In general, the results obtained earlier and in the present study have shown that SkQ1 is a promising agent for prevention and suppression of AMD.For the first time, the functioning of the oxygen reductase Na+-pump (Na+-pumping cytochrome c oxidase of the cbb3-type) was demonstrated by examining the respiratory chain of the extremely alkaliphilic bacterium Thioalkalivibrio versutus [Muntyan, M. S., et al. (2015) Cytochrome cbb3 of Thioalkalivibrio is a Na+-pumping cytochrome oxidase, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 7695-7700], a product of the ccoNOQP operon. In this study, we detected and identified this enzyme using rabbit polyclonal antibody against the predicted C-terminal amino acid sequence of its catalytic subunit. We found that this cbb3-type oxidase is synthesized in bacterial cells, where it is located in the membranes. The 48-kDa oxidase subunit (CcoN) is catalytic, while subunits CcoO and CcoP with molecular masses of 29 and 34 kDa, respectively, are cytochromes c. The theoretical pI values of the CcoN, CcoO, and CcoP subunits were determined. It was shown that parts of the CcoO and CcoP subunits exposed to the aqueous phase on the cytoplasmic membrane P-side are enriched with negatively charged amino acid residues, in contrast to the parts of the integral subunit CcoN adjacent to the aqueous phase. Thus, the Na+-pumping cytochrome c oxidase of T. versutus, both in function and in structure, demonstrates adaptation to extremely alkaline conditions.Ion-translocating ATPases and ATP synthases (F-, V-, A-type ATPases, and several P-type ATPases and ABC-transporters) catalyze ATP hydrolysis or ATP synthesis coupled with the ion transport across the membrane. F-, V-, and A-ATPases are protein nanomachines that combine transmembrane transport of protons or sodium ions with ATP synthesis/hydrolysis by means of a rotary mechanism. These enzymes are composed of two multisubunit subcomplexes that rotate relative to each other during catalysis. Rotary ATPases phosphorylate/dephosphorylate nucleotides directly, without the generation of phosphorylated protein intermediates. F-type ATPases are found in chloroplasts, mitochondria, most eubacteria, and in few archaea. V-type ATPases are eukaryotic enzymes present in a variety of cellular membranes, including the plasma membrane, vacuoles, late endosomes, and trans-Golgi cisternae. A-type ATPases are found in archaea and some eubacteria. F- and A-ATPases have two main functions ATP synthesis powered by the proton motive force (pmf) or, in some prokaryotes, sodium-motive force (smf) and generation of the pmf or smf at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. In prokaryotes, both functions may be vitally important, depending on the environment and the presence of other enzymes capable of pmf or smf generation. In eukaryotes, the primary and the most crucial function of F-ATPases is ATP synthesis. Eukaryotic V-ATPases function exclusively as ATP-dependent proton pumps that generate pmf necessary for the transmembrane transport of ions and metabolites and are vitally important for pH regulation. This review describes the diversity of rotary ion-translocating ATPases from different organisms and compares the structural, functional, and regulatory features of these enzymes.Cytochrome bd-I is a terminal oxidase of the Escherichia coli respiratory chain. This integral membrane protein contains three redox-active prosthetic groups (hemes b558, b595, and d) and couples the electron transfer from quinol to molecular oxygen to the generation of proton motive force, as one of its important physiological functions. The study was aimed at examining the effect of the membrane environment on the ligand-binding properties of cytochrome bd-I by absorption spectroscopy. The membrane environment was found to modulate the ligand-binding characteristics of the hemoprotein in both oxidized and reduced states. Absorption changes upon the addition of exogenous ligands, such as cyanide or carbon monoxide (CO), to the detergent-solubilized enzyme were much more significant and heterogeneous than those observed with the membrane-bound enzyme. In the native membranes, both cyanide and CO interacted mainly with heme d. An additional ligand-binding site (heme b558) appeared in the isolated enzyme, as was evidenced by more pronounced changes in the absorption in the Soret band. This additional reactivity could also be detected after treatment of E. coli membranes with a detergent. The observed effect did not result from the enzyme denaturation, since reconstitution of the isolated enzyme into azolectin liposomes restored the ligand-binding pattern close to that observed for the intact membranes.Inflammation and oxidative stress are the main pathological processes that accompany ischemic injury of kidneys and other organs. Based on this, these factors are often chosen as a target for treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) in a variety of experimental and clinical studies. Note, that since these two components are closely interrelated during AKI development, substances that treat one of the processes often affect the other. The review considers several groups of promising nephroprotectors that have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. For example, many antioxidants, such as vitamins, polyphenolic compounds, and mitochondria-targeted antioxidants, not only reduce production of the reactive oxygen species in the cell but also modulate activity of the immune cells. On the other hand, immunosuppressors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that primarily affect inflammation also reduce oxidative stress under some conditions. Another group of therapeutics is represented by hormones, such as estrogens and melatonin, which significantly reduce severity of the kidney damage through modulation of both these processes. We conclude that drugs with combined anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities are the most promising agents for the treatment of acute ischemic kidney injury.Appending lipophilic cations to small molecules has been widely used to produce mitochondria-targeted compounds with specific activities. In this work, we obtained a series of derivatives of the well-known fluorescent dye 7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD). According to the previous data [Denisov et al. (2014) Bioelectrochemistry, 98, 30-38], alkyl derivatives of NBD can uncouple isolated mitochondria at concentration of tens of micromoles despite a high pKa value (~11) of the dissociating group. Here, a number of triphenylphosphonium (TPP) derivatives linked to NBD via hydrocarbon spacers of varying length (C5, C8, C10, and C12) were synthesized (mitoNBD analogues), which accumulated in the mitochondria in an energy-dependent manner. NBD-C10-TPP (C10-mitoNBD) acted as a protonophore in artificial lipid membranes (liposomes) and uncoupled isolated mitochondria at micromolar concentrations, while the derivative with a shorter linker (NBD-C5-TPP, or C5-mitoNBD) exhibited no such activities. In accordance with this data, C10-mitoNBD was significantly more efficient than C5-mitoNBD in suppressing the growth of Bacillus subtilis.