Differentiation of true from mimicking Eagle's syndrome based on conventional radiography is difficult; however, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images can contribute to proper diagnosis of mimicking Eagle's syndrome. The aim was to study radiological images of a 37-year old female patient (patient #1), with chronic cervicofacial pain who underwent radiological diagnosis with a conventional panoramic machine; another 75-year old male patient (patient #2), with chronic oropharyngeal pain, underwent a radiological diagnosis with the CBCT machine, with a field of a view of 16 × 12 cm. Exposure factors were 120 kVp, 7 mA, with a 20 s exposure time of acquisition. The results show a panoramic image (patient #1) with a pathologically elongated styloid process 46 mm of length, which was surgically removed, releasing the patient from further pain episodes. CBCT acquisition (patient #2) showed an impacted left maxillary canine in the edentulous maxilla and a peculiar elongation of both stylohyoid complexes as impressive, "collar-like", bilateral, elongated, multiple segmented, calcified stylohyoid complexes, without pressure on the vital neurovascular neck structures, mimicking true Eagle's syndrome. The impacted maxillary canine was surgically extracted with a subsequent resolution of pain episodes and the cessation of neurological complaints. The conclusions suggest that the use of CBCT images can contribute to differentiating mimicking from true Eagle's syndrome, which has been rarely reported in the literature.Welding distortion is a critical issue as it leads to severe deterioration of structural integrity of welded work piece and dimensional precision. This study aims at studying the effects of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) parameters on the evolution of mechanical properties, including tensile strength, impact toughness, and hardness, along with angular distortion on a welded joint from SA 516 grad