This finding - that less significance is assigned to distant higher incomes than to near higher incomes - is consistent with the well-established idea that we compare ourselves primarily to similar others. BACKGROUND MenACYW-TT is an investigational quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine intended for use in individuals ≥6 weeks of age. We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of MenACYW-TT when compared to a licensed quadrivalent conjugate meningococcal vaccine (Menveo®; MCV4-CRM; GlaxoSmithKline, Italy), and when co-administered with tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) and human papilloma virus (HPV4) vaccines in healthy meningococcal vaccine-naïve adolescents (10-17 years old) in the United States of America. METHODS In this pivotal Phase II, open-label, multicenter study, 1715 participants were randomized to receive MenACYW-TT, MCV4-CRM, MenACYW-TT co-administered with Tdap and HPV4, or Tdap and HPV4 vaccines alone (NCT02199691). The primary objective was to evaluate whether antibody responses to MenACYW-TT antigens were non-inferior to antibody responses after MCV4-CRM administration. Meningococcal antibody titers were determined using human complement serum bactericidal assay (hSBA) witable when MenACYW-TT was administered with or without Tdap and HPV4 vaccines in meningococcal vaccine-naïve adolescents. BACKGROUND Nowhere in the consideration of dental care involving endodontics does a patient become more vulnerable to potentially life-changing injuries than during a root canal procedure on the mandibular dentition that may invade and injure the neurovascular anatomy. CASE DESCRIPTION The authors present a series of 5 cases wherein using calcium hydroxide as a disinfection strategy in endodontics caused serious neurologic injury to the treated patients. The mechanism in all cases was the inappropriate use of needle applications resulting in significant overfill into the inferior alveolar nerve space. Although calcium hydroxide has been recognized and used as a meaningful disinfectant in endodontic therapy for many years, the dangers and risks associated with a needle delivery technique are discussed and analyzed with recommendations based on current research to minimize risk. CONCLUSIONS AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS A literature search revealed that the 5 cases are not solitary cases; indeed, consequences of calcium hydroxide overfills have been described before. Therefore, a clinician initiating root canal therapy on a mandibular posterior tooth should always be mindful of the vital neurovascular anatomy, which commonly approximates the ends of these roots. Preoperative cone-beam computed tomographic imaging and the thoughtful delivery of medicaments in treatment can help the clinician manage close proximity to neural anatomy and avoid potential injuries. BACKGROUND Teeth with dens evaginatus (DE) are more commonly observed in Western countries than previously. This is due to the increase in populations of patients of Asian origin, in whom DE is more common than in people of European origin. The interest in DE has also increased with the introduction of a procedure called regenerative endodontics. CASE DESCRIPTION A narrative review of treatment options for teeth with DE is presented, based on pulpal conditions and maturity of the teeth. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS Early recognition of teeth with DE allows for treatment choices that generally lead to good outcomes and can aid in preserving developing teeth in young patients. Pressure wave reflection is associated with cardiovascular risk. The conceptual distance to a theoretical major reflection site, termed effective reflection distance (ERD), has been associated with aging and augmentation index (AIx) clinically. However, it remains unclear whether and how ERD varies and associates with AIx when the hemodynamic condition is acutely perturbed in a patient. The objective of this study was to address this issue in rigorously controlled animal experiments. In 13 anesthetized dogs, we measured arterial pressure, aortic flow and femoral arterial flow, while altering the hemodynamic condition over wide ranges by administering zatebradine (bradycardic agent), nitroprusside (vasodilator), noradrenaline (vasoconstrictor), dobutamine (inotrope), and dextran (volume-expander). Using the measured data, we determined ERD based on an arterial model comprising a tube with a complex frequency-dependent load (ERDTL), which has been considered a physiologically valid model. We also determined ERD based on wave separation (ERDWSA) and pressure-based analyses (ERDAW). ERDTL was shortened significantly in response to nitroprusside or dobutamine infusion, and was significantly and negatively associated with AIx in multiple regression analysis using pooled data. ERDWSA or ERDAW did not necessarily correlate with ERDTL in terms of responses to drug administration or association with AIx. In conclusion, under diverse hemodynamic conditions, ERDTL changes sensitively and shows physiologically reasonable association with AIx. This result substantiates the importance of paying close attention to medications during clinical analysis of wave reflection. Caution is required when using ERDWSA or ERDAW as an alternative to ERDTL. BACKGROUND Lymphaticovenular anastomosis (LVA) with supramicrosurgical technique has recently gained popularity as a treatment method for patients with lymphedema. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate objective changes in leg volume in patients operated with LVA for lymphedema in the lower extremity, and to find positive predictors for the treatment method to facilitate the location of the venules and lymphatic vessels. PATIENTS & METHODS 31 consecutive patients with lymphedema in the lower extremity and positive pitting test were examined with lymphoscintigraphy and indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography. The causes of the lymphedema were either cancer or unknown cause/primary lymphedema. Fourteen of the patients with pathological lymphangiographic patterns were chosen for surgery and 12 of them were operated with one to four LVAs each. The lymphedema volume in the lower extremity was measured preoperatively, 6- and 12 months after surgery according to the truncated cone formula with the patient´s contralateral leg used as control.