4%), which indicates the severity of the event and the need to cancel the suspected drug and prescribe additional medications for correction. The need for hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization was necessary in 7 cases (5.8%), and temporary disability of patients was revealed in 5 cases (4.1%). Of particular interest are 2 cases (1.6%) of the development of a fatal outcome as a result of the suspected anaphylactic shock (1 case) and disorders of the central nervous system (convulsions, development of respiratory failure). The high frequency and severity of unwanted effects resulted from the use of LA requires healthcare professionals to make rational choices and strictly monitor patient safety. The high frequency and severity of unwanted effects resulted from the use of LA requires healthcare professionals to make rational choices and strictly monitor patient safety.The measurement of the film thickness of the composite cement Variolink Esthetic («Ivoclar-Vivadent», Liechtenstein) and the microhybrid composite Enamel («Micerium», Italy) was carried out according to ISO 4049 2009 standards with a load force of 5 kg. While reducing the load force to 5 kg, all materials showed an increase in the film thickness; the film thickness of the Variolink Esthetic composite cement was changed from 23 microns (at 15 kg) to 32 microns (at 5 kg), and the film thickness of the microhybrid composite film Enamel was changed from 39 microns (at 15 kg) to 102 microns (at 5 kg). After preheating, the film thickness was changed from 23 microns (at 15 kg) to 44 microns (at 5 kg).The study convincingly showed the presence of negative trends in the provision of medical dental organizations with material supplies. Thus, in 2014-2018 the basic growth rate of financial resources allocate for these purposes was only 15.96%. The corresponding value for the renewal of drugs and dressing materials equaled 12.28%, for reagents and chemicals, glass, chemical glassware - 6.62%, a decrease was revealed in the costs of medical instruments and food. The real amount of expenses for updating inventory in 1 working day for 1 doctor in the profile of dentistry and dental hygienist should correspond to 2067.16 rubles, which is 3.49 times higher than the allocated financial resources. Dentistry is still not included in the priority areas of healthcare in terms of financing. Under such circumstances, medical dental organizations cannot satisfy the growing need of the population for high-quality dental care. New technologies integration in the daily dental practice dictates the need for of new standards formation and a list of expenditure of inventories in the provision of medical and diagnostic assistance in the field of «dentistry».The study showed the presence of negative dynamics in the provision of population with orthopedic dentists and dental technicians, as well as a decrease in the staffing of medical organizations with these specialists. The fact of exceeding the basic rate of loss of dental technicians over the same indicator for dentists-orthopedists by 2 times was established. The possibility of increasing the availability of personnel by combining positions is revealed, since the coefficient of concurrency among dentists-orthopedists and dental technicians is less than the average for the specialty. The trends of decreasing interest of specialists in obtaining qualification categories are noted. According to the survey of 305 specialists, a model of the most probable structural «profile» of a dentist-orthopedist was created and the characteristic features of the learning processes and practical use of knowledge on the main new technologies in orthopedic dentistry were determined. The data obtained in the course of the study indicate that there are limited opportunities to improve the availability and quality of dental orthopedic care and the introduction of new prosthetics technologies.Purpose of work is to determine the objective possibility of achieving the goal of the CHI program-the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to receive free quality and affordable dental care based on the analysis of the potential of doctors in the field of dentistry. The study used the materials of the state statistical annual reports of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, forms No. 30 and No. 14-MED (CHI). The system of balanced indicators adapted by us served as a tool for effective process analysis of the personnel potential of doctors in the field of dentistry. Incorporating factor for achieving a strategic goal for the system CHI the results of analysis of practice-oriented factors of the potential of specialist doctors dentistry meets up 3.88 points, and the objective possibility of implementation of the CHI in the field of dentistry is 77.6 per cent. This indicator allows to measure the degree of success of the CHI system in the present and future and is intended for management as a decision-making tool in the process of personnel management. Was to compare the efficacy of Ca(OH) apexification and regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) in immature teeth with pulp necrosis. The pilot study included 12 children aged 89 to 126 months having pulp necrosis in immature incisors. Dental trauma was the etiology for pulp necrosis in all cases and initial X-rays showed periapical translucency lesions (PTL). The patients were randomly divided in 2 groups with either Ca(OH) apexification (group 1, =6) or REP (group 2, =6). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pu-h71.html The root length and the growth of root wall thickness, as well as root to crown ratio and dentinal wall to root canal space ratio was assessed radiologically in 6, 12 and 24 months. The root length increase was detected in 83% of all cases, but the pattern of root dentine growth in the groups was different. Dentin thickness in REP group was more prominent in the apical third and was observed in 100% of cases while in group 1 dentin thickness increased mainly in the coronal and middle third of the root, dentin thickness increased ages of root formation, as well as initial root resorption signs regardless of root formation stage.