Allogeneic HSCT is thus mostly considered in young patients with no comorbidities and an aggressive, advanced-stage CTCL. Allogeneic HSCT gives the best results in patients with a pre-transplant complete remission of the lymphoma. For this reason, one of the challenges is to define the best time to consider allogeneic HSCT in the disease course. Early identification of patients at high risk for progression is important to identify candidates who may benefit from allogeneic HSCT before their disease becomes treatment-refractory. This review describes the role of allogeneic HSCT in CTCL, summarizes the published data and future perspectives in this area.Analyzing soils using conventional methods is often time consuming and costly due to their complexity. These methods require soil sampling (e.g., by augering), pretreatment of samples (e.g., sieving, extraction), and wet chemical analysis in the laboratory. Researchers are seeking alternative sensor-based methods that can provide immediate results with little or no excavation and pretreatment of samples. Currently, visible and infrared spectroscopy, electrical resistivity, gamma ray spectroscopy, and X-ray spectroscopy have been investigated extensively for their potential utility in soil sensing. Little research has been conducted on the application of THz (Tera Hertz) spectroscopy in soil science. The Tera Hertz band covers the frequency range between 100 GHz and 10 THz of the electromagnetic spectrum. One important feature of THz radiation is its correspondence with the particle size of the fine fraction of soil minerals (clay less then 2 µm to sand less then 2 mm). The particle size distribution is a rent soil samples and buried objects in soil demonstrated its performance. The system achieved an optical resolution of about 2 mm. The sensitivity of signal damping to the changes in particle size of 100 µm is about 10 dB. Therefore, particle size variations in the µm range should be detectable. In conclusion, automated hyperspectral imaging reduced experimental effort and time consumption, and provided reliable results because of the measurement of hundreds of sample positions in one run. At this stage, the proposed setup cannot replace the current standard laboratory methods, but the present study represents the initial step to develop a new automated method for soil analysis and imaging.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is an inflammatory clinical entity with different mechanisms involved in its physiopathology. Among these, the dysfunction of the gut microbiota stands out. Currently, it is understood that lipid products derived from the gut microbiota are capable of interacting with cells from the immune system and have an immunomodulatory effect. In the presence of dysbiosis, the concentration of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) increases, favoring damage to the intestinal barrier. Furthermore, a pro-inflammatory environment prevails, and a state of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia is present. Conversely, during eubiosis, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) is fundamental for the maintenance of the integrity of the intestinal barrier as well as for immunogenic tolerance and appetite/satiety perception, leading to a protective effect. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that alterations or dysregulation of the gut microbiota can be reversed by modifying the eating habits of the patients or with the administration of prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotics. Similarly, different studies have demonstrated that drugs like Metformin are capable of modifying the composition of the gut microbiota, promoting changes in the biosynthesis of LPS, and the metabolism of SCFA. The quantity, quality, and type (e.g., animal and vegetable) of human food have been correlated with human health, although with some contradictory or neutral results. We aimed to shed light on this association by using the integrated data at country level. We correlated elemental (nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) compositions and stoichiometries (NP ratios), molecular (proteins) and energetic traits (kilocalories) of food of animal (terrestrial or aquatic) and vegetable origin, and alcoholic beverages with cancer prevalence and mortality and life expectancy (LE) at birth at the country level. We used the official databases of United Nations (UN), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Health, and Eurobarometer, while also considering other possibly involved variables such as income, mean age, or human development index of eatio and cancer prevalence. Third, the consumption of alcoholic beverages correlates with prevalence and mortality by malignant neoplasms. Fourth, in underdeveloped countries, reducing famine has a greater positive impact on health and LE than a healthier diet. Our analyses, thus, yielded four generally consistent conclusions. First, the excessive intake of terrestrial animal food, especially the levels of protein, N, and P, is associated with higher prevalence of cancer, whereas equivalent intake from vegetables is associated with lower prevalence. Second, no consistent relationship was found for food NP ratio and cancer prevalence. Third, the consumption of alcoholic beverages correlates with prevalence and mortality by malignant neoplasms. Fourth, in underdeveloped countries, reducing famine has a greater positive impact on health and LE than a healthier diet.This study analyzed the diversity and phylogenetic relationship of the microbiome of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) lesions and normal skin from cattle foot by using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Three BDD samples and a normal skin sample were pre-assessed for analysis. The Illumina Miseq platform was used for sequencing and sequences were assembled and were categorized to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on similarity, then the core microbiome was visualized. The phylogeny was inferred using MEGA7 (Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 7.0). A total of 129 and 185 OTUs were uniquely observed in normal and in BDD samples, respectively. Of the 47 shared OTUs, 15 species presented increased abundance in BDD. In BDD and normal samples, Spirochetes and Proteobacteria showed the most abundant phyla, respectively, suggesting the close association of observed species in each sample group. The phylogeny revealed the evolutionary relationship of OTUs and the Euclidean distance suggested a high sequence divergence between OTUs.