The failure of the maternal immune system to recognize fetal antigens and vice versa due to MHC similarity between the foal and its dam might result in the lack of placental separation during parturition in mares. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of MHC similarity between a mare and a foal on the incidence of retained fetal membranes (RFM) in post-partum mares. DNA was sampled from 43 draft mares and their foals. Mares which failed to expel fetal membranes within three hours after foal expulsion were considered the RFM group (n = 14) and mares that expelled fetal membranes during the above period were the control group (n = 29). Nine MHC microsatellites of MHC I and MHC II were amplified for all mares and foals. MHC compatibility and MHC genetic similarity between mares and their foals was determined based on MHC microsatellites. The inbreeding coefficient was also calculated for all horses. The incidence of RFM in the studied population was 33%. Compatibility in MHC I and MHC II did not increase the risk of RFM in the studied population of draft mares (P>0.05). Differences in MHC similarity at the genetic level were not observed between mare-foal pairs in RFM and control group (P>0.05). We suspect that RFM in draft mares may not be associated with MHC similarity between a foal and its dam. Despite the above, draft horses could be genetically predisposed to the disease.Alternative polyadenylation (APA) is emerging as a widespread regulatory layer since the majority of human protein-coding genes contain several polyadenylation (p(A)) sites in their 3'UTRs. By generating isoforms with different 3'UTR length, APA potentially affects mRNA stability, translation efficiency, nuclear export, and cellular localization. Polyadenylation sites are regulated by adjacent RNA cis-regulatory elements, the principals among them are the polyadenylation signal (PAS) AAUAAA and its main variant AUUAAA, typically located ~20-nt upstream of the p(A) site. Mutations in PAS and other auxiliary poly(A) cis-elements in the 3'UTR of several genes have been shown to cause human Mendelian diseases, and to date, only a few common SNPs that regulate APA were associated with complex diseases. Here, we systematically searched for SNPs that affect gene expression and human traits by modulation of 3'UTR APA. First, focusing on the variants most likely to exert the strongest effect, we identified 2,305 SNPs ands of additional pA-QTLs having weaker effects compared to the PAS pA-QTLs.Do islands harbour less diverse disease communities than mainland? The island biogeography theory predicts more diverse communities on mainland than on islands due to more niches, more diverse habitats and availability of greater range of hosts. We compared bacteria prevalences of Campylobacter, Chlamydia and Salmonella in cloacal samples of a small shorebird, the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) between two island populations of Macaronesia and two mainland locations in the Iberian Peninsula. Bacteria were found in all populations but, contrary to the expectations, prevalences did not differ between islands and mainland. Females had higher prevalences than males for Salmonella and when three bacteria genera were pooled together. Bacteria infection was unrelated to bird's body condition but females from mainland were heavier than males and birds from mainland were heavier than those from islands. Abiotic variables consistent throughout breeding sites, like high salinity that is known to inhibit bacteria growth, could explain the lack of differences in the bacteria prevalence between areas. We argue about the possible drivers and implications of sex differences in bacteria prevalence in Kentish plovers.Soil fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge (DSS) accelerates the recovery process of degraded areas by improving nutrient concentration, and favors the development of trophic webs with pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales Fabaceae), phytophagous Hemiptera, predators, and protocooperanting ants. This study aimed to evaluate the development and production of A. auriculiformis litter with or without dehydrated sewage sludge application and the ecological indices of sucking insects (Hemiptera), their predators and protocooperating ants, as bioindicators, in a degraded area for 24 months. Complete randomization was applied for two treatments (with or without application of dehydrated sewage sludge) in 24 replications (one repetition = one plant). We evaluated the number of leaves/branch and branches/plant, percentage of soil cover (litter), ecological indices of phytophagous Hemiptera, their predators, and protocooperating ants. The plants of A. auriculiformis, that were applied with dehydrated sewage sludge, had superior development when compared to plants where DSS were not applied. The highest abundance and richness of phytophagous Hemiptera species and Sternorrhyncha predators occurred on A. auriculiformis plants that were applied with dehydrated sewage sludge. The increase in richness of species of protocooperanting ants that established mutualistic relationships positively influenced the phytophagous Hemiptera. The use of A. auriculiformis, with application of dehydrated sewage sludge, can increase recovery of degraded areas due to its higher soil cover (e.g., litter) and results in higher ecological indices of phytophagous Hemiptera and their predators.K+ is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is responsible for many important physiological processes. K+ deficiency leads to crop yield losses, and overexpression of K+ transporter genes has been proven to be an effective way to resolve this problem. However, current research on the overexpression of K+ transporter genes is limited to plant sources. TrkH is a bacterial K+ transporter whose function generally depends on the regulation of TrkA. To date, whether TrkH can improve K+ uptake in eukaryotic organisms is still unknown. In this study, a novel MbtrkH gene was cloned from marine microbial metagenomic DNA. Functional complementation and K+-depletion analyses revealed that MbTrkH functions in K+ uptake in the K+-deficient yeast strain CY162. Moreover, K+-depletion assays revealed that MbtrkH overexpression improves plant K+ uptake. K+ hydroponic culture experiments showed that, compared with WT tobacco lines, MbtrkH transgenic tobacco lines had significantly greater fresh weights, dry weights and K+ contents.