In DH5α, aar affected expression of E. coli genes in some cases via H-NS, and in some cases independent of H-NS. Our data supports the model that Aar interacts in concert with AggR, H-NS, and possibly other regulators, and that these interactions are likely to be functionally significant in vivo. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.The survival, replication and virulence of mycoplasmas depend on their ability to capture and import host-derived nutrients, using poorly characterised membrane proteins. Previous studies on the important bovine pathogen Mycoplasma bovis demonstrated that the amino terminal end of an immunogenic 226 kDa (P226) protein, encoded by milA (the full length product of which has a predicted molecular weight of 303 kDa) had lipase activity. The predicted sequence of MilA contains glycosaminoglycan binding motifs, as well as multiple copies of a domain of unknown function (DUF445) that is also found in apolipoproteins. We mutagenised the gene to facilitate expression of a series of regions spanning the gene in E. coli Using monospecific antibodies against these recombinant proteins we showed that MilA was proteolytically processed into 226 kDa and 50 kDa fragments that were both partitioned into the detergent phase by Triton X-114 phase fractionation. Trypsin treatment of intact cells showed that P226 was surface exposed. The recombinant regions of MilA bound to 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid and a variety of lipids, in vitro The MilA fragments were also shown to bind heparin. Antibody against the carboxyl terminal fragment inhibited the growth of M. bovis in vitro This carboxyl end also bound and hydrolysed ATP, suggestive of a role as potential autotransporter. Our studies have demonstrated that DUF445 have lipid binding activity and that MilA is a multifunctional protein that may play multiple roles in the pathogenesis of infection with M. bovis. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.OBJECTIVE The prediction of survival of gastric neuroendocrine tumours (g-NETs) is controversial. Prognostic effects of the metastatic lymph node ratio (LNR) in patients with g-NET were explored, and a nomogram was plotted to predict the survival rates of patients. METHODS A longitudinal study conducted on the basis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database. The association between LNR and survival were investigated by using Pearson correlation and Cox regression. Overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) rates were predicted with the help of nomograms. RESULTS A total of 315 patients with g-NET diagnosed from 2004 to 2015 were included in this study. LNR was discovered to have a negative correlation with OS and CSS (Pearson correlation coefficients 0.343 (p less then 0.001) and 0.389 (p less then 0.001), respectively). The multivariate analyses indicated age, tumour site, differentiation, T staging, M staging, chemotherapy and LNR to be independent prognostic factors for both OS and CSS. Surgery was also a prognostic determinant for CSS (p=0.003). Concordance indices of the nomograms for OS and CSS were higher than those of the TNM classification (0.772 vs 0.730 and 0.807 vs 0.768, respectively). As per the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, predictive ability of the nomograms for survival of 1, 3 and 5 years was all better than that of TNM classification. CONCLUSIONS LNR is an independent predictor of g-NETs. The nomograms plotted in this study have a satisfying predictive ability of survival risks and are capable of guiding tailored treatment strategies for patients with g-NET. © Author (s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. Published by BMJ on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.Although STAT1 tyrosine-701 phosphorylation (designated STAT1-pY701) is indispensable for STAT1 function, the requirement for STAT1 serine-727 phosphorylation (designated STAT1-pS727) during systemic autoimmune and antipathogen responses remains unclear. Using autoimmune-prone B6.Sle1b mice expressing a STAT1-S727A mutant in which serine is replaced by alanine, we report in this study that STAT1-pS727 promotes autoimmune Ab-forming cell (AFC) and germinal center (GC) responses, driving autoantibody production and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) development. In contrast, STAT1-pS727 is not required for GC, T follicular helper cell (Tfh), and Ab responses to various foreign Ags, including pathogens. STAT1-pS727 is also not required for gut microbiota and dietary Ag-driven GC and Tfh responses in B6.Sle1b mice. By generating B cell-specific bone marrow chimeras, we demonstrate that STAT1-pS727 plays an important B cell-intrinsic role in promoting autoimmune AFC, GC, and Tfh responses, leading to SLE-associated autoantibody production. Our analysis of the TLR7-accelerated B6.Sle1b.Yaa SLE disease model expressing a STAT1-S727A mutant reveals STAT1-pS727-mediated regulation of autoimmune AFC and GC responses and lupus nephritis development. Together, we identify previously unrecognized differential regulation of systemic autoimmune and antipathogen responses by STAT1-pS727. Our data implicate STAT1-pS727 as a therapeutic target for SLE without overtly affecting STAT1-mediated protection against pathogenic infections. Copyright © 2020 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.Macrophages can either promote or resolve inflammatory responses, and their polarization state is modulated by peripheral serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]). In fact, pro- and anti-inflammatory macrophages differ in the expression of serotonin receptors, with 5-HT2B and 5-HT7 expression restricted to M-CSF-primed monocyte-derived macrophages (M-MØ). 5-HT7 drives the acquisition of profibrotic and anti-inflammatory functions in M-MØ, whereas 5-HT2B prevents the degeneration of spinal cord mononuclear phagocytes and modulates motility of murine microglial processes. Because 5-HT2B mediates clinically relevant 5-HT-related pathologies (valvular heart disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension) and is an off target of anesthetics, antiparkinsonian drugs, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, we sought to determine the transcriptional consequences of 5-HT2B engagement in human macrophages, for which 5-HT2B signaling remains unknown. Assessment of the effects of specific agonists and antagonist revealed that 5-HT2B engagement modifies the cytokine and gene signature of anti-inflammatory M-MØ, upregulates the expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) target genes, and stimulates the transcriptional activation of AhR.