Computational Structural Revision of an 4-Hydroxy-3-(1'-angeloyloxy-2',3'-epoxy-3'-methyl)butylacetophenone Compound through Ageratina grandifolia. Engaging students in class when first-hand experience is not available is challenging. Three teaching strategies, flipped classroom, a guest speaker, and technology, engaged students during a global health class. Students were given a graded preclass assignment, which was used to guide the class session when an expert physician from Zambia joined us using technology. On the day of class, students were engaged and asked questions of the physician related to global health and culture. Combining the three strategies was an innovative and effective way to engage students, with many sharing with faculty that this was their favorite class day.The growing population of older adults requires that nursing programs provide nursing students with the skills and knowledge needed to provide gerontological nursing care. This article describes a reciprocal mentoring exercise used for the clinical practice experience in a new 16-week stand-alone gerontology nursing course. Reflective journaling and responses to a survey revealed positive outcomes for students and mentors.The Northeast Team of the Ohio Action Coalition, composed of regional clinical and academic educators, identified a potential barrier for nurses pursuing a baccalaureate degree. Duplication of health assessment content was identified for some associate degree graduates enrolled in RN-BSN programs, thereby adding extra time and cost for attaining the baccalaureate degree. In response, the Northeast Team of the Ohio Action Coalition developed an assessment competency evaluation that, if successfully passed, would grant credit for the health assessment course. The assessment competency evaluation provided the opportunity for students to demonstrate competency in both health assessment and clinical judgment skills. To examine the effect of Benson's relaxation technique on occupational stress in midwives working in a Labor and Delivery (L&D) unit. This pre- and post-quasi-experimental study involved 65 midwives with a minimum 1 year of experience using convenience sampling. After training, the participants performed Benson's relaxation technique twice a day for 4 weeks. Occupational stress was measured using standard questionnaires of occupational stress. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test, Student's t-test, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. This study demonstrated that Benson's relaxation technique may be effective in reducing occupational stress among midwives in L&D units. This study demonstrated that Benson's relaxation technique may be effective in reducing occupational stress among midwives in L&D units.Youth e-cigarette use was declared a national epidemic in 2018. This article discusses e-cigarette- or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) and highlights the unique role nurses can have as advocates, patient educators, and champions of health promotion and disease prevention for their patients and families.Cardiac amyloidosis is a poorly understood cause of heart failure and is often undiagnosed. Recent advances in diagnostic testing and understanding of the disease have enhanced the ability of clinicians to detect this disease and provide patients with appropriate treatment. This article shares important information to help clinicians better understand transthyretin amyloidosis, including discussion on pathophysiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and management.Acute kidney injury (AKI) can be a devastating diagnosis for any patient and can increase mortality during hospitalization. There can be long-term consequences for those who survive the initial insult. This article discusses AKI and its implications for nurses.Necrotizing soft-tissue infections (NSTIs) are rare but rapidly progressive, life-threatening bacterial infections with high morbidity and mortality. NSTIs include necrotizing forms of fasciitis, myositis, and cellulitis. This article focuses on necrotizing fasciitis (NF) and discusses NF classifications, clinical features, diagnostic approaches, evidence-based treatments, and nursing interventions.Nurses frequently care for patients with complaints of insomnia in the hospital and community settings. Because older adults with insomnia present unique challenges for successful patient management, nurses should understand the latest assessment and treatment options. In patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA), it is unclear whether a difference in complication rates exists between patients discharged the day of surgery compared with subsequent postoperative days. Data were collected from the PearlDiver Patient Records Database from 2007 to 2017. Subjects were identified using International Classification of Diseases codes. Eligible patients were stratified into the following three groups (1) same day discharge (<24 hours postoperatively), (2) rapid discharge (1 to 2 days), and (3) traditional discharge (3 to 4 days) based on the length of stay. In total, 84,864 patients were identified as having undergone primary TKA. The incidence of same day discharge, rapid discharge, and traditional discharge was 2.36% (2,004/84,864), 28.56% (24,235/84,864), and 69.08% (58,625/84,864), respectively. After adjustment, no notable differences were observed in the overall complication and revision rates between the same day discharge group and either the rapid discharge or the traditional discharge group. On multivariate analysis, patients in the rapid discharge cohort were less likely to require manipulation under anesthesia or develop periprosthetic joint infection when compared with the traditional discharge group at 1 year postoperatively. For those who qualify after careful selection, same day and rapid discharge TKA may be a feasible alternative to the traditional inpatient TKA. A level 3 retrospective, prognostic study. A level 3 retrospective, prognostic study.As the length of stay for hip and knee arthroplasty has decreased over the years, "outpatient," or same-calendar-day discharge has become increasingly common. Outpatient arthroplasty offers several possible benefits over traditional inpatient arthroplasty, including potential for cost reductions, faster rehabilitation, improved patient satisfaction, and reduced reliance on hospital resources. Despite these possible benefits, concerns remain over feasibility and patient safety. To date, multiple studies have demonstrated that, for select patients, "outpatient" hip and knee arthroplasty can be safe and effective and yield complication and readmission rates similar to inpatient procedures at potentially significant cost savings. Successful outpatient pathways have emphasized careful patient selection, detailed patient education, enlistment of strong social support, utilization of multimodal analgesia and strong "episode ownership," and involvement on behalf of the surgical team. As outpatient hip and knee arthroplasty becomes increasingly common, continued investigation into all aspects of the surgical episode is warranted.