kgrounds practice applying IP competencies in simulated experiences. Quality improvement studies and research studies are needed to assess the impact of high-fidelity, real-time simulations throughout graduate curricula with different types of patients to improve coordinated, team approaches to treatment. High-fidelity, real-time IPE-simulation is a powerful pedagogy to help graduate students from different professional backgrounds practice applying IP competencies in simulated experiences. Quality improvement studies and research studies are needed to assess the impact of high-fidelity, real-time simulations throughout graduate curricula with different types of patients to improve coordinated, team approaches to treatment. many apps are directly related to health issues. Recent studies show that apps are widely accepted by the population and contribute to the modernization of the healthcare system. However, before recommendation, their contents and quality should be assessed, as well as the behavioral change techniques they include. In Spain, no study has been found to determine which apps are aimed at addressing any aspect of breast cancer. The objective of this study was to identify and describe the contents and analyze the quality and behavior change strategies of the free applications available in the online stores of Android and Apple whose main purpose is related to some aspect of breast cancer. Searches were conducted in the Apple App and Google Play stores in Spain, between October 2018 and February 2019, using an Apple iPad Pro and a Samsung Galaxy Tab A6. The Spanish search terms used were "cáncer de mama" [breast cancer], "cáncer de pecho" [breast cancer], "cáncer de seno" [breast cancer], "tumor de mama" [breastbe improved.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fvets.2020.612130.].A leading cause of lameness in modern broilers is bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis (BCO). While it is known that the components of BCO are bacterial infection, necrosis, and inflammation, the mechanism behind BCO etiology is not yet fully understood. In numerous species, including chicken, mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown to have a role in the pathogenicity of numerous diseases. The mitochondria is a known target for intracellular bacterial infections, similar to that of common causative agents in BCO, as well as a known regulator of cellular metabolism, stress response, and certain types of cell death. This study aimed to determine the expression profile of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, and function. RNA was isolated form the tibias from BCO-affected and healthy broilers and used to measure target gene expression via real-time qPCR. Mitochondrial biogenesis factors PGC-1α and PGC-1β were both significantly upregulated in BCO along with mitochondrial fission factors OMA1, MTFR1, MTFP1, and MFF1 as well as cellular respiration-related genes FOXO3, FOXO4, and av-UCP. Conversely, genes involved in mitochondrial function, ANT, COXIV, and COX5A showed decreased mRNA levels in BCO-affected tibia. This study is the first to provide evidence of potential mitochondrial dysfunction in BCO bone and warrants further mechanistic investigation into how this dysfunction contributes to BCO etiology.Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) often cohabite at interfaces shared by humans and wildlife, interacting with wild canids as predators, prey, competitors and reservoirs of several multi-host pathogens, such as canid-borne micro and macro parasites that could impact on wildlife, livestock and public health. However, spatio-temporal patterns of indirect interactions as promoters of pathogen transfer between domestic and wild canids are largely unknown. In this study, we used camera traps to describe the activity patterns and habitat use of dogs, chilla (Lycalopex griseus) and culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus) foxes and identify the local-scale factors that may affect the frequency of dog-fox interactions through an anthropization gradient of the Coquimbo region, Chile. We assessed local-scale variables that may predict the number of interactions between dogs and foxes, and compared the time interval between dog-culpeo and dog-chilla interactions. Our findings suggested that closeness to urbanized zones predicts the fs in the study area. Our research contributes to improving the knowledge on the spatio-temporal patterns of interspecific contact between invasive and native carnivores within the context of multi-host pathogen dynamics. Our outcomes will inform theoretical epidemiological models designed to predict and minimize the contact risk between domestic and threatened species, guiding effective control strategies at the wildlife-domestic interface.In the dog, implantation takes place at approximately 17 days of embryonal life and, while exposed to relatively high circulating progesterone concentrations, embryos presence is required for the formation of decidua. Furthermore, a balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory responses in conceptus-maternal communication is crucial for the onset of pregnancy. Strikingly, the understanding of such immune mechanisms in canine reproduction is still elusive. Here, canine uterine samples from pre-implantation (day 10-12, E+) and corresponding non-pregnant controls (E-), implantation (day 17, Imp) and post-implantation (day 18-25, Post-Imp) stages of pregnancy were used to investigate the expression and localization of several immune-related factors. The most important findings indicate increased availability of CD4, MHCII, NCR1, IDO1, AIF1, CD25, CCR7, and IL6 in response to embryo presence (E+), while FoxP3 and CCL3 were more abundant in E- samples. Implantation was characterized by upregulated levels of FoxP3, IL12a, ENG, and CDH1, whereas CD4, CCR7, IL8, and -10 were less represented. Following implantation, decreased transcript levels of TNFR1, MHCII, NCR1, TLR4, CD206, FoxP3, and IL12a were observed concomitantly with the highest expression of IL6 and IL1β. MHCII, CD86, CD206, CD163, TNFα, IDO1, and AIF1 were immunolocalized in macrophages, CD4 and Nkp46 in lymphocytes, and some signals of IDO1, AIF1, and TNF-receptors could also be identified in endothelial cells and/or uterine glands. Cumulatively, new insights regarding uterine immunity in the peri-implantation period are provided, with apparent moderated pro-inflammatory signals prevailing during pre-implantation, while implantation and early trophoblast invasion appear to be associated with immunomodulatory and rather anti-inflammatory conditions.