Each subscale assessed the majority of sample score ranges with ≥ 0.70 reliability. Conclusions We produced a crosswalk mapping raw MBI subscale scores to scaled scores and response profiles calibrated in a US physician sample. Our results can be used to better understand the meaning and precision of MBI scores in US physicians; compare individual/group MBI scores against a reference population of US physicians; and inform the selection of subscale cut-points for defining categorical physician burnout outcomes.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.The role of indigenous bacteria in mobilization of sediment bound arsenic (As) into groundwater is investigated using subsurface sediment from Brahmaputra River Basin (BRB) and the Bacillus sp. strain IIIJ3-1, an indigenous species to BRB. Anaerobic sediment microcosms with varying organic carbon sources and terminal electron acceptors (TEAs) are used to illustrate the role of the test bacterium in As mobilization. The aquifer sediment shows an asymmetric distribution of As and Fe in its different phases. Among the TEAs added, NO3 amendment promotes higher cell growth, oxalic acid production and maximum release of sediment bound As. X-ray diffraction analysis further suggests that weathering of As bearing secondary minerals through bacterial action enhances As bioavailability, followed by dissimilatory reduction and thus promotes its mobilization into aqueous phase. Co-release pattern of other elements from the sediment indicates that release of As is decoupled from that of Fe. This study confirms that microbe-mediated mineral weathering followed by respiratory reduction of As facilitates mobilization of sediment hosted As into aqueous phase, and provides a better insight into the catabolic ability of groundwater bacteria in mobilization of sediment hosted As in BRB region.Defining the Rcs (Regulator of Capsule Synthesis)