The NM template combines some of the main advantages of histology-based atlases (e.g. information about the cytoarchitectural structure) with features more commonly associated with MRI-based templates (isotropic nature of the dataset, and probabilistic analyses). The underlying workflow may be found useful in the future development of 3D brain atlases that incorporate information about the variability of areas in species for which it may be impractical to ensure homogeneity of the sample in terms of age, sex and genetic background.A number of computational techniques have been lately devised to image the Ensemble Average Propagator (EAP) within the white matter of the brain, propelled by the deployment of multi-shell acquisition protocols and databases approaches like Mean Apparent Propagator Imaging (MAP-MRI) and its Laplacian-regularized version (MAPL) aim at describing the low frequency spectrum of the EAP (limited by the maximum b-value acquired) and afterwards computing scalar indices that embed useful descriptions of the white matter, e. g. the Return-to-Origin, Plane, or Axis Probabilities (RTOP, RTPP, RTAP). These methods resort to a non-parametric, bandwidth limited representation of the EAP that implies fitting a set of 3-D basis functions in a large-scale optimization problem. We propose a semi-parametric approach inspired by signal theory the EAP is approximated as the spherical convolution of a Micro-Structure adaptive Gaussian kernel with a non-parametric orientation histogram, which aims at representing the low-frequency response of an ensemble of coherent sets of fiber bundles at the white matter. This way, the optimization involves just the 2 to 3 parameters that describe the kernel, making our approach far more efficient than the related state of the art. We devise dual Fourier domains Integral Transforms to analytically compute RTxP-like scalar indices as moments of arbitrary orders over either the