Remarkably, it is demonstrated that a purely athermal C* phase (i.e., with ε* = 0) can be formed for λ ≥ 0.7 and suitable choices of ζ. A metric of nonadditive (excess) volume of mixing is also suggested as an approximate predictor of athermal C* phase stability. The principles used to engineer selective entropic bonds and compounds with congruent melting are expected to be applicable to other particle shapes and crystalline phases.The dispersion of the electronic states of epitaxial graphene (Gr) depends significantly on the strength of the bonding with the underlying substrate. We report on empty electron states in cobalt-intercalated Gr grown on Ir(111), studied by angle-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, complemented with density functional theory calculations. The weakly bonded Gr on Ir preserves the peculiar spectroscopic features of the Gr band structure, and the empty spectral densities are almost unperturbed. Upon intercalation of a Co layer, the electronic response of the interface changes, with an intermixing of the Gr π* bands and Co d states, which breaks the symmetry of π/σ states, and a downshift of the upper part of the Gr Dirac cone. Similarly, the image potential of Ir(111) is unaltered by the Gr layer, while a downward shift is induced upon Co intercalation, as unveiled by the image state energy dispersion mapped in a large region of the surface Brillouin zone.Coarse-grained (CG) conformational surface hopping (SH) adapts the concept of multisurface dynamics, initially developed to describe electronic transitions in chemical reactions, to accurately describe classical molecular dynamics at a reduced level. The SH scheme couples distinct conformational basins (states), each described by its own force field (surface), resulting in a significant improvement of the approximation to the many-body potential of mean force [T. Bereau and J. F. Rudzinski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 256002 (2018)]. The present study first describes CG SH in more detail, through both a toy model and a three-bead model of hexane. We further extend the methodology to non-bonded interactions and report its impact on liquid properties. Finally, we investigate the transferability of the surfaces to distinct systems and thermodynamic state points, through a simple tuning of the state probabilities. In particular, applications to variations in temperature and chemical composition show good agreement with reference atomistic calculations, introducing a promising "weak-transferability regime," where CG force fields can be shared across thermodynamic and chemical neighborhoods.The pursuit of a hybrid spectroscopy that combines the superb sensitivity of fluorescence and the high chemical specificity of Raman scattering has lasted for 40 years, with multiple experimental and theoretical attempts in the literature. It was only recently that the stimulated Raman excited fluorescence (SREF) process was successfully observed in a broad range of fluorophores. SREF allows single-molecule vibrational spectroscopy and imaging in the optical far field without relying on plasmonic enhancement. In this perspective, we will first review the historical efforts that lead to the successful excitation and detection of SREF, followed by the underlying physical principles, then the remaining technical challenges will be discussed, and, at last, the future opportunities in this old but yet newly emerged spectroscopy are outlined.Triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion (TTA-UC) in solid state assemblies are desirable since they can be easily incorporated into devices such as solar cells, thus utilizing more of the solar spectrum. Realizing this is, however, a significant challenge that must circumvent the need for molecular diffusion, poor exciton migration, and detrimental back energy transfer among other hurdles. Here, we show that the above-mentioned issues can be overcome using the versatile and easily synthesized oxotriphenylhexanoate (OTHO) gelator that allows covalent incorporation of chromophores (or other functional units) at well-defined positions. To study the self-assembly properties as well as its use as a TTA-UC platform, we combine the benchmark couple platinum octaethylporphyrin as a sensitizer and 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA) as an annihilator, where DPA is covalently linked to the OTHO gelator at different positions. We show that TTA-UC can be achieved in the chromophore-decorated gels and that the position of attachment affects the photophysical properties as well as triplet energy transfer and triplet-triplet annihilation. This study not only provides proof-of-principle for the covalent approach but also highlights the need for a detailed mechanistic insight into the photophysical processes underpinning solid state TTA-UC.Ionic liquids (ILs) with long alkyl substituents are amphiphilic, which leads to a bicontinuous liquid structure. The strongly interacting anionic and cationic head groups form a long range charge network, with the hydrocarbon tails forming a nonpolar domain. Such nonpolar domains have been shown to dissolve a variety of neutral organic solvents. In mixtures of ILs with solvents the neutral organic molecules residing in the nonpolar domains experience different environments and friction from the charged cations and anions. Thus, the neutral molecules diffuse much faster than predicted by hydrodynamic scaling using the average viscosity of the mixture. In this work, we report studies on the structure and transport properties of mixtures of 1-octanol with the IL trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (P6,6,6,14+/NTf2-). The majority of the atom fraction in the P6,6,6,14+ cation comprises four hydrocarbon substituents. The unique amphiphilic nature of ILs with the P6,6,6,14+ cation makes 1-octanol fully miscible with the IL at ambient temperatures. X-ray scattering experiments show that the IL structure persists in the mixtures for 1-octanol mole fractions as large as xoct = 0.90. The self-diffusion coefficients of the three molecular species in the mixtures were measured by NMR experiments. The self-diffusion of the P6,6,6,14+ cation is well described by the Stokes-Einstein equation, while the diffusivity of the NTf2- anion is slightly lower than the hydrodynamic prediction. The measured diffusivities of octanol in these mixtures are 1.3-4 times higher than the hydrodynamic predictions.