We compiled these data through a careful review of 104 local checklists published between 1982 and 2020, online repositories, local reports, books, and monographs on specific families or genera. We limited our database to localities situated between latitudes 51°N and 45°S that including shallow and upper mesophotic biogenic and/or rocky reefs habitats. Our database covers 2,198 species belonging to 146 families and 655 reef fish genera distributed in two marine realms (1,458 in the AT, 829 in the EP, and 89 in both realms) and 20 marine provinces. This database of reef fish offers the opportunity to explore novel ecological and evolutionary questions at different scales and provides tools for species conservation based on these traits. There are no copyright or proprietary restrictions for research or teaching purposes. Understanding the refinement of self-feeding skills is useful for the assessment of oral functional development in children. To determine normative data on lip closing during food intake in the development of independent spoon-feeding in normal children, we tested the hypothesis that lip-closing pressure and spoon operation differ depending on food type. Fifteen normal children (eight boys, seven girls; mean age 6.5years) were asked to eat test foods (2, 3 and 5g of yogurt and cream cheese) freely with a spoon. Lip-closing pressures and kinematic data on spoon operation were recorded simultaneously with a strain gauge transducer embedded in the spoon and Vicon motion analysis, respectively. In the most common lip-pressure pattern, only positive pressure was generated. In the second most common pattern, negative pressure occurred first, followed by positive pressure; this pattern was seen infrequently. Positive pressure (P<.001), pressure duration (P<.001) and spoon intra-oral time (P<.05) during intake of cream cheese (an adhesive food) were significantly greater than those during intake of yogur