Eleven metabolites were associated with BMI, WC and WHR after controlling for genetic and shared environmental factors. Pathway analysis identified pathways such as phenylalanine metabolism, purine metabolism, valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis that were associated with obesity. A wide range of unfavorable alterations in the serum metabolome was associated with obesity. Obesity-discordant twin analysis suggests that these associations are independent of genetic liability.Modern reproductive technology and revisions of conventional family structures have yielded a curious array of twin-like sibships. Many of these pairings pose the same rearing questions and educational issues for parents and teachers as do ordinary monozygotic and dizygotic twins. This article considers how we classify these sibships, given the important implications for the pair members, their families, their friends and the professionals who care for them. Next, reviews of research on twins' birth weight and brain development, twinning and vocabulary knowledge, fetal loss in twin pregnancy and twin-family Olympic medal winners are presented. The final topic covers recent media attention to young twin soldiers, a twin-run laundry, a male-female pair's political differences, a twin-based graphic novel and twin sisters' deliveries.The aims were to investigate determinants of the quality of life (QoL) of pregnant women. Total of 302 healthy women 18 to 28 weeks of gestation participated in prospective study. WHOQOL-bref, Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the perceived stress appraisals were administered. Various patterns of predictors for four domains of QoL were identified, for psychological (42% variance explained), social relationship (29%), environmental (29%) and physical health (25%). Depression and hope, together with the extent to which one's health is influenced by powerful other or chance should be targeted in health promotion strategies during pregnancy.Objective The effectiveness of Imagery Rescripting (IR) has been demonstrated in the treatment of various psychological disorders, but the mechanisms underlying it remain unclear. While current investigations predominantly refer to memory processes, physiological processes have received less attention. The main aim of this study is to test whether client physiological activation (i.e., arousal) and client-therapist physiological activation (i.e., synchrony) during IR segments predicted improvement on next-session outcomes and overall treatment response, and to compare these to the role of physiological (co)-activation during traditional cognitive-behavioral (CB) segments. Methods The results are based on 177 therapy sessions from an imagery-based treatment for test anxiety with 60 clients. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/CP-690550.html Client and therapist electrodermal activity was continuously monitored, next-session outcome was assessed with the Outcome Rating Scale and treatment outcome was assessed using the Test Anxiety Inventory. Results Hierarchical linear models demonstrated that average physiological synchrony during IR segments (but not during CB ones) was significantly associated with higher well-being at both the session and the overall treatment levels. Clients' physiological arousal in either IR or CB segments was not predictive of either outcome. Conclusion These results provide initial evidence for the idea that physiological synchrony might be an important underlying mechanism in IR.People harbor unique biases about the relative influence of popular media on themselves compared to others. Broadly, they expect others to experience greater harm from exposure to negative depictions (e.g., violent content) and to derive fewer benefits from exposure to positive depictions (e.g., educational content). The current experiment examined if these biases impact how parents monitor their children's television exposure, specifically programs about same-sex attraction. Parents (N = 702) watched a cartoon about a young girl who expresses romantic interest in another girl. Although biases emerged with regard to parents' beliefs that this content would harm or benefit their own (vs. other) children, these biases did not influence their monitoring intentions. Instead, parents with conservative (vs. liberal) attitudes perceived the show as more threatening and less valuable for all children, which enhanced their desire to criticize, restrict, and censor that content.Background Dental diseases are chronic, lifelong and preventable yet affect over half the world's population. Personal oral hygiene practices and socio-economic factors contribute to oral health outcomes affecting oral health quality of life. Integrating basic oral care within community level health systems increases accessibility and availability of oral health resources.Objective National Oral Health Survey of Rwanda (NOHSR) data were investigated for associations of socio-demographic characteristics, personal oral hygiene practices, oral health outcomes, and oral health quality of life indicators.Methods Data were analyzed and descriptive statistics calculated. Multivariable logistic regression models were developed to assess associations between untreated caries, calculus, and pain with various independent variables (demographics and personal oral hygiene practices). Additional logistic regression models examined associations between quality of life indicators and the aforementioned independent variables outcomes. This information can help guide oral health care programming in Rwanda.Objectives This study examined the combined effect of therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills (FIS) and Training Status on experiential processes within therapy sessions. In this randomized trial of FIS and Training Status, we predicted that in-session experiential processes would be highest for the high FIS and trained therapist group and lowest for the low FIS and untrained therapists. Methods Forty-five clients were selected from 2,713 undergraduates using a screening and clinical interview procedure. Twenty-three therapists were selected for their level of FIS (high vs. low) and Training (trainee vs. untrained) and each were assigned two clients for seven sessions each. Two different coder teams independently rated experiencing and narrative process from the third therapy session and computer analysis identified affect words from transcripts. Results FIS×Training Status significantly interacted on the set of experiential process measures. Relative to all others, therapists who were in the low FIS / no training group had lower experiencing and reflexive content, but higher external content.