In particular, a novel SOXB1 motif (xKSExSxxP) was identified within the SOX1 protein, which was also found in other unrelated proteins, most of which were transcription factors. These results also highlighted potential phospho-sumoyl switches within this SOXB1 motif identified in SOX1, which could regulate its transcriptional activity. This analysis indicates different types of PTMs within SOX1, which may influence its regulatory role as a transcription factor, by bringing changes to its DNA binding capacities and its interactions with partner proteins. These results provide new research avenues for future investigations on the mechanisms regulating SOX1 activity, which could inform its roles in the contexts of neural stem cell development and cancer.In electromembrane systems, the theoretical study of salt ion transport usually uses mathematical models of salt ion transport in the depleted diffusion layer of ion-exchange membranes. This study uses a one-dimensional mathematical model of salt ion transport in a cross-section of a desalination channel formed by anion-exchange and cation-exchange membranes, taking into account an effect of a dissociation/recombination reaction of water molecules. The reaction on the one hand leads to an overlimiting mass transfer due to the effect of exaltation of the limiting current. On the other hand, an appearance of new electric charge carriers (hydrogen and hydroxyl ions) can reduce the space charge that occurs in membranes and suppress an electroconvective mechanism of overlimiting transport. Thus, there is a problem of studying these phenomena together, taking into account their mutual influence, and this article is devoted to the solution of this problem. Theoretically, using a method of mathematical modeling and numerical research, main regularities are established; in particular, it is shown that the dissociation/recombination reaction of water molecules does not lead to the destruction of the double electric layer at the membranes, but also creates a new double electric layer in the middle of the desalination channel. Thus, the space charge and the dissociation/recombination reaction significantly affect each other and simultaneously the transport of salt ions.c-Jun is a major component of the dimeric transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1), a paradigm for transcriptional response to extracellular signaling, whose components are basic-Leucine Zipper (bZIP) transcription factors of the Jun, Fos, activating transcription factor (ATF), ATF-like (BATF) and Jun dimerization protein 2 (JDP2) gene families. Extracellular signals regulate c-Jun/AP-1 activity at multiple levels, including transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of c-Jun expression and transactivity, in turn, establishing the magnitude and the duration of c-Jun/AP-1 activation. Another important level of c-Jun/AP-1 regulation is due to the capability of Jun family members to bind DNA as a heterodimer with every other member of the AP-1 family, and to interact with other classes of transcription factors, thereby acquiring the potential to integrate diverse extrinsic and intrinsic signals into combinatorial regulation of gene expression. Here, we review how these features of c-Jun/AP-1 regulation underlie the multifaceted output of c-Jun biological activity, eliciting quite distinct cellular responses, such as neoplastic transformation, differentiation and apoptosis, in different cell types. In particular, we focus on the current understanding of the role of c-Jun/AP-1 in the response of CD8 T cells to acute infection and cancer. We highlight the transcriptional and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms through which c-Jun/AP-1 participates in the productive immune response of CD8 T cells, and how its downregulation may contribute to the dysfunctional state of tumor infiltrating CD8 T cells. Additionally, we discuss recent insights pointing at c-Jun as a suitable target for immunotherapy-based combination approaches to reinvigorate anti-tumor immune functions.Seeking to enrich the yet less explored field of scorpionate complexes bearing antioxidant properties, we, here, report on the synthesis, characterization and assessment of the antioxidant activity of new complexes derived from three scorpionate ligands. The interaction between the scorpionate ligands thallium(I) hydrotris(5-methyl-indazolyl)borate (TlTp4Bo,5Me), thallium(I) hydrotris(4,5-dihydro-2H-benzo[g]indazolyl)borate (TlTpa) and potassium hydrotris(3-tert-butyl- pyrazolyl)borate (KTp t Bu), and metal(II) chlorides, in dichloromethane at room temperature, produced a new family of complexes having the stoichiometric formula [M(Tp4Bo,5Me)2] (M = Cu, 1; Zn, 4; Cd, 7), [M(Tpa)2] (M = Cu, 2; Zn, 5; Cd, 8), [Cu(Hpz t Bu)3Cl2] (3), [Zn(TptBu)Cl] (6) and [Cd(Bp t Bu)(Hpz t Bu)Cl] (9). The obtained metal complexes were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance and elemental analysis, highlighting the total and partial hydrolysis of the scorpionate ligand Tp t Bu during the synthesis of the Cu(II) complex 3 and the Cd(II) complex 9, respectively. An assessment of the antioxidant activity of the obtained metal complexes was performed through both enzymatic and non-enzymatic assays against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl- hydrazyl (DPPH · ), 2,2'-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS+·), hydroxyl (HO·), nitric oxide (NO · ), superoxide (O2-) and peroxide (OOH · ) radicals. In particular, the complex [Cu(Tpa)2]⋅0.5H2O (2) exhibited significant antioxidant activity, as good and specific activity against superoxide (O2-·), (IC50 values equal to 5.6 ± 0.2 μM) and might be identified as auspicious SOD-mimics (SOD = superoxide dismutase).In order to improve the traffic in large cities and to avoid congestion, advanced methods of detecting and predicting vehicle behaviour are needed. Such methods require complex information regarding the number of vehicles on the roads, their positions, directions, etc. One way to obtain this information is by analyzing overhead images collected by satellites or drones, and extracting information from them through intelligent machine learning models. Thus, in this paper we propose and present a one-stage object detection model for finding vehicles in satellite images using the RetinaNet architecture and the Cars Overhead With Context dataset. By analyzing the results obtained by the proposed model, we show that it has a very good vehicle detection accuracy and a very low detection time, which shows that it can be employed to successfully extract data from real-time satellite or drone data.