Detecting the direction of frequency modulation (FM) is essential for vocal communication in both animals and humans. Direction-selective firing of neurons in the primary auditory cortex (A1) has been classically attributed to temporal offsets between feedforward excitatory and inhibitory inputs. However, it remains unclear how cortical recurrent circuitry contributes to this computation. Here, we used two-photon calcium imaging and whole-cell recordings in awake mice to demonstrate that direction selectivity is not caused by temporal offsets between synaptic currents, but by an asymmetry in total synaptic charge between preferred and non-preferred directions. Inactivation of cortical somatostatin-expressing interneurons (SOM cells) reduced direction selectivity, revealing its cortical contribution. Our theoretical models showed that charge asymmetry arises due to broad spatial topography of SOM cell-mediated inhibition which regulates signal amplification in strongly recurrent circuitry. Together, our findings reveal a major contribution of recurrent network dynamics in shaping cortical tuning to behaviorally relevant complex sounds.The complete mitogenome of Himalayan black bear (Ursus thibetanus laniger) from Indian Himalayan region was assembled following the modified approach of mitochondrial baiting and mapping using the next-generation sequencing reads. The complete mitogenome was of 16,556 bp long, consisted of 37 genes that contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs and 1 control region. The complete base composition was 31.33% A, 15.24% G, 25.45%C, and 27.98%T and gene arrangement was similar to the other sub-species of Asiatic black bear. The relative synonymous codon usage analysis revealed the maximum abundance of Isoleucine, Tyrosine, Leucine and Threonine. The assembled mitogenome of U. t. laniger exhibited 99% similarity with the mitogenomes of Himalayan black bear available from Nepal and Tibetan Plateau-Himalaya region. The findings of the present study has proven low depth sequencing data, adequate and highly efficient in rapid recovering the mitochondrial genome by overcoming the conventional strategies of obtaining long-range PCR and subsequently drawing phylogenetic inferences.Earth's habitability is closely tied to its late-stage accretion, during which impactors delivered the majority of life-essential volatiles. However, the nature of these final building blocks remains poorly constrained. Nickel (Ni) can be a useful tracer in characterizing this accretion as most Ni in the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) comes from the late-stage impactors. Here, we apply Ni stable isotope analysis to a large number of meteorites and terrestrial rocks, and find that the BSE has a lighter Ni isotopic composition compared to chondrites. Using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, we show that core-mantle differentiation cannot produce the observed light Ni isotopic composition of the BSE. Rather, the sub-chondritic Ni isotopic signature was established during Earth's late-stage accretion, probably through the Moon-forming giant impact. We propose that a highly reduced sulfide-rich, Mercury-like body, whose mantle is characterized by light Ni isotopic composition, collided with and merged into the proto-Earth during the Moon-forming giant impact, producing the sub-chondritic Ni isotopic signature of the BSE, while delivering sulfur and probably other volatiles to the Earth.Accumulating evidence shows that RAGE has an important function in the pathogenesis of sepsis. However, the mechanisms by which RAGE transduces signals to downstream kinase cascades during septic shock are not clear. Here, we identify SLP76 as a binding partner for the cytosolic tail of RAGE both in vitro and in vivo and demonstrate that SLP76 binds RAGE through its sterile α motif (SAM) to mediate downstream signaling. Genetic deficiency of RAGE or SLP76 reduces AGE-induced phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 and IKKα/β, as well as cytokine release. Delivery of the SAM domain into macrophages via the TAT cell-penetrating peptide blocks proinflammatory cytokine production. Furthermore, administration of TAT-SAM attenuates inflammatory cytokine release and tissue damage in mice subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) and protects these mice from the lethality of sepsis. These findings reveal an important function for SLP76 in RAGE-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling and shed light on the development of SLP76-targeted therapeutics for sepsis.Skeletal muscle conveys several of the health-promoting effects of exercise; yet the underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Studying skeletal muscle is challenging due to its different fiber types and the presence of non-muscle cells. This can be circumvented by isolation of single muscle fibers. Here, we develop a workflow enabling proteomics analysis of pools of isolated muscle fibers from freeze-dried human muscle biopsies. We identify more than 4000 proteins in slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Exercise training alters expression of 237 and 172 proteins in slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers, respectively. Interestingly, expression levels of secreted proteins and proteins involved in transcription, mitochondrial metabolism, Ca2+ signaling, and fat and glucose metabolism adapts to training in a fiber type-specific manner. Our data provide a resource to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying muscle function and health, and our workflow allows fiber type-specific proteomic analyses of snap-frozen non-embedded human muscle biopsies.Molecular sieving may occur when two molecules compete for a nanopore. In nearly all known examples, the nanopore is larger than the molecule that selectively enters the pore. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the ability of single-wall carbon nanotubes with a van der Waals pore size of 0.42 nm to separate n-hexane from cyclohexane-despite the fact that both molecules have kinetic diameters larger than the rigid nanopore. This unexpected finding challenges our current understanding of nanopore selectivity and how molecules may enter a tight channel. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations reveal that n-hexane molecules stretch by nearly 11.2% inside the nanotube pore. Although at a relatively low probability (28.5% overall), the stretched state of n-hexane does exist in the bulk solution, allowing the molecule to enter the tight pore even at room temperature. These insights open up opportunities to engineer nanopore selectivity based on the molecular degrees of freedom.