The internet has revolutionized the way we do business, but it has also opened doors for scammers. If you’ve been scammed online, you might feel overwhelmed, but there are clear steps to take. First, gather evidence of the scam. Take screenshots of the website, emails, and any other communications. This documentation will be crucial for reporting the scam and protecting yourself. Next, report the scam to the website or platform where it occurred. Most reputable sites have policies and procedures in place for handling fraud. You should also report the scam to law enforcement and your local consumer protection agency. This can help authorities track down scammers and prevent others from falling victim. If you’ve shared personal or financial information, immediately take steps to secure your accounts. Change passwords, monitor bank statements for unauthorized transactions, and consider placing a fraud alert on your credit report. Additionally, reach out to your bank or credit card company to dispute any charges and discuss possible recovery options. Many financial institutions have policies in place to help customers recover from fraud. Lastly, educate yourself on online scams. Awareness is one of the best defenses against becoming a victim again.