al deletions with 22q13 are needed to corroborate our hypothesis and better define the genotype-phenotype correlation. Our findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of PMS.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common chronic joint diseases, mostly affecting the knee or hip through pain, joint stiffness and decreased physical functioning in daily life. Regular physical activity (PA) can help preserve and improve physical functioning and reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Interventions aiming to improve movement behaviour can be optimized by tailoring them to a patients' starting point; their current movement behaviour. Movement behaviour needs to be assessed in its full complexity, and therefore a multidimensional description is needed. The aim of this study was to identify subgroups based on movement behaviour patterns in patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis who are eligible for a PA intervention. Second, differences between subgroups regarding Body Mass Index, sex, age, physical functioning, comorbidities, fatigue and pain were determined between subgroups. Baseline data of the clinical trial 'e-Exercise Osteoarthritis', collected in Dutch primary care phys. Four subgroups with substantially different movement behaviour patterns and clinical characteristics can be identified in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and/or knee. Knowledge about these subgroups can be used to personalize future movement behaviour interventions for this population. Dutch clinical trial registration number of e-Exercise Osteoarthritis NTR4224 . Dutch clinical trial registration number of e-Exercise Osteoarthritis NTR4224 . As technology continues to advance, the internet is becoming increasingly popular. Self-diagnosis and health information seeking online is growing more common and it will be important to understand the influence this may have on the patient-healthcare professional relationship. A mixed-method systematic review of quantitative, qualitative and mixed method studies concerning the public and healthcare professionals' perceptions of online self-diagnosis and health information seeking and how this can impact the patient-healthcare professional relationship. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, ACM & SCOPUS between 2007 and 2018. Relevant data were extracted, and a thematic analysis was conducted and conceptualised using the Normalisation Process Theory framework. Of 6107 records identified, 25 articles met the review eligibility criteria which included 16 qualitative, 8 quantitative and 1 mixed method study. The findings indicated that patients found the internet as a complementary information source alvice more than the internet. While health professionals' views were mixed our findings indicate that online health information seeking can potentially improve the patient-healthcare professional relationship as patients reported they usually conducted an online search to form a partnership with the healthcare professional as opposed to trying to prove them wrong. The results of this review suggests that patients value healthcare professionals as a source of medical advice more than the internet. While health professionals' views were mixed our findings indicate that online health information seeking can potentially improve the patient-healthcare professional relationship as patients reported they usually conducted an online search to form a partnership with the healthcare professional as opposed to trying to prove them wrong.Human embryogenesis frequently coinciding with cell division mistakes contributing to pervasive embryonic aneuploidy/mosaicism. While embryo self-correction was elegantly demonstrated in mouse models, human studies are lacking. Here we are witness to human embryos ability to eliminate/expel abnormal blastomeres as cell debris/fragments. Each blastocyst and its corresponding debris were separated and underwent whole genome amplification. Seven of the 11 pairs of blastocysts and their corresponding cell debris/fragments revealed discordant results. Of the 9 euploid blastocysts, four showed euploid debris, while in the others, the debris were aneuploid. In the remaining pairs, the debris showed additional aneuploidy to those presented by their corresponding blastocyst. The observed ability of human embryos to self-correction doubts many invasive and non-invasive preimplantation testing for aneuploidy at the blastocyst stage, rendering high rate of false positive (discarding "good" embryos) by identifying the cell-free DNA originated from the expelled cell debris, as aneuploidy/mosaic blastocyst. Achieving equity of access to primary healthcare requires organizations to implement innovations tailored to the specific needs and abilities of vulnerable populations. However, designing pro-vulnerable innovations is challenging without knowledge of the range of possible innovations tailored to vulnerable populations' needs. To better support decision-makers, we aimed to develop a typology of pro-vulnerable organizational innovation components - akin to "building blocks" that could be combined in different ways into new complex innovations or added to existing organizational processes to improve access to primary healthcare. To develop the typology, we used data from a previously conducted a) scoping review (2000-2014, searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL, citation tracking, nā€‰=ā€‰90 articles selected), and b) environmental scan (2014, online survey via social networks, nā€‰=ā€‰240 innovations). We conducted a typological analysis of the data. Our initial typology yielded 48 components, classified according to acction, community health worker, one-stop-shop, case management, group visits, defraying costs, primary healthcare brokerage, etc. CONCLUSIONS This typology offers a comprehensive menu of potential components that can help inform the design of pro-vulnerable organizational innovations. Component classification according to the accessibility dimensions of the Patient-Centred Accessibility Framework is useful to help target access needs. Components can be combined into complex innovations or added to existing organizational processes to meet the access needs of vulnerable populations in specific contexts.