Modelling groundwater quality of the Athabasca Water Container within the subarctic place by using a modified SWAT model. The number of changes to the airway management plan and identification of several patients with substantial gastric content demonstrate the value of preoperative gastric ultrasonography in airway management decision making. Copyright © by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.Newly advanced diagnostic bronchoscopic procedures, such as electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy using navigation system technology (superDimension, Medtronic), provides computed tomography referenced and computerized 3-dimensional imaging. To increase accuracy and higher diagnostic biopsy yield, electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy necessitates special anesthetic and ventilation techniques providing the interventional pulmonologist minimal respiratory lung motion. This anesthetic meets 2 important goals by limiting almost all interference from diaphragmatic and lung movement while allowing the anesthesia provider to achieve hands-free management. Proposed here is an anesthetic ventilation technique by automated high-frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) via double-lumen micro jet endotracheal tubes. This ventilation technique delivers consistent very low tidal volumes. Automated HFJV provides the pulmonologist the advantage of more accurate navigation and target alignment in this Global Positioning System-guided biopsy procedure. The technique offers essentially no chest motion, without interrupting ventilation. Additionally, HFJV allows the anesthetist better availability to attend to total intravenous anesthesia, adjustments, and interventions. The intention of this article is to detail an anesthetic method that provides a hands-free technique that requires only one anesthesia provider. Copyright © by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.Laryngospasm is a potential complication after general anesthesia that is universally dreaded because the failure to act swiftly and effectively could be fatal for the patient. This case report involves a morbidly obese male patient who received his first general anesthetic and experienced 4 episodes of laryngospasm within an hour after emergence. Laryngospasm occurs when the vocal cords adduct, closing the glottis, thereby preventing gas exchange in a spontaneously ventilating individual. This patient was able to physically indicate his impending glottic closure, thus warning his caregivers of the imminent airway emergency. He was safely intubated during the fourth episode and admitted to the intensive care unit for monitoring. After 2 days, the patient was extubated and recovered otherwise uneventfully. This case demonstrates the high level of vigilance required during all phases of anesthesia care. Copyright © by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.In 1934, Gertrude Fife, president of the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NANA), recognized a need to elevate the standards of anesthesia practice and standardize the education of nurse anesthetists. Early members of the association responded by working to locate schools, setting education standards, and developing a school approval process, which eventually led to creation of the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA) in 1975. Examination of historical documents demonstrates that COA developed into a well-known accreditation agency that is recognized by both governmental and non-governmental organizations, meeting the goal of elevating the standards of anesthesia education and continuing this process through its commitment to promoting high-quality educational programs. Copyright © by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.BACKGROUND Gallstone disease affects up to 20% of the European population, and cholelithiasis is the most common reason for hospitalization in gastroenterology. METHODS This review is based on pertinent publications retrieved by a selective search of the literature, including the German clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of gallstones and corresponding guidelines from abroad. RESULTS Regular physical activity and an appropriate diet are the most important measures for the prevention of gallstone disease. Transcutaneous ultrasonography is the paramount method of diagnosing gallstones. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography should only be carried out as part of a planned therapeutic intervention; endosonography beforehand lessens the number of endoscopic retrograde cholangiographies that need to be performed. Cholecystectomy is indicated for patients with symptomatic gallstones or sludge. This should be performed laparoscopically with a four-trocar technique, if possible. Routine perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is not necessary. Cholecystectomy can be performed in any trimester of pregnancy, if urgently indicated. Acute cholecystitis is an indication for early laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 24 hours of admission to hospital. After successful endoscopic clearance of the biliary pathway, patients who also have cholelithiasis should undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 72 hours. CONCLUSION The timing of treatment for gallstone disease is an essential determinant of therapeutic success.BACKGROUND This review concerns the putative benefit of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) over optimal medical therapy (OMT) for symptomatic patients with stable angina pectoris, or for asymptomatic persons in whom screening tests have revealed coronary heart disease (CHD; this entity has been newly designated chronic coronary syndrome, or CCS). Moreover, it addresses the question whether the indications for which PCI is now performed in Germany on patients with CCS are consistent with current scientific knowledge. METHODS The pathophysiological concept of CHD and ischemia induction is discussed in the light of the scientific literature. This concept implies that PCI might be beneficial in the treatment of CCS. The benefit of PCI over OMT has now been evaluated in seven randomized trials (the so-called milestone trials). The current situation in Germany is presented here as well, on the basis of the available data. RESULTS The pathophysiological concept of CHD implies that the particular coronary artery stenoses that are likely to give rise to a myocardial infarction (the so-called vulnerable plaques) cannot be identified prospectively with current methods.