Median time to progression of disease was 53 days (95% CI 42-113) and Median time to death was 129 days (95% CI 86-199 days). Progression free survival at 4 months (PFS-4) on Evo-Bev was 31%, which was a statistically significant improvement over the historical rate of 3%. The median overall survival of patients receiving Evo-Bevacizumab was 4.6 months (95% CI 2.9-6.6). The progression free survival of patients on Evo-Bevacizumab met the primary endpoint of progression free survival at 4 months of 31%, although the clinical significance of this may be limited. Given the patient population and Phase II design, these clinical outcomes will need further validation.G-proteins are implicated in plant productivity, but their genome-wide roles in regulating agronomically important traits remain uncharacterized. Transcriptomic analyses of rice G-protein alpha subunit mutant (rga1) revealed 2270 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) including those involved in C/N and lipid metabolism, cell wall, hormones and stress. Many DEGs were associated with root, leaf, culm, inflorescence, panicle, grain yield and heading date. The mutant performed better in total weight of filled grains, ratio of filled to unfilled grains and tillers per plant. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis using experimentally validated interactors revealed many RGA1-responsive genes involved in tiller development. qPCR validated the differential expression of genes involved in strigolactone-mediated tiller formation and grain development. Further, the mutant growth and biomass were unaffected by submergence indicating its role in submergence response. Transcription factor network analysis revealed the importance of RGA1 in nitrogen signaling with DEGs such as Nin-like, WRKY, NAC, bHLH families, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase, OsCIPK23 and urea transporter. Sub-clustering of DEGs-associated PPI network revealed that RGA1 regulate