules. The results of our study may help to elucidate the antifungal actions of myriocin against Fon. In conclusion, myriocin was determined to exhibit activity against Fon by targeting intracellular molecules. The results of our study may help to elucidate the antifungal actions of myriocin against Fon. Many medical schools and residency programs incorporate research projects into their curriculum, however most remain unpublished. Little is known on the long-term effect of early-career publication, especially in female graduates. We collected data on physicians 15-20 years after graduation (representing a mid-career point), and analysed data on early publication, publication volume and impact according to graduates' gender and professional characteristics. Physicians were divided into those who never published, early-publishers (EP) who published within 2 years of graduation and late-publishers (LP). We analysed and compared the demographics, publication volume, publication quality as well as current mid-career position. Of 532 physicians, 185 were EP (34.8%), 220 were LP (41.3%), 127 (23.9%) never published, 491 (92.2%) became specialists and 122 (22.3%) achieved managerial position. Of the 405 who published, the average number of publications was 20.3 ± 33.0, and median (IQR) 9(19). H-index was signicies. We should invest in support programs encouraging early high quality research projects for young physicians and female graduates. Kenya has successfully expanded HIV treatment, but HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and unintended pregnancy remain issues for many Kenyan women living with HIV. While HIV-related stigma can influence the health seeking behaviors of those living with HIV, less is known about how reproductive health outcomes influence internalized stigma among women living with HIV. Baseline data only were used in this analysis and came from an implementation science study conducted in Kenya from 2015 to 2017. The analytic sample was limited to 1116 women who are living with HIV, between 18 to 44years old, and have ever experienced a pregnancy. The outcome variable was constructed from 7 internalized stigma statements and agreement with at least 3 statements was categorized as medium/high levels of internalized stigma. Unintended pregnancy, categorized as unintended if the last pregnancy was mistimed or unwanted, was the key independent variable. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to assess the association between unintended pregnancy and internalized stigma.