discharge to rehabilitation, or worse functional outcomes. Patients from disadvantaged areas should not be denied access to arthroplasty care based on socioeconomic status alone. Patellar maltracking is a potential surgical complication following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and can result in anterior knee pain, recurrent patellar dislocation, and damage to the medial patellar soft tissue stabilizers. Data remain unclear as to whether the patellar button should be revised during a revision TKA (rTKA) if changing the component implant system. Our study examines whether retaining the original patellar button during an rTKA using a different implant system affects patellar tracking. A retrospective cohort study of rTKA patients between August 2011 and June 2019 was performed at an urban, tertiary referral center. Patients were divided into 2 cohorts depending on whether their retained patella from their primary TKA was of the same (SIM) or different implant manufacturer (DIM) as the revision system used. Radiographic measurements were performed on preoperative and postoperative knee radiographs and differences were compared between the 2 groups. Baseline demographic data were also c regardless of the revision implant system used. III, Retrospective cohort study. III, Retrospective cohort study. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of a freely accessible internet algorithm to correctly identify the need for emergency ophthalmologic consultation for correct diagnosis and management. This retrospective observational cohort study was based on the first 100 patients who requested recommendations on the necessity of breaking the lockdown for emergency ophthalmology consultation during the period from March to May 2020. Ninety-one patients completed questionnaires. Forty-nine were directed to emergency consultation and 42 to differed scheduled visits or telemedicine visits. One patient sent for emergency consultation had an overestimated severity and could have been seen later, while two patients initially recommended for a scheduled visit were considered appropriate for emergency consultation. However, these patients' management did not suffer as a consequence of the delay. The sensitivity of the algorithm, defined as the number of emergency consultations suggested by the algorithm divided by thnt flow into ophthalmologic emergency departments. This study demonstrates the reliability of an algorithm based on patients' past medical history and symptoms to classify patients and direct them to either emergency consultation or to a more appropriate deferred, scheduled appointment. This algorithm might allow reduction of walk-in visits by half and thus help control patient flow into ophthalmologic emergency departments. To study the tomographic appearance and etiologies of epimacular membranes in Cotonou. This was a descriptive, analytical study with retrospective data collection. It took place at the Cotonou Retinal Testing Center and included all patients who underwent macular OCT testing between January 1, 2016 and June 30, 2018. Of the 604 subjects examined, 32 patients (5.3%) exhibited an epimacular membrane. Epimacular membrane in combination with posterior vitreous detachment and contraction accounted for 44.74% of cases. 42.31% of the fellow eyes had developed a posterior vitreous detachment. The majority of the membranes were idiopathic. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy and posterior uveitis were the main risk factors for secondary membranes. Epimacular membrane is a potentially blinding condition. The risk of bilateral involvement is significant, and patient access to OCT remains a concern in developing countries. Epimacular membrane is a potentially blinding condition. The risk of bilateral involvement is significant, and patient access to OCT remains a concern in developing countries. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are active in a variety of metastatic cancers. They have a good general tolerance with mainly hepatic and dermatological side effects. Rarely, ophthalmologic side effects may occur eyelash abnormalities, eyelids abnormalities, disorders of the ocular surface with ocular dryness or even corneal erosions that can even lead to perforation. Regorafenib is a new oral multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits multiple protein kinases, including those involved in tumor angiogenesis, oncogenesis and tumor microenvironment. We describe, to the best of our knowledge, the first case of complicated bilateral ulcers of corneal perforation in a patient under REGORAFENIB. 20-year-old patient with metastatic chondrosarcomas of the pelvis, mandible and thorax received chemotherapy with REGORAFENIB. A few weeks after initiation of treatment, he experienced an increased dry eye syndrome associated with bilateral corneal ulcers complicated by perforation. Despite discontinuatihe end of chemotherapy, and despite medical and surgical treatments. Ophthalmologic surveillance is therefore necessary for patients under chemotherapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, as serious ocular complications, especially corneal ones, may occur.Dabigatran is a direct oral anticoagulant thrombin inhibitor approved for stroke prophylaxis in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and prophylaxis or treatment of venous thromboembolism. Since approval, there has been increasing concern regarding bleeding risk, predominantly in the elderly population and those with renal disease. We present a case of an 85-year-old female with an unknown medication history, shortness of breath and severe anemia due to an upper gastrointestinal bleed. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Temsirolimus.html Laboratory abnormalities were significant for INR 6.43 and serum creatinine 2.21 mg/dL. While in the emergency department the patient decompensated requiring intubation, aggressive crystalloid resuscitation, blood products and initiation of vasopressors. The inability to distinguish between warfarin- and dabigatran-induced coagulopathies paired with the lack of medical information complicated selection of the appropriate anticoagulation reversal agent. In an attempt to prevent a prothrombotic state, prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) were held and reversal was accomplished with idarucizumab alone, although warfarin-induced coagulopathy remained a possibility.