Theoretical implications of the results regarding how reward influences attentional processing are discussed.The ability of two Panepinto micro pigs and two Yorkshire pigs (Sus scrofa) to acquire a joystick-operated video-game task was investigated. Subjects were trained to manipulate a joystick that controlled movement of a cursor displayed on a computer monitor. The pigs were required to move the cursor to make contact with three-, two-, or one-walled targets randomly allocated for position on the monitor, and a reward was provided if the cursor collided with a target. The video-task acquisition required conceptual understanding of the task, as well as skilled motor performance. Terminal performance revealed that all pigs were significantly above chance on first attempts to contact one-walled targets (p less then 0.05). These results indicate that despite dexterity and visual constraints, pigs have the capacity to acquire a joystick-operated video-game task. Limitations in the joystick methodology suggest that future studies of the cognitive capacities of pigs and other domestic species may benefit from the use of touchscreens or other advanced computer-interfaced technology.The ability to sequence thoughts and actions is impaired in Parkinson's disease (PD). In PD, a distinct error pattern has been found in the offline performance of sequential working memory. This study examined how PD's performance of sequential working memory unfolds over time using mouse tracking techniques. Non-demented patients with mild PD (N = 40) and healthy controls (N = 40) completed a computerized digit ordering task with a computer mouse. We measured response dynamics in terms of the initiation time, ordering time, movement time, and area under the movement trajectory curve. This approach allowed us to distinguish between the cognitive processes related to sequence processing before the actual movement (initiation time and ordering time) and the execution processes of the actual movement (movement time and area under the curve). PD patients showed longer initiation times, longer movement times, and more constrained movement trajectories than healthy controls. The initiation time and ordering time negatively correlated with the daily exposure to levodopa and D2/3 receptor agonists, respectively. The movement time positively correlated with the severity of motor symptoms. We demonstrated an altered temporal profile of sequential working memory in PD. Stimulating D1 and D2/3 receptors might speed up the maintenance and manipulation of sequences, respectively.Sigmund Freud is occasionally perceived as outdated and his work no longer relevant to academia. The citing papers (CPs) that cited Freud works were collected from Web of Science and analyzed. The 10 most common research areas of the CPs were noted, and the overall volume of the respective bodies of literature were retrieved. I computed the annual percentage of the respective bodies of literature that cited Freud. On a separate note, I computed the annual percentage of citations coming from psychology and psychiatry. Results based on 42,571 CPs found that psychology accounted for over half of the citations to Freud. The percentage of psychology papers citing Freud declined gradually from around 3% in the late 1950s to around 1% in the 2010s, in an extent of -0.02% per year over the entire survey period spanning across 65 years from 1956 till 2020 (P less then 0.001). In psychiatry, a similar decline was observed, from around 4-4.5% in the late 1950s to just below 0.5% in the 2010s, in an extent of -0.1% per year (P less then 0.001). However, a reverse trend was observed for psychoanalysis literature, which generally increased from 10-20% before the 1980s to 25-30% since the 2000s, in an extent of +0.2% per year (P less then 0.001). Meanwhile, the annual percentage of CPs coming from psychology and psychiatry was decreasing by 0.4% per year (P less then 0.001). Bibliometric data supported the notion that Freud's influence was on a decline in psychology and psychiatry fields.The ability to recover from official match-play across a single and multiple matches is often considered a key factor in subsequent performance for modern professional basketball. The aims of this study were to (i) explore the differences in match performances between different match congestion cycles (i.e., matches separated by zero, one, or two or greater days of rest); and (ii) identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) discriminating between winning and losing during different match congestion cycles. The current study indicated that scoring close to (i.e., within the paint) (ES = 0.08) or very far away (i.e., Three-point, ES = 0.05) was significantly greater for winning matches separated by 1- and 2-days of rest compared to consecutive matches (i.e., 0 rest days between matches). Additionally, shooting efficiency (P less then 0.001), and attaining Defensive Rebounds (P less then 0.001) and Steals (P less then 0.001), were significant offensive and defensive KPIs that differentiated winning and losing teams. Similarly, opponent quality and match pace were important situational variables that affected match outcome during different match congestion cycles. While match location had an impact on winning following 1- and 2-days of rest, it had no impact for back-to-back matches (i.e., 0 days between matches). The current results will support coaches' offensive, defensive and recovery strategies during various match congestion cycles for a greater probability of winning NBA matches.As one of the foundations of existential positive psychology, self-transcendence can bring positive intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes, especially in the COVID-19 era in which people are suffering huge mental stress. Based on Schwartz's theory of human basic values, the current study combines variable-centered and person-centered approaches to examine the relationships between adolescents' values and mental health across two regions in China. The results generally showed that (1) both self-enhancement and conservation values were positively correlated with depression and loneliness, while both self-transcendence and openness to change values negatively correlated with depression and loneliness. The results also showed that (2) there were four value clusters (i.e., self-focus, other-focus, anxiety-free, undifferentiated), and, compared to adolescents in the self-focus and undifferentiated values cluster, all adolescents in the anxiety-free values cluster reported lower depression and loneliness, while all adolescents in the other-focus values cluster reported higher depression and loneliness.