No observed differences were identified in injury severity and need for either operating-room interventions or ED interventions for patients seen in consultation during SAH orders. SAH orders resulted in a decreased volume of plastic surgery consults in the ED but did not alter patient demographics, injury severity, or need for procedural interventions. There was a 2.9% positivity rate for COVID-19 for asymptomatic patients presenting in the ED with primary hand and facial injuries. SAH orders resulted in a decreased volume of plastic surgery consults in the ED but did not alter patient demographics, injury severity, or need for procedural interventions. There was a 2.9% positivity rate for COVID-19 for asymptomatic patients presenting in the ED with primary hand and facial injuries.The outcome of autologous lymph node (LN) transfer has depended on the number of LNs in the donor site. Unknown accuracy of the LN counting method has thrown some doubts on the reliability of the previous statistics. This study aimed to assess the accuracy of naked eye (NK) and stereo microscopy (SM) as tools for LN count. In total, 40 vascularized submental LN flaps were harvested from 23 fresh cadavers. The colored polymer was injected into the external carotid arteries before the harvest. LNs in each flap were counted by NK, SM, and histology in sequential order. An estimated 175 LNs were confirmed, 4.4 ± 1.8 per flap. NK sensitivity was 33.7% compared with that of SM at 63.5%. Both methods missed all micro-lymph nodes (micro-LNs), contributing to 5.1% (9 nodes) of all LNs. Non-LN structures (647 negative counts) were composed of fat lobules, salivary gland lobules, and muscle fibers. NK specificity was 98.0%, compared with that of SM at 96.1%. SM showed a higher false positive rate at 14.3%, compared with NK at 7.4%. False positive counts were located mostly in Ib sublevel. NK and SM are imperfect tools for LN count due to poor sensitivity. If the method needs to be applied, points of considerations are (1) undetectable micro-LNs, (2) interposition of LNs with the digastric muscle and submandibular salivary gland, (3) confusion of LNs with lobules of salivary gland supplied by glandular artery or fat lobules supplied by lobular artery. NK and SM are imperfect tools for LN count due to poor sensitivity. If the method needs to be applied, points of considerations are (1) undetectable micro-LNs, (2) interposition of LNs with the digastric muscle and submandibular salivary gland, (3) confusion of LNs with lobules of salivary gland supplied by glandular artery or fat lobules supplied by lobular artery.Repair of a bilateral cleft lip and nose deformity remains a challenge. The nose remains the main persisting stigma for patients, deserving an equal amount of attention as the lip during the repair. We share 3 technical principles to help achieve the optimal nasolabial result and minimize cleft nose deformity after bilateral cleft lip repair. Firstly, cephalad rotation of C-flaps from the prolabium is used to define the nasolabial angle. Secondly, the nasal base and contour is set before the lip repair, as the vectors and tension of nasal repair differ from the vector and tension of the orbicularis oris muscle closure. Thirdly, different suspension and shaping stitches are used to define alar shape and position after lower lateral cartilage release, avoiding additional scars.Superficial vein thrombosis has traditionally been considered a disease of the lower extremity. Less frequently it can affect the breast, chest wall, penis, or upper extremity. Cases involving upper extremities are usually associated with intravascular access, and the vast majority remain self-limiting. This case report presents a 63-year-old patient who had acute extensive thrombosis of cephalic and basilic venous systems following resection of a desmoid tumor from the flank. This was likely related to intraoperative positioning and resulted in severe symptoms mimicking deep vein thrombosis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, diagnostic tools available to the hand surgeon that allow prompt diagnosis, management, and prevention are discussed.Fifth-generation, round, form-stable implants have a higher cohesive gel, a higher fill volume, and distinct anterior and posterior profiles. Due to these implant features, anterior-posterior (AP) flipping of round, form-stable implants is discernible, but little is known of this complication of implant reconstruction. Patients who underwent skin- or nipple-sparing mastectomy followed by direct-to-implant reconstruction with round, cohesive, smooth implants were included in this retrospective study. Implants were placed submuscularly or prepectorally. Incidence of flipping was retrieved from patient records. Patients were stratified by presence or absence of flipping; data on patient demographic characteristics, neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment, mastectomy characteristics, and acellular dermal matrix (ADM) type (AlloDerm or FlexHD) and coverage technique (inferior pole, tenting, or wrapping) were compared between the groups to identify risk factors associated with flipping. A total of 117 patients (230 breasts) were evaluated. Sixteen cases of implant flipping were documented for a flip rate of 7.0%, all occurring in patients with prepectoral implants. On univariate analysis, prepectoral implant placement, highly cohesive implants, use of AlloDerm, and ADM wrapping/tenting were found to be significantly associated with AP flipping. On logistic regression analyses, ADM type and ADM coverage technique were no longer significant predictors of AP flipping. Patients who undergo prepectoral implant reconstruction with highly cohesive round implants appear to be at an increased risk of AP flipping. Subpectoral reconstruction is not associated with AP flipping. Patients who undergo prepectoral implant reconstruction with highly cohesive round implants appear to be at an increased risk of AP flipping. Subpectoral reconstruction is not associated with AP flipping.Collagenase clostridium histolyticum-aaes (CCH) enzymatically releases fibrous septa that contribute to the skin dimpling characteristic of cellulite. Long-term safety/duration of efficacy (durability) results from an open-label extension (OLE) of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT) evaluating CCH efficacy/safety for moderate-to-severe cellulite of the buttocks or posterolateral thighs in women was assessed. Efficacy/safety of CCH treatment/retreatment during OLE was also evaluated. After RCT unblinding, women could enroll in OLE for assessment of long-term CCH durability (observation only, up to day 720) or CCH treatment/retreatment, the latter in women with moderate-to-severe buttock/posterolateral thigh cellulite [Clinician Reported Photonumeric Cellulite Severity Scale (CR-PCSS) and Patient Reported PCSS (PR-PCSS) scores of 3/4; Hexsel Cellulite Severity Scale score ≤13]. A treatment/retreatment course comprised 1 or 2 courses of 3 sessions (0.84-mg CCH injected at days 1, 22, and 43).