Currently, RT-PCR is the gold standard for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, due to the time-consuming laboratory tests and the low positivity rate of RT-PCR, it cannot be an ideal screening tool for infected population. In this review article, we have reviewed studies related to RT-PCR and CT chest and we would like to give our recommendations. Depending upon the patient's clinical symptoms and radiology imaging typical of viral pneumonia compatible with COVID-19 infection, clinicians need to consider isolation of these patients early even if the RT-PCR test is negative.Coronavirus infection or COVID 19 was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has rapidly spread to more than 200 countries. The pandemic has also taken a toll of over 2.2 million. But the elusive search for an effective antidote is still on. Pending multiple and robust randomized controlled studies, some drugs are being used globally based on in-vitro studies, in -vivo evidence, observational studies, and small nonrandomized studies. Remdesivir is a nucleotide analog. It inhibits viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme. Several studies have hitherto demonstrated the promising in-vitro and in-vivo antiviral activities of the molecule against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) strains. It has now exhibited potential in vitro activity against SARS-CoV-2 strains too. Based on pivotal studies, remdesivir is now being used to treat moderate to severe patients through emergency use authorizations and other access programs around the world. This review aims to summarize the evidence and clinical trials of remdesivir as a potential therapeutic option for COVID-19.Second-hand smoke is a neglected public health issue. Every year 1.2 million people die due to this exposure. Second-hand smoke is also related to various other diseases like cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, low birth weight, maternal depression, etc. The purpose of this review is to look over various studies and to gain an understanding of existing research about second-hand smoke and its adverse effects. In addition, we tried to identify the barriers behind creating a smoke-free environment at home and successful strategies employed and suggestion given in various studies. A comprehensive search of the recent literature related to Second-hand smoke was undertaken using electronic databases like MEDLINE, PUBMED, Google Scholar, and Research gate. Keyword searches were conducted for publications published since 2004 or later on Second-hand smoke exposure in pregnant women. Prevalence of SHS among pregnant women ranged from 24% 92%. Lack of knowledge, absence of comprehensive smoking ban, low status of women was among the main contributing factors. Community awareness and counseling by primary health-care physician was found to be successful strategies. There are various cultural and social barriers behind a smoke-free home for pregnant women. Interventional approaches like focused counseling by primary care physicians can help to overcome this issue. There is a need for behavioral interventions and community awareness to be done in this aspect.The COVID virus and the pandemic are defying the general laws of epidemiology and virology. The pandemic shows how the economy can be crippled due to health care. Health is a key area which directly drives the economy. Incapacity in health policy leaves us vulnerable as a country. Global organizations and development partners have been too keen to lend technical help, policies, and procedures to India. Gone are the days when India used to receive any international funding in the health sector but at present most of the money is our own. We often take stewardship for implementation of these surrogate policies and procedures countrywide. The International donors and development partners pushed India on the path of selective primary care - disease based vertical programs. It was part of a geopolitical strategy. It is not resources but capacity. Capacity to make any innovation or change. There is a need for a new public health order in India. A massive change; a massive reform. Covid is an opportunity to think, push for institutional capacity building. As far as COVID pandemic is concerned, we need to strengthen the general health system in India, and not yet another vertical National Covid Control Program (NCCP) - Eliminate Covid by 2050; committing all national resources to one disease only. There is an urgent need for India to shift from selective primary health care to a comprehensive health care model. We have capacity and resources, we only need a national resolve! It is time to protect national interest. We cannot keep ourselves artificially vulnerable for ever. Early identification of young children exposed to trauma who are at risk of developing post-trauma symptomatology such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other emotional or behavioral problems is important for allocating appropriate treatment and preventing long-term consequences. However, assessment of young children exposed to trauma is challenging because children may not be able to talk about their trauma or trauma reactions. Story stem tools combine storytelling and play to access the internal world of young children and can be used in the assessment of children exposed to trauma. To examine reliability and validity of a new story stem tool, the Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS). OCTS was developed to screen for play-based behavior and narrative representations indicative of traumatization in preschool and young schoolchildren. Forty-nine Danish children aged 4.5-8.9 years (M = 6.6, SD = 1.2) participated in the OCTS. Participants included a risk sample of 31 children exposed to traumas exposed to trauma. OCTS shows promise as a standardized, age-appropriate informant-based screening measure applicable for clinical assessment.Diagnosis of tuberculosis in pediatric patients remains challenging due to inherent difficulties associated with obtaining respiratory samples for molecular and culture-based testing. To address this, recent studies have highlighted the utility of tongue swabs to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic DNA in the oral epithelia of tuberculosis infected adults. It is unknown whether tongue swabs have similar utility for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis and if the presence of DNA in these swabs was associated with whole bacilli. We therefore sought to conduct a preliminary assessment of the utility of tongue swabs to detect tubercle bacilli and their associated genetic material in young children. For this, we recruited hospitalized children with clinically diagnosed tuberculosis (n = 26) or lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI, n = 9). These categories were blinded for downstream laboratory tests, which included PCR, spoligotyping, smear microscopy, and culture. Mtb genomic DNA was detected by PCR only in clinically diagnosed TB cases [11/26 (31.