PCR testing of SARS-CoV-2 does not differentiate between intact virus and remnants thereof, and patients may test positive for a long time. This along with a fluctuating clinical course makes it difficult for clinicians to decide when to end isolation of COVID-19 patients. The use of quinolones is subject to strict conditions, in part because of their known tendency to drive antimicrobial resistance. Use of quinolones in Norwegian hospitals increased dramatically from their launch in the 1980s to a peak in 2012. Since then, usage has decreased and had almost halved by 2019. However, little information is available on whether the use of quinolones in hospitals is in accordance with national guidelines. This study included inpatients over 12 years of age who were prescribed quinolones at a local hospital in the Central Norway Regional Health Authority in the period 1 September-31 December 2018. An expert group of infectious disease specialists evaluated the use of quinolones against the national guidelines for the use of antibiotics in hospitals. The use of ciprofloxacin was considered to have been inconsistent with therapeutic recommendations in 45 out of 49 (92%) inpatient stays in the medical, surgical and orthopaedic departments. In a local hospital, ciprofloxacin was used all too frequently for indications outside those recommended in the Norwegian guidelines. In a local hospital, ciprofloxacin was used all too frequently for indications outside those recommended in the Norwegian guidelines. Hysterectomy is a common gynaecological procedure. No Norwegian guidelines for the choice of hysterectomy surgical method exist, but international guidelines recommend minimally invasive surgery. The objective of this study was to investigate the kinds of surgical methods that were used for hysterectomies in the period 2008-18. Furthermore, we wished to identify the scope of robot-assisted hysterectomies and to find ou