Trochleitis is usually a transient and non-disabling inflammation of the trochlea of superior oblique. The case is presented of a difficult to manage bilateral trochleitis in a 29-year-old woman. After an exhaustive aetiological study with neuro-imaging tests, as well as an analysis of autoimmunity and infection, no underlying cause was found. Multiple injections of corticosteroids were required in both eyes, with a partial effect. Surgical intervention was finally decided in order to visually examine the trochlea, take biopsies, and inject methylprednisolone. These were effective in relieving the symptoms. This case is exceptional due to it involving both eyes and its severity, and represented a therapeutic challenge for the clinical team. To perform pre-clinical testing using optical design tools to simulate the optical quality of a smart artificial iris platform encapsulated in a scleral contact lens. These tools allow us to generate aniridia eye models and evaluate different metrics of visual quality and retinal illumination based on the aperture of the artificial iris based on liquid crystals. The OCT imaging technique was used to measure the geometry of the anterior segment in a patient with aniridia and, from these data, the eye model was generated with the Zemax optical design program and specific programs developed in Matlab. Ocular aberrations were calculated and the visual function of the anirida eye model was evaluated in three scenarios (i) without optical correction, (ii) with correction with a commercial scleral contact lens, and (iii) with correction with an optical lens. intelligent contact based on artificial iris. Optical quality in patients with aniridia is limited by the magnitude of high-order aberrations. Conventionae concept of an intelligent artificial iris platform encapsulated in a scleral contact lens and its possible application in patients with aniridia. Furthermore, it allows us to anticipate possible visual results in clinical trials with healthy patients (after application of mydriatic agents) and in patients with aniridia. The results demonstrate a better visual quality and a decrease in retinal illumination.Intravascular papillary endotelial hyperplasia is a bening vascular lesion that rarely involves the periocular region, nevertheless, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a periorbital mass. It is histopatologically characterized by intravascular fibrous papillary fronds covered by endothelial cells. Histopathological differentiation from angiosarcoma can be challenging but is very important to avoid aggressive treatments. Complete surgical excision is frequently curative. Uncompleted excision can lead to recurrences. We describe the clinical and histological findings of intravascular papillary endotelial hyperplasia in the left lower lid of a 72-year-old woman who had a painless mass since 15 years ago, that caused hypertropia of her left eye. Histopathological examination revealed intralesional calcification, which is not an usual feature in this entity. The patient underwent complete surgical resection of the mass and there was no evidence of recurrence after 5 months of follow-up after surgery. The effectiveness of technology-assisted interventions designed to ameliorate depressive symptoms and improve antidepressant medication adherence is hampered by diminished usage over time and poor integration with clinical care. This manuscript presents patient perspectives on a texting and secure messaging intervention designed to engage providers and patients during a targeted transition period when patients were initiating a new antidepressant medication. Development of the intervention was guided by feedback from a presentation and discussion with an engagement panel of local stakeholders, including patients, who meet quarterly with research investigators. Semi-structured, qualitative, telephone interviews were conducted with 21 participants. Interviews were designed to identify the themes of self-determination and planned behavior in using the text messaging intervention. Qualitative analysis of participants' experiences used inductive and deductive coding, as well as pile sorting. The intervenstand provider buy-in, or lack thereof, in e-health interventions. Compare failure modes and fracture origins using fractography on recovered clinically fractured parts of indirect resin composite endocrowns and overlay restorations on endodontically treated teeth (ETT). Four endocrowns (3 molars, 1 premolar) and one overlay (molar) adhesively luted on ETT were recovered after fracturing during function. The time in service ranged between 4 and 48 months. The composite materials were (i) CAD/CAM LAVA Ultimate (N = 1), (ii) Premise Indirect (N = 2), and (iii) Colombus (N = 2). Fractography was performed by means of digital microscopy and SEM. Occlusal surfaces were checked for signs of fatigue degradation and contact wear. Cuspal plane angles were measured from profiles obtained from 3D digital microscope images with respect to the horizontal plane of the occlusal central crown groove. All five cases showed a wedge-opening mode I fracture, splitting the crown and tooth in two parts through the crown's central groove. Classic brittle fracture features (arrest lines, twist and wake hackle) were easily identified on the fracture surfaces. Multiple origins were located along the central groove in conjunction with the presence of fatigue cracks. Contact wear surfaces showed pitting and cracking. Cuspal plane angles were around 30-35°, except a 50° palatal cusp slope for the Lava Ultimate overlay. Fractography on clinical fractures of resin composites was enlightening. Occlusal surface fatigue degradation from cyclic loading, mode I fracture from applied mastication forces on cuspal planes, and stress concentration within the crown's central groove, indicate limitations of use of these materials for endocrowns in posterior teeth. Fractography on clinical fractures of resin composites was enlightening. Occlusal surface fatigue degradation from cyclic loading, mode I fracture from applied mastication forces on cuspal planes, and stress concentration within the crown's central groove, indicate limitations of use of these materials for endocrowns in posterior teeth.