When the laser power is small, the maximum and minimum values of UV film melting and secondary crystallization engraving trace are relatively small as well; further, when the laser power increases, the maximum width of engraving is basically consistent with the preset width, and the precision of laser engraving is optimal.In this paper, an ultracompact all-optical encoder based on a photonic crystal nanoresonator was designed. The proposed structure consists of several waveguides and two nanoresonators. The nanoresonators were designed by reducing the radius of the dielectric rods. To analyze the all-optical encoder, plane-wave expansion and finite-difference time-domain methods were, respectively, applied to calculate the bandgap diagram and to obtain the transmission and propagation of optical field. The contrast ratio, delay time, data transfer speed, and total footprint of the logic gate equaled 9.51 dB, 0.24 ps, 4.16 Tb/s, and $148\;\unicodex00B5 \rm m^2$148µm2, respectively. In addition to these parameters, two new parameters were investigated the range of optical power required, and the frequency range for better logic gate efficiency. Due to the ultracompacted size, low power consumption, low delay time, and simplicity of structure, this all-optical encoder is suitable for use in low-power optical integrated circuits.In this study, we compare the ray-tracing method with the look-up table (LUT) method in order to optimize computer-generated hologram (CGH) calculation based on the wavefront recording plane (WRP) method. The speed of the WRP-based CGH calculation largely depends on implementation factors, such as calculation methods, hardware, and parallelization method. Therefore, we evaluated the calculation time and image quality of the reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) image by using the ray-tracing and LUT methods in the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) implementations. Thereafter, we performed several implementations by changing the number of object points and the distance from 3D objects to the WRP. Furthermore, we confirmed different characteristics between CPU and GPU implementations.The geometrical phase analysis (GPA) method, which is an efficient and powerful noncontact method to obtain the strain field, has already been widely applied in deformation measurement in micro- and nano-scale. It is easy to get the strain field accurately; however, the displacement field is unreliable in some cases. Therefore, a subpixel displacement match method hereby is applied in the GPA method for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, to overcome this defect. The presented algorithm's limit error of 0.01 pixel under ideal conditions can match two corresponding local areas in reference and deformation image, and, thus, the displacement with subpixel precision of this point can be established. Owing to the continuity of the displacement field, the displacements of other points can be obtained subsequently. The error that is associated with the existing method will be dealt with in detail and verified by simulation further. Combined with simulation, the performance of the presented method is demonstrated; furthermore, the noise introduced by the imaging system is taken into consideration. Finally, a typical bending test was performed, and the result agrees well with the theoretical analysis. Both the simulation and experiment results prove that the presented method is effective and robust.In this paper, the self-mixing interference subject to weak optical feedback has been used to measure the damping vibration. By analyzing the spectrum of the signal, the damping coefficient can be extracted precisely from the nth-order Bessel functions, which are determined by the dominant harmonic order of the frequency spectrum. Theoretical derivation and signal processing are presented. Four kinds of vibrating targets with different damping coefficients are measured. Experimental results show that standard deviation and root mean square error of data are less than 0.2 and 0.1, respectively, which means fitted values are stable as well as having a very high fitting precision.A simulation-based method to predict the multiwavelengths in a fiber Brillouin cavity is proposed. The coupled steady-state equation is solved by describing the multiwavelength in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction of the fiber Brillouin cavity. By applying the guessed constants solution as the boundary condition at the output, the partial differential equation is solved with the initial guess value to find the approximate solution. The algorithm is based on the finite element method, and it has proven to be somewhat fast and accurate. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/amg510.html Furthermore, a quantitative study is performed on the basis of the proposed algorithm. This work presents a practical option to gain experimental instructions to describe the multiwavelength fiber Brillouin cavity, for which we believe no efficient algorithm currently exists.In this paper, a non-tunable fiber Fabry-Perot filter (FFPF) is configured to demodulate dynamic strain signals in a multiplexed dynamic sensing system based on a fiber ring laser. A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) contained in the fiber ring laser cavity enables this system to implement multiplex operation because of the inhomogeneous broadening of the SOA source. The shift of the reflective spectrum of the fiber Bragg grating caused by external dynamic strain is demodulated by the FFPF in the laser cavity, which ultimately generates an amplified output. In the experiment, the sensing system can respond to dynamic strains at ultra-high frequencies up to megahertz, and an example for detection of ultrasonic signals in water has been successfully demonstrated. A dual-channel system for multiplexing demodulation is also discussed. This system presented here has a simple structure and a low cost, which makes it attractive for dynamic strain detection in structural health monitoring.The operation of an adaptive non-steady-state photo-electromagnetic field (EMF) sensor is studied in an interferometric arrangement including a diffuse scattering object-fiber optic plate. The mechanical oscillations of this plate induce the strains and stresses of the medium, which modulates the phase of the propagating light wave across the plate. The resonant frequencies of the mechanical system and the distribution of the phase modulation amplitude across the plate's surface are measured. The minimal detectable stress amplitude is estimated.