The conventional anatomical study of specimens requires cutting processes which destruct the limited specimens. A non-destructive method, namely an ultrasonography, can be used to assess the anatomical organ information of those specimens. The aim of this research is to analyse the macroanatomy of the female reproductive organ in the Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica), using ultrasonographical imaging. In this study, four formaldehyde-fixed reproductive organ specimens of the Sunda porcupine were used. A 10-12 MHz linear ultrasound transducer was utilized to provide an imaging format of both longitudinal and transversal views. Photographic images were then used as comparison with a sonographic image. The results show that the ultrasound image of the Sunda porcupine reproductive organ soft tissue was hypoechoic, the lumen and antrum follicles were anechoic, while atretic follicles and the mons pubis were hyperechoic. Generally, the size of the organ was not significantly different between photographical and ultrasonographical imaging (p > .05). In conclusion, ultrasound images can be utilized for anatomical studies of the Sunda porcupine reproductive organs without destructing the specimen.Background UVC illumination of agitated platelet concentrates (PCs) inactivates pathogens and white blood cells by modifications of their nucleic acids. Related effects on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in platelets serve as a basis for an efficient monitoring suited for routine quality control (QC) of this purely physical pathogen reduction technology. Study design and methods Samples from PCs (n = 530) were tested with an established LightCycler PCR (LC PCR) for QC of the UVC procedure. RNR2 and TRNK/ATP8 genes were sequenced in the PCs (n = 21) with out-of-specification results in the LC PCR. A digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) was developed to minimize the outliers and cross-validated by testing the 530 PCs. The ddPCR was further evaluated in a subgroup of 300 PCs without mtDNA extraction and in samples from systematic variations of UVC dose and agitation speed. Results Apheresis PCs (n = 380) resulted in 5.3% outliers in LC PCR versus only 0.7% in buffy coat pool PCs (n = 150). Sequencing of these outliers revealed single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the primer- and probe-binding sites of LC PCR. The development of a ddPCR assay with modified probe sequences reduced the outliers to 0.4%. The ddPCR analysis of PCs both with and without mtDNA extraction demonstrated low intra- and interassay variabilities and congruent results also compared to LC PCR. Experiments varying the UVC dose and the agitation speed demonstrated that the ddPCR results closely reflect functional effects of the UVC treatment. Conclusion The ddPCR assay offers a valid and reliable tool for QC of routine production of the UVC-treated PCs as well as for monitoring treatment conditions during optimization of the UVC procedure.Background The prevalence of older adults with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is increasing. Frailty is an important predictor of outcomes in many chronic disease states. The implications of frailty have not been well-delineated in IBD. Aims To report the prevalence of a frailty-associated diagnosis and determine the association between frailty and mortality in a cohort of IBD patients. Methods In a cohort of 11 001 IBD patients, we applied a validated definition of frailty using International Classification of Disease codes. We compared frail IBD patients to those without a frailty-related code ("fit"). We constructed multivariable logistic regression models adjusting for clinically pertinent confounders (age, gender, race, IBD type, follow-up, IBD-related surgery, ≥1 comorbidity in the Charlson comorbidity index [CCI], and immunosuppression use) to determine whether frailty predicts mortality. Results A total of 675 (6%) IBD patients had a frailty-related diagnosis. The prevalence of frailty increased with age, rising from 4% in 20-29 year olds to 25% in patients 90 years or older. The most prevalent frailty diagnosis was protein-energy malnutrition. The strongest predictors of frailty were non-IBD comorbidity, all-cause and IBD-related, hospitalisations. Frailty remained independently associated with mortality after adjusting for age, sex, duration of follow-up, comorbidity, need for IBD-related surgery and immunosuppression (OR 2.90, 95% CI 2.29-3.68). Conclusions Frailty is prevalent in IBD patients and increases with age. Frailty nearly triples the odds of mortality for IBD patients. Risk stratifying patients by frailty may improve outcomes.This study aimed to determine the effect of soybean protein-derived peptides (SBP) on the inhibition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced RAW264.7 cell inflammation. The mRNA of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), Lymphocyte Antigen 96 (LY96), and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) were detected with RT-qPCR. The concentrations of cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β) secreted were detected by ELISA Kit. The results indicated that SBP inhibited the inflammatory stress induced by LPS in RAW264.7 cells. Western blot analysis was used to examine this anti-inflammatory molecular mechanism. The findings showed that SBP impeded the increase of toll-like receptor 4 activity by restricting LY96, while also inhibiting the mitogen-activated protein kinase-c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in cells, as well as LPS-induced NF-κB activation caused by the degradation of nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha (IκBα). Consequently, the release of pro-inay help to reduce inflammation and improve the level of cytokines combined with drugs.Chewing of areca nuts is quite popular in various regions worldwide. Previous studies have demonstrated the pharmacological and toxicological effects of fresh areca nuts. However, processed areca nuts, which are popular in the Hunan province of China, have not been extensively studied for its biological effect. This study aimed at investigating the impact of the acrea nut extracts (ANE) prepared from the raw material, the semi-product, and the final product on the immune system and inflammation-related markers in the Kunming mice. The mice were assigned to seven different groups and administered different ANE at two concentrations (1X and 5X) for four weeks. Total body weight gain and organ coefficient of the liver, spleen, and kidney, as well as the immune system and inflammation-related markers were evaluated. The results revealed that processed areca nuts have a much milder effect on the mice immune system and some inflammatory markers than fresh areca nut in the Kunming mice. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Chewing various forms of areca nuts is popular in China, Southeast Asia, and other regions.