A design and multiphysical model is presented for an on-chip gas sensor that transduces terahertz gas absorption through sound generation into a mechanical motion that can be read out externally. The signal is triply enhanced by designing a structure that functions simultaneously as an optical, an acoustical and a mechanical resonator. The structure is made in high-resistivity silicon and can be fabricated using CMOS and MEMS fabrication technologies. The sensor is a purely passive element, so an external THz source and read-out are required. The chip has a footprint of 3 mm2. A detection limit of 234 ppb of methanol for a source power of 1 mW and an integration time of 1 ms is predicted.We present a 2-D mapping of a sample thickness with nanometer accuracy employing a compact arrangement of near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) technique. A NEXAFS spectrum coupled with a scanning system was used to generate a 2-D thickness map of the TiO2 sample (anatase form) deposited on the top of a SiN membrane. The thickness values were retrieved from the experimental data by applying different methods of data processing. In the paper, the detailed analysis of the data processing methods and the identified sources of the errors show that the proposed procedure based on averaging two imperfect estimates reduces the error caused by the uncontrolled bias of the measured signals. This procedure was termed as the average one. The estimates from the proposed average approach and the standard absorption-jump ratio in the absorption edge vicinity were compared with the direct results obtained by applying scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental arrangement of the NEXAFS spectroscopy system, the data acquisition method, as well as the possible error sources, are presented and discussed in detail.The next frontier in photonics will rely on the synergistic combination of disparate material systems. One unique organic molecule is azobenzene. This molecule can reversibly change conformations when optically excited in the blue (trans-to-cis) or mid-IR (cis-to-trans). Here, we form an oriented monolayer of azobenzene-containing 4-(4-diethylaminophenylazo)pyridine (Aazo) on SiO2 optical resonators. Due to the uniformity of the Aazo layers, quality factors over 106 are achieved. To control the photo-response, the density of Aazo groups is tuned by integrating methyl spacer molecules. Using a pair of lasers, the molecule is reversibly flipped between molecular conformations, inducing a refractive index change which results in a resonant wavelength shift. The magnitude of the shift scales with the relative surface density of Aazo. To investigate reproducibility and stability of the organic monolayer, three switching cycles are demonstrated, and the performance is consistent even after a device is stored in air for 6 months.Brillouin systems operating in the quantum regime have recently been identified as a valuable tool for quantum information technologies and fundamental science. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dexketoprofen-trometamol.html However, reaching the quantum regime is extraordinarily challenging, owing to the stringent requirements of combining low thermal occupation with low optical and mechanical dissipation, and large coherent phonon-photon interactions. Here, we propose an on-chip liquid based Brillouin system that is predicted to exhibit large phonon-photon coupling with exceptionally low acoustic dissipation. The system is comprised of a silicon-based "slot" waveguide filled with superfluid helium. This type of waveguide supports optical and acoustical traveling waves, strongly confining both fields into a subwavelength-scale mode volume. It serves as the foundation of an on-chip traveling wave Brillouin resonator with an electrostrictive single photon optomechanical coupling rate exceeding 240 kHz. Such devices may enable applications ranging from ultra-sensitive superfluid-based gyroscopes, to non-reciprocal optical circuits. Furthermore, this platform opens up new possibilities to explore quantum fluid dynamics in a strongly interacting condensate.The continued evolution of high capacity data center interconnects (DCI) requires scalable transceiver design. The Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) family of standards targets cost-effective and increased capacity transmission through the use of coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) and direct detection. Moving beyond near-term GbE deployments, multi-wavelength optical sources will be required to enable spectrally efficient WDM transmission, as well as small form-factor transceiver design. This work highlights the capability of a single section 32.5 GHz quantum-dash mode locked laser to provide >Tb/s capacity by demonstrating successful 50 Gb/s/λ pulse amplitude modulation transmission on modes spanning a >1 THz frequency range. Additionally, true 400G DWDM (8×56 Gb/s) C-band transmission is successfully demonstrated with the Q-Dash MLL, resulting in a spectral efficiency of 1.54 b/s/Hz.Any high-contrast imaging instrument in a future large space-based telescope will include an integral field spectrograph (IFS) for measuring broadband starlight residuals and characterizing the exoplanet's atmospheric spectrum. In this paper, we report the development of a high-contrast integral field spectrograph (HCIFS) at Princeton University and demonstrate its application in multi-spectral wavefront control. Moreover, we propose and experimentally validate a new reduced-dimensional system identification algorithm for an IFS imaging system, which improves the system's wavefront control speed, contrast and computational and data storage efficiency.Heralded single photons (HSPs) and entangled photon pairs (EPPs) via spontaneous parametric down-conversion are essential tools for the development of photonic quantum information technologies. In this paper, we report a novel ultra-high-rate nonclassical light source realized by developing 50 GHz-repetition-rate mode-locked pump pulses and multiplexed superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. The presence of the single-photon state in the heralded photons with our setup was indicated by the second-order intensity correlation below 1/2 at the heralding rate over 20 Mcps. Even at the rate beyond 50 Mcps, the nonclassicality was still observed with the intensity correlation below unity. Moreover, our setup is also applicable to the polarization-EPP experiment, where we obtained the maximum coincidence rate of 1.6 Mcps with the fidelity of 0.881 ± (0.254 × 10-3) to the maximally entangled state. Our versatile source could be a promising tool to explore various large-scale quantum-photonic experiments with low success probability and heavy attenuation.