th patients, family, and other stakeholders; and how should we incorporate ethics into the education and training of medical professionals?Mammalian cells are the preferred choice system for the production of complex molecules, such as recombinant therapeutic proteins. Although the technology for increasing the yield of proteins has improved rapidly, the process of selecting, identifying as well as maintaining high-yield cell clones is still troublesome, time-consuming and usually uncertain. Optimization of expression vectors is one of the most effective methods for enhancing protein expression levels. Several commonly used chromatin-modifying elements, including the matrix attachment region, ubiquitous chromatin opening elements, insulators, stabilizing anti-repressor elements can be used to increase the expression level and stability of recombinant proteins. In this review, these chromatin-modifying elements used for the expression vector optimization in mammalian cells are summarized, and future strategies for the utilization of expression cassettes are also discussed.Diatoms are unicellular photosynthetic microalgae existing ubiquitously in marine and freshwater environments. This review focuses on high-value compounds produced from diatoms, including chrysolaminarin (Chrl), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and fucoxanthin (Fx), which can be applied in aquaculture, human health foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. In addition, this review provides an overview of their biosynthesis in diatoms and technologies for production. EPA and Fx typically accumulate synergistically in diatoms, while Chrl competes with EPA and Fx for carbon precursors. Several diatom strains have been employed that simultaneously accumulate these three compounds, but limitations and challenges still exist during commercialization. To address the bottleneck in biomass and high-value compound production, the optimization of cultivation parameters, the trophic mode, elicitor- or bacteria-assisted stimulations, and genetic modifications via mutant breeding, adaptive evolution engineering, and metabolic engineering have been developed in diatoms to establish improved technologies. Currently, large-scale cultivation of diatoms occurs mostly in open ponds and photobioreactors in autotrophic mode. Mixotrophic cultivation and coextraction approaches for multiple products represent novel strategies for economically enhancing the future production of biomass and high-value compounds on an industrial scale.Extraction of DNA, RNA and protein from the same sample would allow for direct comparison of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic information. Commercially available kits exhibit poor protein yield and the TRIzol® reagent produces a protein pellet that is extremely difficult to solubilize. In response to these limitations, this study presents an optimized method for the extraction of protein from the organic phase of TRIzol that allows for higher yield recovery of skeletal muscle protein compared with direct homogenization in a common protein lysis buffer. The presented method is inexpensive, simple and fast, requires no additional treatment of the protein pellet for dissolution, and is compatible with downstream western blot applications.The increasing interest in manipulating neural circuits in developing brains has created a demand for reliable and accurate methods for delivering viruses to newborn mice. Here we describe a novel 3D-printed mouse neonatal stereotaxic adaptor for intracerebral viral injection that provides enhanced precision and reliability. Using this device, we injected A2a-Cre mice with a Cre-dependent hM4D-mCherry viral construct at postnatal day 1 (P1) and demonstrated selective expression in the striatal indirect pathway neurons on days P7, P11 and P25. Similarly, dopaminergic midbrain neurons were selectively targeted with a Cre-dependent green fluorescent protein virus in Dat-IRES-Cre neonates and expression examined at P25. Our open-source neonatal stereotaxic mouse adaptor facilitates neonatal neuronal targeting, which should improve the ability to label and modify neural circuits in developing mouse brains.Chemotherapy is a major therapeutic strategy for patients with cancer. Owing to the severe inflammatory response of chemotherapy, patients experience extreme discomfort during treatment, and this may interrupt treatment completion. The vitamin D3 has a role in anti-inflammation, but no study has explored whether vitamin D3 has beneficial effects on patients undergoing chemotherapy. In this study, we investigated the effect of calcitriol (Vit-D) on inflammatory responses during 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) treatment. Rats were divided into five groups and treated with 11 dilution of 5-FU with equal amount of 0.9% saline, 13 dilution of 5-FU with 0.9% saline threefold dilution, 5-FU, Vit-D, or 5-FU + Vit-D. A single dose of 15 mg/kg of 5-FU was intravenously administered for 4 h, and the blood biochemical substances and inflammatory cytokines were assessed after the intervention. The 5-FU group had higher AST, ALT, LDH, and CPK levels than those in the 5-FU + Vit-D group. The 5-FU + Vit-D group had a lower TNF-α value than the 5-FU. The IL-6 levels in the 5-FU + Vit-D group were also significantly lower than those in 5-FU. Calcitriol administration during 5-FU therapy can alleviate the production of inflammatory cytokines and liver damage.Mutations in SOD1 cause approximately 12-25% of familial ALS and ≈2% of apparently sporadic ALS cases. Clinical phenotypes linked to SOD1 mutations are heterogeneous and intra-familial variability of the clinical phenotype is frequently observed. SOD1 L144S mutation, identified also in Brazil, Iran and United States, is the second most frequent mutation among ALS patients in Poland. So far, 10 FALS pedigrees with SOD1 L144S mutation have been reported worldwide. The aim of the study was to establish the origin of SOD1 L144S mutation in geographically distinct populations. The clinical presentation of the Polish patients was compared with those from the previously reported populations (26 ever-reported patients). Clinically, L144S mutation is associated with both sporadic and familial ALS of relatively slow uniform course, a prevalent onset in the lower limbs, either classic or PMA presentation and a long survival time. Like in the case of other previously described SOD1 mutations, there was an intra-familial heterogeneity and reduced penetrance for ALS was observed.