Students' familiarity with palliative care interdisciplinary roles also improved after the intervention. This session was a useful part of a palliative care 2-week classroom elective and was well received by students. The development of a survey tool that assesses student attitudes around effective and safe pain management in patients with serious illness may be of use to others who teach pain management in palliative care populations. This session was a useful part of a palliative care 2-week classroom elective and was well received by students. The development of a survey tool that assesses student attitudes around effective and safe pain management in patients with serious illness may be of use to others who teach pain management in palliative care populations. Learning to elicit a sexual history and counsel patients on sexual pain aligns with the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics clerkship objectives. This topic can be challenging to cover due to lack of exposure in clinical encounters and inadequate coverage in preclinical studies. Second-year medical students in the OB/GYN clerkship participated in a standardized patient (SP) encounter on dyspareunia, receiving formative feedback on sexual history taking, differential diagnosis and management plan, and their SP's comfort during the encounter. Student feedback was obtained mid- and postclerkship. Summary statistics and regression models comparing SP encounter scores with shelf exam and clerkship scores are reported. From September 2018 through July 2019, 101 students completed the encounter. Students asked an average of 3.9 of 13 sexual history questions. Sixty-six percent of students identified a correct diagnosis; 48% provided a management plan. The majority of students were very good or excellent at creating a safe environment. Most reported the encounter enhanced their learning (62%) and identified knowledge gaps (72%). SP encounter score was not associated with shelf exam score or clerkship letter grade but was associated with final clerkship score (unadjusted ß = 0.2, = .009; adjusted ß = 0.1, = .2). A summary didactic session was developed following student feedback. This SP encounter and summary didactic session allowed students to improve their sexual history taking and may be associated with clerkship performance. These skills are necessary to advocate for patients with sensitive complaints across specialties. This SP encounter and summary didactic session allowed students to improve their sexual history taking and may be associated with clerkship performance. These skills are necessary to advocate for patients with sensitive complaints across specialties. The ability to utilize the electronic health record (EHR) without compromising the doctor-patient relationship (DPR) is an essential skill of all physicians and trainees, yet little time is spent on educating or assessing learners on needed techniques. To address this gap, we developed a conventional OSCE station coupled with a simulated patient chart within the Epic program in order to assess our students' skills utilizing the EHR during a patient encounter. Of third-year medical students, 119 were given full access to the patient's simulated chart 24 hours in advance of their OSCE to review clinical data. During an in-person OSCE with a standardized patient (SP), students performed a focused history and physical, using the EHR to verify allergies and medications. Students completed an electronic patient note graded by faculty. SPs evaluated the students on communication and interpersonal skills with specific rubric elements. Faculty graded the students' notes to evaluate their expression of clinical reasoning in the assessment and plan. Training SPs and faculty to assess students on EHR skills was feasible. After implementation of a comprehensive curriculum focused on EHR and DPR, there was a significant difference on EHR-related communication skills ( = 76.4, = 17.6) versus ( = 37, = 28.9) before curriculum enhancement (117.9) = -12.4, <.001. The EHR OSCE station provided a standardized method of assessing students' EHR skills during a patient encounter. Challenges still exist in the technological requirements to develop and deliver cases in today's EHR platform. The EHR OSCE station provided a standardized method of assessing students' EHR skills during a patient encounter. Challenges still exist in the technological requirements to develop and deliver cases in today's EHR platform. All physicians must learn comprehensive patient care delivery within the electronic health record (EHR). No studies have considered EHR communication training with an emphasis on clinical efficiency. This curriculum provides a method of teaching clinic efficiency while practicing effective patient communication in any EHR clinical situation. The target audience is resident physicians, fellow physicians, faculty physicians, and physician extenders practicing in a primary care setting where the EHR is present. This curriculum of four separate workshops provides a structured EHR approach while addressing communication strategies for preclinical preparation, rapport building, encounter initiation, agenda setting, and visit closure. The curriculum contains interactive presentations, tools, and an evaluation survey. Presenting efficiency issues with the EHR using the ATTEND mnemonic and agenda setting allows documentation while practicing communication techniques that maximize efficiency. Postworkshop surveys revealed that participants felt the workshops were helpful (84%). One measurement of efficiency revealed improvement through decreased number of days to note completion after workshop participation. At the Program Directors Workshop, curriculum value was demonstrated by high attendance, with 94% feeling the workshops provided easily utilizable strategies. The curriculum utilized only the EPIC EHR but would be generalizable. Future directions could include measurement of effective communication and visit efficiency through direct observation and expanded EHR timing data. The curriculum utilized only the EPIC EHR but would be generalizable. Future directions could include measurement of effective communication and visit efficiency through direct observation and expanded EHR timing data.