The demand of chitosan in the global industrial market is growing which is briefly explained in this paper. Chitosan is used for water purification since a long time and still progress is going on for making it more efficient in the removal process. It can be used as a flocculent and coagulant, as an adsorbent for removing the contaminants like heavy metals, dyes, pesticides, antibiotics, biological contaminants from wastewater. Soil remediation using chitosan material is explained in this review. Various other applications such as drug delivery, food additives, tissue engineering are thoroughly reviewed.In the present study, microplastics (MPs) and metal concentrations were studied in the widely consumed tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fishes (n = 15) collected from a metropolitan reservoir of the Atoyac River basin, Mexico. Nearly 139 fibers were extracted from the gastrointestinal tracts and assessed using optical microscopy to evaluate their physical characteristics. The colour distribution of the fibers was mainly black (40%), blue (19%), red and white (14%). SEM images represented the surface morphology, while the elemental composition of the fibers was studied using EDX spectra. Polymer characterization using μFTIR aided in confirming the fibers as plastics (polyamide, polyester, and synthetic cellulose) and non-plastics (natural cellulose). Henceforth, ∼33% of the fibers, provisionally thought to be plastics, were natural fibers. The total metal concentrations were higher in the liver (259.24 mg kg-1) than the muscle (122.56 mg kg-1) due to diverse metabolic functions in the hepatic tissues. Human health risk assessment in terms of Hazard Index (HI) presented Pb and Zn values above unity in both adults and children, prompting regulatory measures. Statistical tests between MPs and fish biometry did not present any substantial correlations. The present study also affirmed that the presence of MPs and metals in fishes of a highly contaminated region is not only governed by their bioavailabilities, but also on the physiological characteristics of the individual organism.Pineapple leaves were used as a natural fiber source to prepare various modified microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) samples as sorbents for H2S sorption. Pineapple leaf fibers were first extracted from pineapple leaves, followed by hydrolyzing to produce MCC before various modifications using primary amine (3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, APS), secondary amine (N-methyl-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, MAPS), or tertiary amine (N,N-dimethyl-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, DAPS). The characterization results proved that all the aminosilane groups were successfully grafted onto the MCC. In addition, the thermal stability and the porosity of the modified sorbents were enhanced relative to those of unmodified MCC. The H2S sorption studies of MCC modified with APS, MAPS, and DAPS at 0, 3, or 5%w/w showed that MCC-MAPS had better H2S sorption performance than MCC-APS and MCC-DAPS, respectively, when comparing the H2S sorption performance at the same loading level. The optimum H2S sorption performance of each aminosilane group was achieved from MCC-APS at 5%, MCC-MAPS at 3%, and MCC-DAPS at 5%. An additional study of H2S sorption of these three sorbents in the presence of CO2 showed that MCC-DAPS at 5% was the best sorbent for selective H2S removal. Our results indicated that MCC modified with the aminosilane groups, especially MAPS, were promising materials for H2S sorption, with potential application in gas separation.A natural consequence of everyday tissue metabolism is cell injury or stress. This injury activates a canonical immune-mediated inflammatory response in order to achieve tissue repair so that homeostasis is maintained. With aging there is increased tissue injury and therefore increasing demands placed on an immune system, which itself is aging (immunosenescence). Thus, the increased reparative demands are reflected by an increased inflammatory load both locally and systemically. Eventually, if the reparative demands are excessive, the aging immune system is overwhelmed and disease ensues. In the macula this age-related failure in repair gives rise to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The hypothesis proposed herein is therefore, that AMD is due to age-related failure of tissue repair and the chronic inflammation associated with this failure ('inflammaging') is both a surrogate and biomarker of this reparative failure and not in itself the primary cause of disease. Such a hypothesis can be applied to all the diseases of aging and by extension suggests that effective therapies should be aimed at facilitating repair through immunotherapy, possibly and perhaps controversially, through the promotion of inflammation rather than the current approach of its inhibition (anti-inflammatory strategies), the latter which can ultimately only hinder the repair process and thereby lead to the persistence of disease.Hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a transcriptional factor that regulates gene expressions in response to decreased oxygen levels in the tissue, or hypoxia. HIF-1 exerts protective effects against hypoxia by mediating mitochondrial metabolism and consequently reducing oxidative stress. Recently, increased levels of oxidative stress and abnormal energy metabolism in the brain have been suggested to play essential roles in the pathogenesis of depression. Given that HIF-1 activates creatine metabolism and increases phosphocreatine levels in the intestinal epithelial cells, we assume that HIF-1 may induce similar processes in the brain. Elevated phosphocreatine levels in the brain, as measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy, were associated with better treatment response to the antidepressants in individuals with depression. In addition, oral creatine supplements, which led to increased phosphocreatine levels in the brain, also enhanced the effects of antidepressants in individuals with depression. As such, we hypothesized that increasing the HIF-1, which potentially facilitates creatine metabolism in the brain, might be a new therapeutic target in depression. With this regard, we suggested that interventions to elevate the HIF-1 levels in the brain, including the intermittent hypoxia conditioning and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, might be considered as new additional treatments for depression.